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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. The crab/shrimp living in the rock looks like a mantis shrimp to me. The bug eyes are kind of what makes me lean that way.
  2. Oh, and I just re-read your post... mine are all double ended Sorry.
  3. You are looking for 250W, correct? I only have 150W's.....
  4. Truth in status updates Tuesday: I have a day named after me in Michigan.

    1. mcallahan


      wha? tell me more.

    2. JamesL


      When I made Eagle Scout, the mayor of our town made a proclamation that day was James T Lee Day. Some friends found out about it, and started celebrating it all throughout my high school years (I made Eagle at 14 if I recall correctly). They had banners, buttons, you name it...was pretty embarrassing :)

  5. That is not an emerald crab. Emeralds have smooth/roundish tips to their claws. This one look pointy (which generally is bad). Also, I have never heard of an emerald burying itself.
  6. JamesL

    Sea Salt

    I think you can only find it in water form (not dry form).... and I forget what the brand name is (Edit: found it Nutri Sea Water). I doubt you could do a dry form a "just evaporated sea water" as there would be left over organics, and some minerals would probably evaporate out also.
  7. Keep an eye on the hardware for sale section I see a lot of a good deals on tanks pass through there.
  8. Yep, I agree (on the leather front).
  9. One more Monday to go after today...

    1. mcallahan


      then no more Mondays?

    2. JamesL


      No more "work" Mondays for a month for me :)

  10. Try feeding it some frozen food. If the food sticks to the tentacles, it is an anemone. If it doesn't then a good chance the tentacles will retract and it is a leather.
  11. Look at that young Gabe up there! Great picture
  12. I think practicality would have to come in here and I personally would put it in a large ziplock bag, and then in the garbage can.
  13. Happy Friday! T-minus 2 weeks until my sabbatical starts!!

  14. One of the Truth In Status Tuesday updates got me thinking about the time I tried doing forward flip into an inner tube. And lucky for me, someone was there with a camera to snap the awkward picture of me looking like a fish flopping out of the water. So I present it to you here for your amusement. This was attempted after river tubing through a cave in New Zealand. Gotta a funny picture of yourself? Post it! And we have already seen the pink boa Mark
  15. Nice! Makes me miss my old freshwater tank
  16. +1 to the skimmer needing a "break in" period. Give it a week or so, then hopefully it won't be skimming so wet. Also, if you are adding this to an established tank, it might just be working over time skimming
  17. 40W seems a bit low for the size of tank you have, though mushrooms don't really require much light. Another thing is what is the color temperature of the bulb you are using/planning on using? If it is a stock non-aquatic bulb, then all you will probably grow is algae. If it is an "reef" or "aquarium" bulb (say in the 10K to 20K light spectrum range), then you probably could grow some basic corals.
  18. I have my 75g on our stained concrete floors with no problems.
  19. Grrr.. clownfish is trying to host in duncans.

  20. Goes to show the variability of behaviors from fish to fish within a given species. Kinda like how some dwarf angels are not nippers, while others are.
  21. you need to also take into account deer, if you have them around your area. They will walk right up to a porch and eat things out of pots.
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