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Really Confused Now

Niko's Reef

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We all have obsessed over our tanks. We research & find conflicting ideas. We hook up with "that guy" who has the tank we envy. We started with a 29 gallon. Making minor change actually were big change due to tank size.

When I first got into this hobby, I tested twice a day, always fiddling with something, had my hands in my tank, etc. Then I met a gentlemen in this hobby, that I respected. He gave me the one piece of advice I really needed. He told me to "slow down &quit messing with the tank". It was harsh & kinda peed me off. But he was right. I only test my water once a week (now I hardly test, the tank will tell you when it has a problem). I quit messing with the different pieces of equipment, and I hardly put my hands in tank (I have tendency to break corals).

I would also suggest taking your water to another LFS just as a comparison.

I use ELOS test kits for most of my tests. I use the Seachem kits to test Calcium & Magnesium (they have same I can test to verify the kit is good). I also use a Hanna Checker for Phosphaes & a refractor to measure salinity.

Like it's been said "Don't take what you read or are told as gospel." Take it slow. What may work for me or anyone else amy not work in yoru tank. If the tank is not showing any signs of stress then let it run itself.

FYI, what are your nitrates at & what are you basing "to high" on. Take a look at this link: Water Parameters


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Here's a good article comparing sandbeds - http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-06/rs/feature/index.php. Unfortunately it doesn't include barebottom, but the general conclusion is that any will work. There is some studies that suggest that a sandbed in a small tank will eventually become unstable. But for every tank crashed story you can find a long term success.

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I think being open minded in this hobby and willing to weed through the stubborness to find that gem is worth all the trouble. If your not constantly learning, then you might as well call it quits and tear down the tank as your journey is over..

And yes, as soon as I read 'trashed this site'.... I know exactly who was being spoken of..

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I think being open minded in this hobby and willing to weed through the stubborness to find that gem is worth all the trouble. If your not constantly learning, then you might as well call it quits and tear down the tank as your journey is over..

+1 agree wholeheartedly!

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Thanks everyone. That's why when I stopped by, I had to leave for a few hours and think everything over. Then I gathered my thoughts and went back and went for what I originally went for the file fish, salt, and some carbon with bags. I think the thing that got me the most and was a turn off was the comments about this site. I don't think everyone could be steering me wrong. I always let a post develop, read all comments, then research what is said on the internet. I'll say it again, this site rocks. Besides that a lot I what he told me is valid and I can see his point. The live sand might not be alive, but I have a very thin layer of it, and a lot of layers of crushed coral on top of it.

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This kind of ties into the idea of having Tank Mentors here. There are many ways to run reef tanks, so it would help greatly if you could find someone whose tank and corals you like and then model yourself after them and how they do it. We're still playing with the idea of how to implement this.

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Mike I think it kind of happens organically. People who have a tendency to reach out are going to do so regardless of a forum feature, and there will never be a shortage of new reefers. I vote to let nature take its course :)

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Oh ya how many people knew they were talking about Shane before they posted the store name LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did!!! Lol!

I had suspicions. I took one visit, and my sons enthusiasm was not well received. I'll take hunter at AD 100/100 times.

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I enjoy talking to everyone about their tanks but I do perfer my tank to be spotless so I'll clean my sandbed weekly by the glass viewing area and clean the glass daily if not more. Most people say LR and a skimmer is all you need but Its not all I need. I use GFO, GAC, and a water polishing pad and will change those out monthly. I also got LEDs when everyone said 400w MH are what I need. When I went to aquatek and picked up sand for my refugium it did have some water still in the bag. Not much but the sand was damp and there were lots of stuff that grew out of it. My next build will be something I wouldn't have considered with the size tank I had but I have a vision and i'm a man on a mission to figure out how to accomplish it.

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Dapettit. My nitrates were at 0 for months. Im almost at 5 months of a cycle period. I might have jumped the gun on a few things b4 joining this site. The anemone seems like i should have waited for that. Its been in there for almost 3 months. Recently have moved anywhere from 5-20. I have added a few corals, but everyone i got them from water parameters were fine. The file fish that i added yesterday was the only fish that i have added lately. When I tested his water in the bag with the file fish, it tested 80. That is what gave me the red flags. Ive read the API kits test 4.4 higher in the instructions and werent too great from this topic, but also read a few last night that say thats what people use. So, i think for now, a new brand of kits will be my starting point. Well, trashing this site was something that gave me another red flag and made me feel extremely funny. I'm still a newbie, and have a lot to grow. I know 1 thing, my knowledge has doubled since joining this site. I'm on here constantly and have met many people who know what they are doing from here. I think u r right, I think I need to do a hands off approach for awhile. Everything except for a few new aphasia on the rock looks great. That's why I purchased a file fish, and the smart start chemical. Has anyone used this chemical? I know George said he uses it as a periodically.

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I want everyone to know that I'm not trying to trash Shane. He is a really nice guy. He might be opinionated, but I kind of like it. I learned a lot from him yesterday. He took the time to talk to me twice for a lengthy period both times. Not too many shop owners will do that. Just seems like he is strongly against live sand and this website. He has his way of doing things and it has worked great for him. He said he has sold around 2000 tanks. I defintely don't have the knowledge to knock him. His points probably are valid, but like y'all say. U have to take the good, and take the bad. This is just in his opinion. Like he told me, I don't have to do what he says, but the next time he isn't going to want to hear about it if I don't follow his advice. A lot of people think this way, including myself. Why stress something to someone over and over again, just to have someone do the same thing again. Im just getting married in a few weeks, and need to focus on that a little bit more right now. That will give me a little bit too gauge what is going on. Ive been told the filters won't work, and he told me they would with a different set up. So, basically I've got a lot of research to do.

