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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. Pending to A&J, then MG, then Jaime.
  2. My hammer fragged itself, or more likely the urchin fragged it. 2 heads, each about quarter sized, neon green. $10 or open to trades. Having trouble attaching pic. I will try later or can send a pic if requested.
  3. Three drain lines and getting it setup. I had to have a pipefitter come help, seriously. SWMBO=She Who Must Be Obeyed.
  4. Two reasons: 1) the plumbing is a nightmare. I wasn't able to use it as designed, meaning I had a ton of bubbles coming out of the second drain line(maybe due to the exits down close to the bottom of the sump) and it seemed that both drains were draining. 2) Of the factory systems I've seen none were any louder than the BeanAnimal setup, which is one reason I chose it. I do like the built in safety of it, which is the main reason I went with it. SWMBO would not tolerate a flood.
  5. My 75 is setup with one(the tank isnt up yet but I ran it with FW for 3 or 4 days to leak test). It works but is overkill. If I was doing it again, I'd just buy a factory made RR tank and use what ever setup it came with.
  6. Robb in Austin

    FTS Dec 10

    From the album: 58g

  7. Just found my baby nem attached to my urchin.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      No. Didn't even think to. Dangit!

    3. mcallahan


      The Robb dropped the ball...

    4. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      There is a reason I'm "talent" and not production.

  8. That's what I said. Prof has done a few stands.
  9. Have kids? Go give em a hug/kiss and tell them you love them. No matter how old they are.

    1. fishypets


      Robb did you give your eldest Mark a hug?

    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Next time I see him.

  10. I don't know about Pentax lenses, but I have been _very_ happy with my Sigma 150. For a good macro/general purpose lens look into the 90-105mm range. The Tamron 90 gets good reviews. Just a word of warning, true macro lenses are not cheap.
  11. See what Prof at Epic Reef can do for you.
  12. I'd move the eel with a big net.
  13. Have you considered a bigger tank? I mean, bigger than a 90. All you are gaining is some depth and (obviously) height. That's not a real big jump in swimming room for either of those fish.
  14. Where's he coming from? I agree with the introduction to Texas beers. If he likes beer that is. Real Ale, St Arnold's, and just about any Shiner _other_ than the bock(I wouldn't degrease my engine with it).
  15. Anyone want to come over and help me dig a hole so my plumbing can get fixed? Free beer/soda!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      It's on his side of town so he wont be suspicious! Mark, want to film my tank today?! Join me and Clint!

    3. pbnj


      Not mentioning any names, but I think one or two ARC people have dug a few holes in their lives, though usually in the middle of the night. ;)

    4. fishypets


      Uhh that's a little scary!

  16. There was a big discussion on RC about AWT and their practices. IIRC, the general consensus was they got some things right, but some of the tests they run are not valid and/or important. Randy Holmes-Farley punctured their analysis fairly well as I recall. Link to new thread with links on post 6 to old threads: http://www.reefcentr...ght=awt+results There also was a set of Ca/Alk/Mag tests performed by one guy on numerous salt mixes, I think it's pinned in the chemistry forum. He results showed some better than others. Link: http://www.reefcentr...d.php?t=1714505 DFWMAS also run a series of water tests that was informative. IIRC they also sent water samples off to AWT just to compare the results between AWT and hobby kits. Interesting read. Link: http://dfwmas.org/files/TestKitAnalysis.pdf (Although, they were just looking for the best kit vs best salt mix.) All good reading if you are bored. Although I would recommend reading them before accepting AWT's results, especially on Si, P04, and trites/trates. I find it interesting that Coralife and RC would be hard to find as they are two very popular brands.
  17. You'll want live rock rubble. I'd call River City, Aquadome, and Aquatek to see what they have and the cost. The other option is to just throw dead rock rubble in there and let it seed itself. I'd call Prof at Epic Reef as he usually has plenty of rock laying around.
  18. Jackhammering in the bedroom closet is loud no matter what part of the house you are in.

    1. o0zarkawater


      So that's what you're calling it these days?

    2. mcallahan


      BWAH!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! I just snotted sweat tea!

    3. Brooks


      I can't like anymore, so... *Like*

  19. First off; Welcome! To the club and back to the hobby. As you surmised, you need more light. There are many options out there; T5 and metal halide(MH) being the two heavyweights. Each has it's pros/cons, so do lots of reading, look at fixtures in the stores and on line to see what you like, and get the one that you think fits your needs. I'll echo what RG wrote; ditch the bioballs and add live rock rubble. For more info look under the "Resources" tab on the top right of the page. Also, check out Mark's "TV" show Mr Saltwatertank.tv. Last, do lots of research before you buy any livestock, ask lots of questions(even though you will get conflicting answers at times), do more research. Then do some more and then start adding slowly. In the meantime, you can always get rock and water in the tank and get the cycle started.
  20. Did try looking here? http://www.zoaid.com/
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