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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. I'd start at Regal Plastics, off 183/Metric for the scraps, baring anyone here having some you can play with. For eggcrate....not sure.
  2. My 6 line is MIA, presumed KIA. 2nd oldest fish we have(had?). :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JamesL


      I like them so much, I got two after mine went missing in September. After some initial jockeying, they are living peacefully in my 75g.

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      I think I'll wait till the 75 is up to replace him.

    4. mcallahan


      Chad...yours never did anything b/c you are the LAW!

  3. Nice job, and tank. That's a 75? Looks bigger. I had a neighbor, next door but across the street(if that makes sense) in a two story, ask about the blue light she always sees. Not to threadjack but... Has anyone ever had the cops knock on the door looking for 'growing' operations? I've heard stories of reefers(no pun intended) homes being raided over suspected growing but have never known anyone it happened to.
  4. Welcome! 1. Just about any salt mix will be fine, some more fine than others. I think there was a thread in the Reefkeeping forum about what everyone is using. Edit: link to thread: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/12940-what-salt-and-why/page__p__89350__hl__salt__fromsearch__1#entry89350 2. No comment specific to SWC but I would buy slightly larger than you think you need. Your total volume is 75g(based on tank sizes only), I'd get something rated for 100-120g. 3. Short answer, yes. You will probably find that as you acquire corals you will wind up getting some that are attached to rock which will move over to your tank thereby increasing your total weight. 4. Yes, SPS can thrive under T5. You just need to get an appropriate setup, either fixture or DIY.
  5. Manual removal, 3days of darkness, big water change with more manual removal. DI water will help too. I never had much luck with biological controls. I too have heard that SAT will knock it down but have never used it myself. How old are your lights? What do you feed? What kinda of skimmer are you running?
  6. Some other answers may help too. When did you add the corals? What type of light were they under in the original tank? Are they the only SPS you have? Any other corals added recently? Running carbon? Lots of LPS in there, might be having some chemical warfare occurring.
  7. I'm no SPS expert but I would think your phos reading might be the problem. Can you run some P04 absorbing media? Probably too late to get anything now, but Seachems phosgaurd can work(although plenty of people claim it can leach aluminum into the tank), polysorb can work too. In a pinch, a decent sized water change can have an impact. The end result is you need to find the source of the p04; flake food is a big contributor.
  8. Merry Christmas to my ARC family!

    1. Chad and Belinda

      Chad and Belinda

      Merry Christmas Robb and to the rest of our extended family.

  9. Like many hitchhikers, there are many different species of Asterina. Some are good(I'd vote for most), some are bad. They will reproduce like mad so if you don't like them pull them out, you'll find more.
  10. I'd be interested in one at a much lower price. One would think that with as many of these that are out there now, they would be cheaper.
  11. I believe the idea was placed on hold due to not having anyone taking the time to manage it. Any takers?
  12. Don't forget that with a Reefkeeper, you have to buy modules to fully utilize it therefore increasing the cost. If you think you will be going bigger tank wise, spend the money on the RODI unit or towards the tank fund. If not, then Vortech.
  13. Stomatella. (Amazingly enough, that picture looked better on my iPhone than the computer.)
  14. Patience is what you need now. Let the tank run and the diatoms should go away. You then might run into other nuisance algae. That 1 clown wont need to be fed much, so go easy on the food which will help.
  15. We are kinda like the matrix aren't we? I went through a bunch of them when my tank was first started. After a few months they kinda went away on their own, or my 6 line took em out.
  16. From the album: 58g

    This is the second one we've had. Reef safe.
  17. From the album: 58g

    This is the same colony, except bigger, that is in the first few images of this gallery.
  18. Guess I don't need to post "sold" now. Good to meet you as well August.
  19. I'd let the live rock you added do it's thing. Check ammonia, nitrites for the next few days and see what happens. Use your kitchen light to read the pH, or sunlight. I'm not familiar with that brand of lights, but as a general rule T5's dont add heat.
  20. Yay water change, reactor media change, skimmer clean!

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