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Everything posted by AquaJohn

  1. you will regret going to the crusier I had a 2000 honda blackbird sold it for a new 2002 honda vtx 1800 for the same reason rode it for 3-4 months trying to make myself like it and then sold it to my bro in law and got another bird . I sold that one when I moved out here to Texas and really do want another bike but the black bird fit so well I am afraid it spoiled me and now that they are 12 years old its hard to find one not beat up. good luck with the sale
  2. AquaJohn


    the over all hight to to the top of the cap on the cup is 19 1/2" it is 6"wide 2 3/4"deep from under the lip to the bottom is12 1/4" It fit on the left side chamber on my jbj nanocube28 if that helps . My phone is not being nice or I would send a pic now I have to find my digital camera and hope the batteries are not dead lol
  3. AquaJohn


    ** Topics Merged ** Remora HOB Skimmer $80 has a MJ1200 will ship for $10. Will hold with paypal.
  4. AquaJohn


    going to repost its not the PRO
  5. Pending Payment from Joshdmartin
  6. I just removed them from the biocube so they are not real happy, The black dots on them are sand. They are currently being aclumated to my other tank where they will be in a tuperware bowl with holes in it till delevered
  7. The 28 gal tank is coming down so no need for this chiller anymore 150 obo will hold with first paypal pament.
  8. AquaJohn


    lol call and cancel the order
  9. I have been looking into gettting one and I remember reading that you need to change the program to get it to work, How you do that I dont have a clue I just recall reading somone having the same problem. And that was the ansewer given I beleve it had the code needed to not that thats much help lol.
  10. I would like them to stay together they are always close to each other. I am shutting down the tank they are in so they need a new home. I will be catching them on Friday and can delever to rca/aqutec on Friday or Sat. 150 for the pair. I dont have pics but they are a pale yellow color with brown dots. I have had them well over a year now. It took over a month to get them to eat anything and now they will eat just about anything you put in there face with tongs. They spent a few weeks not eating again when I moved them so if you get them dont worry if they dont eat for a while I plan to feed them heavy on Thurs night. I will take a pic of them after I catch them.
  11. Before I started dosing I would check my cal and alk and see if you need to. If you do regular water changes you may get away without untill you get alot of sps going on in there.
  12. AquaJohn


    Taking down a tank on Friday Remora skimmer with mj1200 pump. $90 Will ship for $10 Pics after I get it taken down. I beleve I made an error and its not the PRO
  13. From the reading I did while reseaching skimmers they are not even close to being able to strip all nutrients from a tank. even if they are way bigger than you need. But I am also sure you can find info that says they can lol
  14. All I can say is get one that is rated for more water than you have. If you have a 210 with 80 gal sump I would say get one rated for 500 gal myself.
  15. I would like the shades of fall acro
  16. AquaJohn


    lol its still only 3:45 thats not late to some people
  17. AquaJohn


    I guess some people have no shame. Im sure they got noda for it as trade in or at least I seem to when I need to get rid of a fish at a lfs So they are willing to sell there good name for chump change. In the end Karma will get them.
  18. PM RedLine 175 skimmer 200 obo I just upgraded to a bigger skimmer getting ready for a bigger tank. Fresh out of the sump lol LuckyLou has first shot at it he asked me about it when I got some frags from him
  19. and I hear it does not melt the rocks like muratic acid may
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