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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. got ya covered. free even. just gotta come get it. light pink, pulses in the frag bag.
  2. Not enough apparently. Nice pick up Dena.
  3. It's all part of why we are here. I'd venture to guess all of us have been in the exact same position. But, thanks for saying it and you're welcome!
  4. Yup. Added another rock, plus two fish. Will keep up with the Stability and slow additions.
  5. @etannert; if there was a "like post" button, I'd like your post. @Derek;
  6. Model and ideas of what you are looking for will help
  7. I've been slowly adding to the tank over the last 4 days. Current inhabitants are 2 snails, 1 plug of zoos, 1 small rock with 2 rics on it, my galaxea, and an acan rock courtesy of Mark. I noticed some algae growing on the sand as well.
  8. Well, yes, that works. (I was a bit hesitant to post about the SG simply because evap will take care of it.) The other method would be to mix up your water change water at a slightly higher SG and let them average each other out. You'd have to take a reading of the DT water first obviously to know what you are starting with.
  9. Yay! We're back!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fishypets


      Did you and Mark go on vacation together?

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Not that I will admit to!

    4. mcallahan


      all questions should be direct to Robb's agent.

  10. No water changes during the cycle. Once it's done, then a small one is in order, say 10-20%. I'd also recommend tweaking your salinity closer to 1.026, although you're not far enough way for it to be a problem. Also, once the cycle is over, don't add anything. Other than a tiny amount of fish food to keep the bacteria alive. You'll be surprised at what will come out of the rock in terms of lifeforms. I'd recommend waiting, which will be difficult, at least a month before adding any animals be they fish, inverts, or corals.
  11. Looks better. Make sure its nice and stable; grab each rock and give them a wiggle in multiple directions.
  12. Yup, you're ok as long as it's the regular and not the one with mildewcide in it. I've read that the reason they put that warning on there is in case someone builds an aquarium with it and it fails then GE can't be sued( of course we all know that warning won't prevent a lawsuit) AND so they can charge more for the exact same thing in a tube labeled "aquarium glue".
  13. And the Tek is reasonably close if they don't have what you need!
  14. Hey Derrick, Both RCA and the Tek had em; the Dome too. Give them a call and see if they have what you need.
  15. I'm hoping I wont have any issues, but if Xenia/Anthelia/GSP want to drop off I'd be ok with that.
  16. Very pretty; what species? Apparently they need lots of feedings throughout the day so if you can accommodate that, you might be ok.
  17. Thanks guys. Off course, none has all the specific parts I need. Gonna see who gets what in tomorrow, otherwise I'll order off the Interwebs.
  18. Sorry, didn't read you had the angel. D'OH!
  19. Since Collin asked I suppose I'll answer here: The livestock will be the same as my current 58, since I'm just moving them over; royal gramma, tailspot blenny, lawnmower blenny, 2 green chrmois(assuming they dont reduce themselves again), 2 blue reef chromis, 2 Clarki clowns, Lamarcks angelfish, various snails, 2 emerald crabs, 4 clams, 2 GBTA, and all my corals except whatever Xenia/Anthelia I can get off. Corals: galaxea, frogspawn, hammer, various zoos, ricordea, acan, 2 trachyphyllia, and the toadstool. I want to add another 6line, or maybe a yellow or green coris, wrasse and a tang of some type. I may add more clams/zoos/trachys but am not planning on going all out on the coral front. Maybe a pink birdsnest but that's about it.
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