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I was a little upset and confused when I started this topic. That was because of what I was told and what the test results were. Everyone please don't think of me as a jerk. I was pretty excited too, because of the Claboirne pick by the Cowboys at the time. That had me pumped.

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Thanks to everyone for yalls response and input. This is a hell of a hobby. My hobby used to be drinking. This saved me from it. I stopped 8 months ago and needed something to take its place. I was bored. This hobby works for me. I find it amazing.

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I was a little upset and confused when I started this topic. That was because of what I was told and what the test results were. Everyone please don't think of me as a jerk. I was pretty excited too, because of the Claboirne pick by the Cowboys at the time. That had me pumped.

That's what this site is for!

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When they traded up to #6 spot to get him I started screaming and cheering and all the people here in Louisianna thought I was crazy haha.

As far as this topic...call me crazy but I don't test. I was always messing with my tanks when I started, added stuff all the time, tested every day, just wanted everything to happen fast. If something is wrong with your tank you'll know, just remember that consistency in your system is the most important. Nitrates will happen, do a little WC if one of your corals looks mad and let the tank stabilize itself :)

My opinion of course...I'm no expert.

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Nothing great happens in this hobby fast. My old tank was "ok" for a while. Always tinkering with it. One day I went home and didnt even look at it. Few weeks later I decided it may need some attention and actually "looked" at it and realized it was better than ever since I had let it stabilize and work its own magic. Out of all the gadgets, chemicals, filtration systems, and tank types, the one thing that will always make them work right is patience. Just happens to be the hardest thing to have when you first start.

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As far as this topic...call me crazy but I don't test. I was always messing with my tanks when I started, added stuff all the time, tested every day, just wanted everything to happen fast. If something is wrong with your tank you'll know, just remember that consistency in your system is the most important. Nitrates will happen, do a little WC if one of your corals looks mad and let the tank stabilize itself smile.png

I've gotten to where I rarely test. I have electronic monitors for pH and salinity, and I have Seachem Ammonia Alert detectors for spikes. Of course a few thermometers, too. As long as I'm dosing kalkwasser and my pH is good, I'm confident in my calcium and alkalinity levels. Like others have said, the stuff in the tank will let you know if something's turning bad. My BTAs will crwal into the rocks if they're unhappy (then I freak). I don't have corals yet, but when I do I'll learn how to gauge their happiness, too.

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Thanks Dapettit. CMidd, that was amazing. I've been following the draft for 2 months. I never thought we had a chance of drafting Claboirne, and been fretting about the thought of Poe for weeks. What a job the Boys did to trade up and take the drafts best defensive player. He has a chance to be elite and him and Carr should turn around that secondary immediately. Kind of sucks to not have a 2nd rd pick, but who knows maybe Jerry works some magic. Ok thats my other addiction. I'm a big time sports junky. If I'm not researching my aquarium issues, it's about sports. I'm a huge Laker, UNC, ATM, Cowboys, and Texan fans. I'm constantly watching basketball, and football, and other sports to a less degree. Really into fantasy football as well.

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Oh ya how many people knew they were talking about Shane before they posted the store name LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha totally! When I first went in there I made the mistake of flashing my ARC card at the checkout to see if they offered any member discounts...oops! :lol:

I enjoy talking to Shane, it's good to be able to get a different opinion and mix bits of it into what I'm already doing.

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Ok, so I have to ask this question now. Is there bad blood between ARC and Shane? Why is he so strongly against this site. We all are n the same hobby. Is it like how LA fans hate Bos fans or something like that?

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Ok, so I have to ask this question now. Is there bad blood between ARC and Shane? Why is he so strongly against this site. We all are n the same hobby. Is it like how LA fans hate Bos fans or something like that?

No offense but I don't think it's appropriate to go down this path. I would suggest contacting one of the staff.

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No, he is strongly against anyone that does not do things exactly like he does them.

Ok, so I have to ask this question now. Is there bad blood between ARC and Shane? Why is he so strongly against this site. We all are n the same hobby. Is it like how LA fans hate Bos fans or something like that?

No offense but I don't think it's appropriate to go down this path. I would suggest contacting one of the staff.

From my understanding, Derrick sums it up well. Like Dave said, we don't need to be bashing/flaming anyone on this site (be them part of it or not).

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Regarding testing I use Elose and Seachem as well as API. I've been happy with API and the times I've compared it to other test kits haven't had a difference in readings, I do not hang on to any of my kits for years generally replacing them every year - year 1/2. As far as frequency I also use the ol' eyeball test quite a bit but in an established tank corals can aclimate to conditions that a new coral might not be able to deal with so it's a good idea to test regularly.

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At one time Shane was a sponsor of the club. Like him there are other local stores that have chosen either not to sponsor the club or not to continue to sponsor. Out of respect for each, let's not trash-talk or second guess their reasons. This question is more appropriately directed to each of them individually rather than having us speculate or put words in their mouth.

Regardless, it is up to each member to determine the value and legitimacy of advice they receive both here and in the real world. Personally I like to gather as many opinions about a subject as I feel necessary to draw my own conclusions. There are some opinions I come to respect and trust more than others.

That said, I like to spend my money with those who support us and the hobby.

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