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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. See post 4 or 8. Or did you mean Fishypets? In that case.....um....... http://www.austinreefclub.com/user/10-fishypets/
  2. Fair enough and a good idea. When do you think it will be warm enough? According to Accuweather, the 15 day forecast for Austin is showing average highs in the 50's fairly consistently.
  3. My zoos were opening while acclimating and within about 10min of being in the tank. Very nice all around!
  4. Here is what I'm getting: 4 emeralds 15 astrea 10 ceriths 10 nassarius plus some Ulva macro The paypal address is: [email protected] I asked what shipping company and fee if we don't get 5 toadies will be and will update as I get info. Thanks everyone!
  5. Since we have 3 already I guess I'll put a time limit on this thing. Let's shoot for order close on Monday the 7th at noon. Which should mean it will get shipped Tuesday at the latest for Weds delivery. I'll be available for delivery at my house, which is NE Austin towards Manor. I'll be willing to meet somewhat centrally for pick up( in the past I've used 183/Lamar by the bingo place but am open to something more central if needed). I'll contact Don and let him know.
  6. Let's get our 5 first, then we can put it in. I'd look for ordering early next week personally.
  7. Yes, very happy. Thanks Stephen. Sorry we didn't get to meet everyone; homework was calling me.
  8. Best bet at this point would be Prof at Epic. You might also call RCA and see if anyone answers. Otherwise, I guess we know who gets to go tank shopping tomorrow!
  9. J, Baring unforseen outages I think you are ok. From what I've read/heard, the 'mandatory rolling blackouts' is over.
  10. Just heard from Stephen. We are a go for pick up, 715pm.
  11. We still on for pick up tonight Stephen?
  12. Give em a call. The office is over by Golfsmith. http://www.bizfind.us/44/146784/tunze-usa/austin.aspx
  13. Info so far: If 5 buy toadstools, he'll pay for shipping. We all pay individually through paypal. I haven't heard about pricing yet.
  14. Anyone on Bluebonnet Electric Coop get hit? I haven't, as of yet.
  15. Howdy all! I sent Don an email regarding this buy. Until I get more info, those of you interested please reply here so we have some idea of how many want in. I'm planning on CUC/macro stuff so if anyone wants other things I'm sure it can be piggybacked.
  16. I've been very happy with my BFS unit. I too am amazed at the range of salinity most critters can tolerate. I can usually tell when it's out of whack based on behavior but everything always seems to bounce back.
  17. Just a wild guess...mrsaltwatertank.com
  18. I'd figure an hour. A lot will have to do with which route you take and the time of day.
  19. TTT. Still have him, albeit with less GHA on him, still want to get rid of him.
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