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Everything posted by o0zarkawater

  1. Bump. Lowered prices in first post for a top notch BRAND NEW skimmer and some Near New T5 all in ones.
  2. I have that Coralife dual 250w HQi w/ 96w PC fixture that was leaning up against the couch... PM me if you might be interested
  3. Woot! I'm glad the meeting is just up the road from Stephens. I'll be attending both for sure. I've never quarantined fish, or had any issues, but it will be good to hear what I've been doing wrong. Also just want some more sweet raffle prizes.
  4. I was just looking at this earlier this week, when I noticed I still had the previous banner in my sig. I'm in for $25 and vote for Palau! I will also nominate myself to let ARC send me there to present the giant donation check in person!
  5. He doesn't have a build thread for that one. That LED panel was one I had given to him, and he just wanted to make a little Actinic canon. Its just a cheap LED panel off eBay, then built similar to his other canon. You can PM him for info on the driver and stuff he used.
  6. MH Sold. Updated pricing in top post.
  7. From what I remember reading I think that Dinos are actually toxic, even killing most snails. So that may be why the tang is acting a little funny.
  8. One of the easier tests for diatoms vs dinoflagellates is what I call the 'Is it killing my corals' test. The way you perform this test is you ask yourself, 'Is it killing my corals?' If the answer is yes, then it's most likely Dinos. Dinos are slimy and horrible. They cover everything with no regard. Quickly too! You can siphon them off in the morning and by the afternoon they will have completely covered your corals again. The thing I hated most about dinos vs. the brown cyano I had at one point was the way it floated. If you disturbed it when trying to siphon it would just float in the water column. Big long strings of slime all over the place that were near impossible to get them all out of the water column. When I had them in my 28 I just skimmed incredibly wet, added flow (Tunze 9015 in addition to the 2 return pumps), ran GFO. They eventually went away. You will eventually get rid of them, it just is going to take some time.
  9. Timfish built the LED canon in the PVC http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=19087 There is his pdf for the build. Stolen from the March thread. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/21317-announcing-the-march-arc-meeting/page__view__findpost__p__154055
  10. I'll give you a purple nurple next time I see you.
  11. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/22359-anyone-want-me-to-build-them-a-custom-tank/
  12. If its photosynthetic, than probably not. It should get random particulates from tank feedings and once you get fish making waste in there. I just picked up a black sea squirt who is non photosynth, so we'll see how this goes.
  13. Is that a blue sea squirt/tunicate? How long have you had it and are you doing anything special for feeding him?
  14. Now lets see if I can keep this Black Sea Squirt alive. Figure with hardly ever doing water changes and feeding as heavily as I do he should be okay. Thanks Jake.

    1. (Bio)³


      I dont know why I let you talk me into one of these.

  16. Not sure about exactly how you are looking to modify it, but I LOVE the Reef Octopus HOB skimmers. I have never run a sump, so I have only experience with HOB. I have the BH2000 on my 55, and BH1000 on my 29gal. I had previously used Aqua-C remora skimmers (nano and pro) which worked decent, and a couple other HOB skimmers that were horrible. At one point I had a Tunze 9002 on the 29, but the Reef Octo pulls way more gunk. Sorry I don't currently have one for sale, but I would look for one of those if you can get a good deal.
  17. I will knock off $25 on the tank price, if it is bought in conjunction with the stand in this post; http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/22302-stand-and-canopy-no-tank/ I think he is offering $25 off the stand as well (if bought with my tank), so you could get a RR 75gal w/ stand and canopy for only $250.
  18. This would be great for the 75gal RR I'm selling.... I know someone needs them both.
  19. Something I love that I see lacking from your list are collonista snails. I have a large population of them and love them. They hide during the day but as soon as lights out they are all over the rock and glass cleaning up. They are nicknamed 'mini turbo snails' because they love algae. I personally don't see any algae on my rocks or much on the glass, but it has to be enough to sustain their population.
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