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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Moving to their forum.
  2. Just leave the thread. It will sink down in the list due to no activity.
  3. JamesL

    What is this?

    Maybe you have a predator in your tank that eats them? Or they just blend in/hide in the rockwork?
  4. JamesL

    What is this?

    Sounds like a keyhole limpet.
  5. Removed the duplicate post.
  6. They have not given us any codes. You could try contacting them directly and see if they would do any deals.
  7. Well the next time you frag, let me know. I'm having problems with my lights right now, but will hopefully be getting a new fixture sometime next week. Not to discourage a sale, but you mentioned in your Welcome thread that the tank is newly set up. It might not be the best time to add SPS to it. In my limited SPS experience, they like very stable and mature water conditions. I tried adding SPS into my 75g a few months after it was set up and lost them all. Now two years down the road, added some more and they are doing great (not saying you have to wait 2 years, just some time to get your tank through the "new tank syndrome" and such).
  8. I have heard/ready that is a common problem with the dwarf seahorses ... is that they are hard to see.
  9. Some type of sand sifting fish? I had a pair of golden headed sleeper gobies that tore through my 75g. The first few weeks the tank was so cloudy from all their activity. But I think I eventually starved them
  10. Isn't the color changing natural, in order to blend in with their surroundings? I had read on a different forum about a person keeping frogfish, and having to put bright colored items in the tank so it would keep its bright yellow color.
  11. Yeah, I am not showing my wife those pictures ... then she would want something like that! That looks great! We have a natural dry creek bed that runs through our back yard, it would be nice if it actually had water in it all the time.
  12. While not T5's, I just ordered replacement MH bulbs from Salty Supply (*cough* sponsor *cough*), and they arrived very well packaged, and at a great price.
  13. Tis true See Aqua-Dome's post.
  14. Shaky video of the mostly completed pond. I have since added more plants to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZwBIeysNAg?hd=1
  15. Too much light might limit what LPS you have. They are a lower-light loving coral.
  16. JamesL


    The speckles are cool.
  17. JamesL

    Easter Eggs

    Wow. Just wow.
  18. I thought about that when creating the Seahorse forum. I guess I stuck it where it is at because the discussion dovetails from the Reef Keeping talks. I will move it to the main section and see how much use it gets. If the seahorse section is little used after a while, then it might end right back as a sub-forum.
  19. Now available: Freshwater Discussion. Have at it
  20. The ARC staff is happy to announce the creation of two new forums based on member feedback: Seahorse Keeping: For all of your seahorse-related discussions. Freshwater Discussion: For those that participate in the non-salty side of the hobby. We will be moving the appropriate Seahorse and Freshwater related threads to these new forums soon. So if you thread is missing check these new forums. Enjoy!
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