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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. Cmon J...you know you want the Vortechs!
  2. Last Xmas as 09 or two weeks ago? I'll see if Sara is interested in any DS games.
  3. It's a 75gpd. I didn't run it overnight and also stopped it short of the overflow. I'll check salinity tonight when I get off work and adjust. With some luck I'll transfer the livestock this upcoming week.
  4. Both items arrived today: calendar pics came out great, the coffee mug though....just freaking awesome. The pic of the fish is almost lids like.
  5. Like Dave said "James is smart!" Thanks, that was just what I needed.
  6. All is see is the disable auto sync in the edit>preferences>devices. Can you link me a screen shot?
  7. The Girl go the ipod for Xmas. I had the iPhone for a while. Now, whenever I sync my phone iTunes is putting all her apps on my phone. Is there a way to prevent that from happening? I saw the disable auto sync option, would/does that do it.
  8. Oh yeah, if you want to be a real playa get a custom Elos or AGE rimless nano!
  9. Petco at Parmer/35 has had them recently, for $99 I think. Been out ~6 months or so I think. You could probably get away with no skimmer, just need frequent WC.
  10. Cleaning them seems to be the biggest issue I've heard about. Have you searched the nano reef forums? Oh yeah, almost forgot..... MEH!
  11. Speeding to Buda to revive James.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fishypets


      Mouth to mouth??

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Uh, no. That's against standard precautions.

    4. JamesL


      No need for extremes... I am fine. Trust me! :)

  12. Houston we have a problem... I'm in the process of filling the tank with RODI water! I would provide picture proof but I cannot attach pics for some reason. Edit: link to pic in gallery http://www.austinreefclub.com/gallery/image/3726-rodi-injpg/
  13. Aquatek does for sure. I'll add a second for the Dianichi too.
  14. Take some solace in the fact that it probably lived longer in your care vs in the wild. Still doesn't make it any easier. Sorry for your loss.
  15. Just ordered a calendar and a large coffee mug.
  16. Did you check on chucksaddiction or melevsreef sites?
  17. It's my understanding that pink tails and blue throats are generally considered reef safe.
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