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Everything posted by AquaJohn

  1. So I made an impulse buy last weekend at Aquatec. A radiant urchin fliping amazing red with glowing blue dots. Well I think it made a meal of my sand sifting star . The star has been in there a few months doing its thing and days after thr urchin was added the star was on the glass and missing 2 and 1/2 legs . I duno if the urchin ate it or if it went through my mp40s. So do urchin eat starfish ?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. (Bio)³


      Did thi when I was younger using windshield washer fluid.... they are fun!

    3. jestep


      That guy just got arrested for making a $30 - 20 gauge supersoaker shotgun.

    4. AquaJohn


      lol I need me one of those :)

  2. 440v is not fun to play with. I am glad to be alive and no major damage. But I never want to meet him again.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AquaJohn


      Not really a good story other than not getting hurt.

      I had one palm on the control box of a machine and leaned over to pick up a tool and when my other palm touched a metal rack it was aparent that the ground cable to the machine had failed and I became the ground. It caused me to convolse and that pulled my hands away braking the connection. Both arms and my sholders feel like I did a 30 day workout in about 10 min. Im not sure how much of a charge I got becuase the cable was st...

    3. AquaJohn


      still partialy attached so I may not have gotten the full charge. But the sound was like a large bug zapper in my head lol.

    4. jestep


      +1 to offroadodge

      110 is more dangerous because of the muscle freeze-ups.

      However, 440+ can cause instant vaporizing of body fluids and tissue which is really bad.

      Either way, electricity is way more dangerous than people give it credit for. Glad to hear you're ok.

  3. You might want to pm wysiwyg in the sponsor sec he was making a few tanks and taking custom orders. I priced one and it was VERY reasonable.
  4. Anyone try D3 ? I was hooked on D1 and D2 :)

    1. KevinB


      I wanted too, but the performance on macs is questionable right now, hopefully they release a patch, but mac users are getting terrible frame rates despite hardware specs

    2. victoly


      i stayed up for the 2 am release and started playing after the server rape ended at ~330 am. totally worth it... :)

    3. cMidd


      It's a pretty sweet game.

  5. AquaJohn


    Rca usualy has them in there fridge.
  6. if its a new marineland led it should be plug in and turn on if not return the defective unit for a working one. Thats the advantage of buying and not DIY
  7. Hey dont knock all of us Cali transplants there are some cool people there just hard to find us :>
  8. Lol what good is a rubber 1 million dollar check gona do me err well I duno you maby it would be good
  9. just so you know right below the for sale section there is a WTB section
  10. you do know that corals use alk to grow right they can use several DKH a day. Thats one of the reasons you need to add more to the tank its a good thing. there are calculators out there to show how much buffer to use to raise it and you may have to do that daily or get pumps to dose it for you one of the joys of a growing tank.
  11. Oh ya how many people knew they were talking about Shane before they posted the store name LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I think what Shane was saying about sand is that crushed coral is a better substrate for your tank, When I was starting thats what he pushed on me. If I recall right it was something about the sand beds will solidify into a large solid brick where with crushed coral you can just use a stick to stir it up weekly and keep the "crud" suspended and let your filtration do its work. I kind of thought well if you can stir crushed coral why not sand but I just smiled and said thanks for the info. He does have a wealth of info but its kind of like what my dad says take in what everyone says and use the good info and toss the rest . And he is right about the internet in general you can basicly find strong cases for both sides of any argument. And alot of info out there is YEARS old and not the only way to do things anymore. Anyways I still have a sand bed and all my criters like it. Also you don't get to have cool sand sifters if you dont have sand
  13. ya he would like the looks of the fish in your tank too
  14. Looks ok to me. The best bet is to let let it run a few months and see if crud builds up anywhere and then adjust them so it clears that area too. You may not be able to without more pumps or just learn where the dead spots are and move the rocks a bit or just clean it out regularly.
  15. Are you carbon dosing ? or run biopellets ? Cloudy water can be caused by bacteria blooms. If you are cabon dosing use less. If you have biopellets going cut down the number of pellets in the reactor.
  16. the probe may be getting old or could just spike sometimes and if you have a voltage change it can cause the probe to read wrong too. and all it takes is a 1 sec spike for it to send the email. I had a stray voltage in my light fixture that was causing the apex to "shut down" to keep from frying it would come right back on but to get net access back I had to unplug the thing from the wall to get a hard reset. Using the reset on the head unit would not work. I would try unpluging it for 30 sec aand see if that helps .
  17. I hope you have better luck with the dual chamber brs media unit. I have had one for a while now and its a clogorama I run there gfo in the first and have used alot of diffent kinds of carbon in the other and after a few days the flow starts to slow down then the carbon side gets a rusty brown/orange film in it and even with a okld MJ1200 at max flow nothing will go thu and I have to clean it all. I thought at one point it was the gfo braking up from to much flow but even at the point of it hardly moving the film develops. If I had it to do over again I would get seperate reactors. But I would like to hear how it goes maby its just me . I will probly end up getting another single and just leaving the second chamber empty.
  18. Mine are all mounted in the garage a foot or so above the sump with the headunit velcroed to the door of my canopy lid. but I also have holes drilled thru the wall into the garage so most of my wires cant be seen when I have my glass doors closed. Makes a good place to hide all my audio video stuff for my entertainment system too. You also want to make sure to have drip loops on all the cords so water can't travel down them and nuke your apex.
  19. thanks for the info now I have to many things to pick from and will never make up my mind
  20. Thanks copenhagen was the one I was trying to remember out where I live its country or nothing ,
  21. Any recomendations for a store that has modern bedroom furniture other than Ikea lol. Looking for sharp clean lines and simple. thanks
  22. It don't mater what you buy now in 6 months after you get the feel for it your going to change your mind on about everything anyways so get cheep and used stuff where ever you can. Watch the forsale sec for t-5 or metal halie lights that will fit your tank.. Home Depot is your friend
  23. Im not sure on the tap water but would recomend a good flick of the probe after the clean water rinse to get rid of most of it before putting it in the 7 or 10 regent. But again if it reads both regents correct or within the probes +- then it is set right.
  24. I would say as long as when you put it back into the 7 or 10 after its done calibrating and it reads 7 or 10 then you are all set. Jus make sure not to cross contaminate them and always clean the probe in ro water before going to the other solution.
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