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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. Yes, thanks for the updates Andrew. Also, and I realize this was/is low on your priority list, update the Facebook page too as a few of us are there as well.
  2. I'd think at that high a level it would start precipitating out. That said, I'd skip the "ca raiser" and just stick to Kalk.
  3. I wonder if flame scallops would be good down there. Visible, good for water, easy to see top down. Just a thought.
  4. If there is still tissue there, it should regenerate depending on how much is left.
  5. Sure looks like a pep. Was it eating the hammer? Perhaps he was just digging around it, irritating the polyps, looking for goodies or left overs. I've seen mine irritate some of my corals while doing that/cleaning the corals.
  6. Yeah, it's a slab. Not worried about the weight of the tanks. They are probably going to have to place some piers inside, which means tearing out flooring, lots of dust/dirt etc. I also have some concern about the tanks structural integrity during the lift. They are coming out tomorrow for the eval, I'll be sure to ask about it.
  7. Initially, dunno. Depends on the cost and what will need to be fixed due to the foundation being fixed, e.g. plumbing, sheetrock repairs, floor repair/replacing. Foundation needs to be fixed before other things can be fixed. We need new siding, windows, and our ghetto patio cover redone. Not to mention any upgrades that SWMBO might want to have.
  8. Howdy all! It looks like we will be getting the foundation repaired in the next few months. As such, the 2 FW tanks and lowly 58 SW will come down(yes Chris/Mike/Mark, that means even more of a delay on the 75 upgrade) since they will need to place pilings inside the house(which means dust everywhere). What are the suggestions for taking tanks down for the better part of a month? Rough guess on the time frame here; reapair/flooring repair, any other inside repairs, etc.
  9. Like anyone wants to publicly associate with you!
  10. oOzarkawater and gbelcik just dropped by. I feel like I need a shower and therapy now.

    1. o0zarkawater


      Hey now! I resemble that remark!

    2. fishypets


      Did you get some on ya?

    3. Starsprinkle Rainbowsmile

      Starsprinkle Rainbowsmile

      A simple shower probably won't cut it- I'd hit up a decontamination center stat. Also might be a good idea to get tested if you know what I mean.

  11. I'd be hesitant to put SS into SW. Still wanna know what a fish saver is.
  12. Mark Callahan. Cole Hamels. Seperated at birth?

    1. mcallahan


      hmm...could be.

  13. Why do you always bring back Evil whatevs?
  14. @Cryus; Don't do it(the job that is). There was a thread on RC(I think), last year IIRC, and some folks posting on it mentioned that management at Petco didn't care and would not let experienced SW folks take better care of the tanks. I've also thought about mercy buying at Petco and will not do it. 1) Too worried about introducing nasties into my tank and B) by buying from them it only encourages them to continue to stock SW items.
  15. Yo Don, Sorry to hear about the troubles. RCA has that giant DSA tank still! Upgrade!! Good luck!
  16. Got to meet Viet-tin today. Or should I say, he got to meet me.

    1. Viet-tin


      I thought you looked familiar

  17. Where does one get a long turkey baster? I've been wanting one but haven't found it. I would go the Kent Sea Squirt route but don't want to pay $20 for it. I'll check ebay as suggested too.
  18. I'll sell you mine for $599 AND a sixxer of good beer of my choosing. jk, I' dont have one.
  19. It's all one big crap shoot really. Think of the total number of fish born, then compare that to the number seen on an actual reef in nature. We, humans, are culling some of those survivors and inducing stress and hoping they survive to the showroom, let alone our tanks. I've had good luck from the local LFS, and moreso, from DFS/Live Aquaria and then other local reefers. Personally, I won't buy SW, or even most FW, from Petco/PetsMart due to the shoddy conditions they keep their tanks/livestock in.
  20. I was in the one at Parmer/35 last week and their GHA was worse than mine.
  21. I'd like to know what Petco's process is for obtaining their fish. I would imagine they use the same wholesalers as everyone else.
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