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Everything posted by o0zarkawater

  1. Trying to make some room. Devils Hand Leather - SOLD Taking up too much room. This guy is attached to a small rock and when open is about 4-5" wide and 6-7" tall. There are also babies all over the tank I will give to anyone buying other corals who wants one. Fuzzy Green Pavona Cactus - SOLD While I love the way this coral looks, its taking up too much zoa space. I grew this colony from about a quarter sized piece. The colony is currently about 4"wide x 3", and stands about 2" tall. Green/Red Pavona Cactus - SOLD Another pavona I've grown from a small piece, but taking up too much space. This one is smoother than the above, with a red tint to it. It's been falling into my chalices lately, so it has some dead spots, but they will re-grow. 3" x 3" x 2" Misc Coral Rock - SOLD This rock is probably about 4" x 6" x 5" and full of life. Not only will this rock contain all sorts of copepods, probably brittle stars and bristle worms, but several corals. Bright green mouthed zoas, Green tinted clove polyps, Pulsing pom pom xenia, and there are a few Strawberry wine zoas and some orange ones as well. The strawberry wine and oranges are currently unhappy because of the clove polyps rubbing up against them constantly. You might want to cut them away. Pulsing PomPom Xenia - $5/Stalk I'm ready to trim this stuff off my rock. These will be fresh cut, so you need to find a way to mount them in your tank. This is a nice light pink xenia that pulses in low flow. Blue Orga(ni)sm Zoas 10 Polyps - SOLD Magician Palys - 9 Polyps - $45 I have 2 colonies and this one is taking up space ready to grow in your tank. Mohawk Zoas - $2 - per polyp (5min) These will be pulled off the sandbed, possily attached to small rocks or shells, but most likely loose. Unknown zoa - $1/pp (5min) These are a real pretty zoa with a purple/brown body and bright green/blue mouth. I like them, but need to thin them back some. As above, most wont have rocks attached, fresh cut. PM me. During the week if you want to come by the apt. it will need to be after 7. I can bring corals to work during the weekdays @Balcones Woods & 183.
  2. I have one somewhere, just need to find it. I also have a Rio+ 800 that needs to be cleaned. Would that work, or would you rather the 660?
  3. Brittle stars and an asterina on top. Is the asterina eating a zoa on the top of that rock?
  4. RIP Starry Blenny - You cannot walk on carpet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Niko's Reef

      Niko's Reef

      That sucks. Cool fish. I call mine pops.

    3. Mel in Elgin

      Mel in Elgin

      Awwww...mine went carpet surfing too...

    4. wizardx322


      but he can sure surf it though lol jk sorry for your lose buddy!

  5. Forgot that putting a pistol shrimp in the cube meant dusty/cloudy water forever.

    1. ckyuv


      or atleast until hes done re organizing lol

    2. o0zarkawater


      Well, he had a home made for the first 2 weeks or whatever, now he's moved 3 times in the past 4 days.

  6. But make sure you email them first to find if they have PlusRite in stock, and that the auction will apply to that brand of bulb. Usually not a problem, but you dont want to end up with one of the other brands.
  7. Gah! Sorry, I read it as 250w. PlusRite is better IMO than odyssea. You can get 150wMH off eBay from the seller 'Trustdeals" for about 22 or so. Just make sure you message him before and make sure he has PlusRite brand in stock. He sells others.
  8. I think we are close to putting together a group buy on PlusRite 250w DE. I've been using them for a year or so now and love them. About the same price. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/23701-plusrite-mh-bulb-group-buy-16ea/page-2
  9. I've got an old RO canister I used as a GFO/Carbon reactor for a while I'll give you..... Catch is its a PITA to open up, and might have been sitting on the porch with gunk in it for, uhm, oh, uhm, maybe 6months?
  10. Water changed sparked a HUGE Brittle Star Spawnfest. Wish I had my HD camera here.

  11. I'm incredibly skeptical of all pictures at any of the online vendors I've seen. I've spent hundreds of dollars on beautiful pictures, only to have them look completely different in my tank. I think my dragon eyes are very similar to that picture. They are a nice bright green, and do have a ring of purple/blue right before the skirt. But do they look that super awesome? Nope. But I also don't have the starfire glass, or thousand dollar cameras and lenses. I'm also not all that great at photoshop either. If I could sell a 5 polyp frag for $20 on a daily basis then I might learn. I'd love for you to stop by sometime and check out my Zoa garden. I think I have everything that's been posted in this thread so far and more. Well.... have had. I could show the empty plugs of some of the beauties that do nothing but melt.
  12. I've got plenty of Radioactive Dragon Eyes if those are the ones you are looking for. Decent sized colonies just waiting for you to swing by. I'm right up the road from you at Parmer & 1431 I have lots of other colorful zoas that I can add pics to this thread later. Right now my favorite and best grower are my God of War. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/29/gowsd.jpg/'> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/29/gowsd.jpg/ (You can flip through some of my other zoas pics on there) That colony is up to almost 20 polyps now.
  13. RCA has been stocking some real nice Dry rock for only 2$/lb. Not sure if they have any right now. Its back in the freshwater room under that first set of tanks as you walk in.
  14. Ugh, she finally split. Now 2 giant nems to sting everything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. o0zarkawater


      I have someone first in line, since they gave me the anemone years ago.... but he needs to get his tank running ASAP. I'll let you know ;)

    3. Funkness


      DANGIT!!! o have been waiting for you to post this sense i first saw it lol

    4. Timfish


      Yup, healthy reef system = animals killing each other! ;-)

  15. I'd go majano before BTA. I've never seen a BTA that small actually bubble.
  16. PM on Candy Apples. My colony is dwindling and that looks like a good re-start.
  17. Wocka Wocka Wocka

    1. JamesL


      Fiiiiiive golden rings. Ba-da-dump-bump.

  18. He just got extra Gelt for Chanukah and needs to spend it ASAP!
  19. I'd probably start in their sponsor forum if you haven't already. Should help you get an idea of who has them. http://www.austinreefclub.com/forum/184-buildmyled/
  20. How is this being handled as far as a GB going?
  21. Thats not the reefer tree I was expecting. Tnak looks bare. Needs GSP and Xenia.
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