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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Quick update. Some of my SPS seem to be on the road to recovery. I am starting to get polyp extension and some coloration back. It's nice to see that after a month of no polyps and everything looking brown. I am sure there are several reasons that caused my SPS to react poorly to the upgrade but the main reason I have deduced has to be my sky-high salinity. It was sitting at 1.032 for a week before I realized how off it was.

Either way, I'll take my losses and work on growing some of those giant colonies back over with some new 1-2" frags down the road. I'll stick with my policy of not buying colonies for the tank and just grow small frags. I know my system was successful before so I just need to repeat it. It will actually be kind of nice to repeat the process again since it was so fun to see my little frags turn into colonies over the years instead of just having giant colonies already.

Maybe out of the misery of watching some of my SPS die, but I found a new appreciation for LPS/softies and my fish community. I very much enjoy watching my fish swimming around the tank and even look for the random inverts and other life forms I have added to my tank in place of my thriving SPS population. I added two sea urchins (orange and blue tuxedo), a pink and black sea cucumber, two cleaner shrimps, 5 emerald crabs, and a couple of rock anemones. Very interesting to observe their behavior within the tank confines.

I'll post some videos of the fish in a bit once they upload. Fun thing to observe is my once isolated 7th chromis has been welcomed back into the group. He was spurned for the last 6-7 months but maybe the extra room in the new tank calmed them all down a bit and they welcomed him back into the group.

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If lifting all those buckets of water is going to make me Tybio, then it might make it somewhat worth it.

Don't start planting the LED bug in my ear ckyuv. We at least gotta have one old school 400 watt MH guy on the club. I think I really am the only person on the club with 400 watt halides.


I have both 400W and 1000W MH. I use them in my sunlight growout systems during the winter as a heat source and as supplemental lighting for reduced winter sunlight.


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I'm glad that everything is calming down and you're enjoying the tank again. The pink and black sea cucumber is also known as the Hawaiian. They don't hide like the tigers and you should see him all day, every day. The Waikiki Aquarium has one in every tank. I like them a lot, but never had any luck getting one. If I tried now then I would have to clean half my sandbed of frags. LOL!

Chromis are great fish to watch. I'm glad that you're are doing well. Everyone complains about their school dying off and that may be because the tanks are too small. I still have my original pack and haven't had any problems.

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It was the filefish that got banished for being a zoa eater. The CBB wrote an impassioned letter about how having the benefits of an aiptasia eater was more beneficial to me than clams. He is on temporary parole for now. He's quite the convincing fish regardless of his glaring faults at penmanship (fins and pens... who knew?).

Planeden, I'm just trying to make lemonade out of lemons. If you think those rock mounds aren't going to be towering with SPS colonies in about 1-2 years, then you don't know me at all! I'll resign my ARC club membership and turn my 210-gal into a betta haven with fields of plastic plants as far as the eye can see and a spongebob squarepants treasure chest bubbler as the centerpiece.

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Time to break the 210 down guys, I've run out of projects! Haha. Maybe I'll just get into crocheting so I can sit in front of the tank and watch as I do it. Who wants exclusive handmade TT filter socks?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

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Also, recorded this video the other day when I turned on the sump light and found all of these amphipods running around! Sorry for the video quality but I didn't have time to clean the glass before they all scattered!

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