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Everything posted by o0zarkawater

  1. My mom painted the onesie at the shower. Thanks everyone!!!
  2. I would like to introduce to you the next generation reefer. Wyatt James Young Barksdale Born June 24th, 2012 at 12:34 AM. Weighing in at a healthy (fat like daddy) 9lb 12oz, and 21in long.
  3. Wyatt James Young Barksdale. 9lb12oz 6.24.12

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Teresa



    3. Timfish


      Congrats! Big kid! aren't you glad you didn't have twins.

    4. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      @Timfish; not as much as his wife!

  4. You could also just win a few AAF auctions this weekend and get some decent ones for 10$ or so. **Nvmd, he doesn't have any chalices right now
  5. Check Lou's thread I have some small pieces of hollywood stunner you could try, or are you looking for the meatier type?
  6. Wow, I love the red on Pretty Boy. As for the female, I've never seen a mandarin in an anemone! Does she do that often? Nope, just that once. Haven't seen her since.
  7. Yeah, that things way too big. I like the ones you can keep in the bathtub. http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/2678/20mr1.jpg http://olesiafx.com/news/archives/1307
  8. Here is my boy? I guess I thought his dorsal was much larger than it is, especially after looking at that thread Mike posted. And the female I tried, hanging out in the anemone. http://imageshack.us...09/img2047q.jpg
  9. o0zarkawater

    pertty Boy

    From the album: Happy Tank

  10. I have the BRS refractometer and the calibration fluid that comes with it for 35ppm. I just calibrate it with that every month or so with no adjustments and have not had any issues.
  11. I'll try to get a good pic of my male tomorrow for you. I think that may be male, but mines front dorsal fin is much larger in relation to the other fins. I bought a female for him once he had been established for about a year and he beat the crap out of her and eventually fed her to the anemone. I got a cool pic out of it, but it was an expensive nem snack.
  12. Can't stop looking at tank.... must clean house.

    1. Teresa


      lol - that's one of my most favorite ways to procrastinate. Then of course there's the, "oh look, the tank needs some cleaning. I should totally do that before trying to sweep the floors . . ." lol

  13. Weekend bump and price drop $150
  14. I had one of those once, might still. Never noticed anything too bad come from it, but I also don't have clams for it to eat. How big is it? Mine was about 5" long and 2" wide or so.
  15. Sweet. I want to get one for my NanoCube, but nobody will sell me one.
  16. T5's Sold. Skimmer still waiting for a new home. This is a BRAND NEW skimmer for a great price. $160 Considering keeping it for future build if it doesn't sell soon, because I know finding a brand new skimmer this size at this price is hard to do. Used no problem, but brand new?
  17. I use New Life Spectrum pellets and some dry food that ReefCleaners was carrying for a while. Everyone eats both. I also feed frozen mysis/emerald entree. I try to switch up dry and frozen every couple days.
  18. Sharks in the dunk dank, vipers in the garden.

    1. BBMarlin


      Ok, I'll bite. ?

  19. o0zarkawater

    coraline tnak

    From the album: Happy Tank

  20. You don't want it on the glass? I'm doing this all wrong.
  21. Next time you roll through town I might finally be scraping that cube down and could give you a sack of 'seed' coraline to see if it helps.
  22. I don't think they can fly through the air. A lot more of us have planaria than would like to admit it, or even know. Not all flatworms are bad and most are just another part of the ecosystem. I've had several different types of FW in each of my systems, none of which ever harmed anything. It's really hard to make sure you don't come across them. Even if you are dipping your corals from any LFS or online, unless you quarantine and dip every couple days, you might still miss eggs. Or just miss some guys hidden way up in the porous rock that we so value.
  23. o0zarkawater

    ID ME

    As I said, I have several in both of my tanks and they usually dont get much larger than a dime/nickel if youre lucky. Ive never seen them spread like aiptasia, clone themselves once or twice, but usually just have singles under the rocks. So its not like they are taking up prime coral locations anyways.
  24. o0zarkawater

    ID ME

    corynactis or pseudocorynactis Usually harmless hitchhiker anemone. I have some in both of my tanks.
  25. Get the PlusRites! http://www.ebay.com/itm/2pcs-2-bulbs-250W-watt-10K-14K-20K-Aquarium-HQI-Double-Ended-Fc2-Base-/350555837427?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item519ec193f3#ht_2046wt_1396 You do need to specify PlusRite brand 20k in checkout, because he does sell other brands.
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