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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. I thought about that when creating the Seahorse forum. I guess I stuck it where it is at because the discussion dovetails from the Reef Keeping talks. I will move it to the main section and see how much use it gets. If the seahorse section is little used after a while, then it might end right back as a sub-forum.
  2. Now available: Freshwater Discussion. Have at it
  3. The ARC staff is happy to announce the creation of two new forums based on member feedback: Seahorse Keeping: For all of your seahorse-related discussions. Freshwater Discussion: For those that participate in the non-salty side of the hobby. We will be moving the appropriate Seahorse and Freshwater related threads to these new forums soon. So if you thread is missing check these new forums. Enjoy!
  4. I run sumpless on my 75g. My filtration is a hang-on-the back skimmer, and a hang-on-the-back skimmer/refugium combo. I have two modd-ed maxi-jets int he tank for water movement.
  5. JamesL

    The "FREAK"

    Great story This reminds me, I wonder if my dusky gobies are still in my tank... haven't seen them in ages, but they would also just hide in the rock work and pop out to eat.
  6. Ah, I haven't been collecting there, so can't contribute. I thought someone had talked about locations in that thread. Or maybe it was another one, you might search "collecting" in the Off Topic section.
  7. See this post. You will also need a Saltwater (fishing?) license to legally collect stuff from the jetties. I presume could could get one of those at a shop around the Port A area.
  8. Tentative yes. This is very close to my house! Edit 4/14: Probably a no now Other things have come up.
  9. We now have a prize for the Pic-Of-Month winner! And the past winners of this year get one too (PM'ing details soon)!

  10. Update! Update! Thanks to the great kindness of Andrew, we now have a prize to give to give away! The winner will receive a free 1 Year Premium Membership to ARC!
  11. JamesL

    Cucumber Love.

    My yellow cucumber loves to "hug" the corals around the tank. Thought this was a nice color contrast.
  12. Welcome! Seems like you are on the right path by doing lots of research. Anemones are a much more advanced animal, and require mature tanks to survive. But like I said, research is the right way to kick things off.
  13. Welcome! Freshwater tanks are the gateway drug to saltwater tanks
  14. Cool video of them eating
  15. I don't see anything off in what you posted above... though what is your salinity? Are you dosing anything? I really don't have a good suggestion, as I have not had any luck with anemones in my current 75g either. When I had my 24g, I had great luck with a bubble tip. But in the 75g, I have tried bubble tips and long tentacle ones to no avail.
  16. Only two images so far? Going to be an easy race ....
  17. Sorry, but we recently implemented rules that the ARC forums can only be used for group orders to sponsors companies.
  18. This thread is starting to drift from the initial talk. If you have concerns about accessibility, then you should talk to the Dome employees/owner.
  19. Before the past winter, I took the heater out of my 75g, and have not looked back. But as Andrew said, it just depends on your house heating/cooling/lights/etc. I would be interested as LED's become more popular, if this causes the need for heaters again in those that do not run them (I have LED's for my dawn/dusk lighting, but MH for my main lights).
  20. Gonna move your thread to the new Tank Builds section.
  21. To celebrate Easter, the category for April is: Multi-color The rules are simple: Picture must be aquatic in nature (coral, fish, invert, etc). Picture must be from an aquarium, underwater, etc. Picture must be taken by you. Submit your photos to: http://www.austinreefclub.com/gallery/album/332-april-11/ Submissions close at midnight April 15th. Winner receives a free 1 Year Premium Membership to ARC!
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