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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. I plan on coming. My wife is going this Friday with the kids and her moms group. So I am interested in getting her feedback.
  2. I have 2 48" BML's I got from the Dome. They were preconfigured, probably the Reef Spectrum. I don't have SPS, but my sympodium has really taken off with the LEDs. I do have a maxi mini carpet on the sand of my 75 gal which is doing really well.
  3. So this is what clean tanks look like.

  4. Anyone want to do some water changes for me?

    1. Planeden


      isn't that why you had kids? cheap labor.

    2. JamesL


      I think not changing the water is safer in that case.

    3. Chad and Belinda

      Chad and Belinda

      You got that right!!! I don't let mine even touch the glass.

  5. 2 Porcelain Crabs walk into a 75g tank... and are promptly never seen again.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JamesL


      There is a carpet in there they might appear in. In my small tank. the porcelain hangs out in the rose BTA.

    3. dapettit


      They followed those sexy shrimp, you'll never see them again!

    4. JamesL


      I saw one porcelain this morning in the big tank. Though he was hiding down in a mini cave. The sexy shrimp are in the little tank where I can see them (except when they jump into the overflow).

  6. The downsides of LED lights... I have to put a heater back on my 75g.

    1. victoly


      you could add in a metal halide and have the side benefit of heating your entire house. seasonal lighting!

  7. Here are some quick FTS if both tanks. The 75g: The 24g (I cleaned the glass last night and it was already cloudy again):
  8. Dang, you have a steady hand there Dave. Most of my panoramas come out jagged at the top due to me moving the phone to much vertically. Plus all of these FTS look great! I need to clean the tanks to get some shots now
  9. Looking really nice! I can't believe that bridsnest was from a 2" frag just a year+ ago.
  10. The clowns in the Domes small display tank had eggs. Very cool!

  11. As a bonus, I will throw in a first generation Nook e-reader (the white ones with e-ink on top and a lithe touch screen at the bottom). I am currently seeing if it charges up, but last I knew it did. This has a crack in the plastic on the left side, but should be functional. Comes with a case and changer also.
  12. I have a new looking Nook Simple Touch with Glowlight (last generation) for sale. Decided I don't do enough reading anymore for a dedicated e-reader. Screen is in excellent condition. Touch screen (IR based) and physical buttons (the latest generation removed the physical buttons). Front Glowlight is nice for night time reading and easy on the eyes. Comes with Nook, box, usb cable, wall adapter, and a Spec case. Asking $40 cash. I have a busy next couple of days, so probably won't be available to meet until Monday (South Austin area). PM or reply here.
  13. My pistol shrimp in the 24g went on a rampage last night and I think moved every piece of sand in the tank. I found my finger gorgonian knocked over and a zoo frag half dragged back to his cave.

    1. victoly


      what a monster

  14. Hope everyone is safe! In our section of the neighborhood, wasn't too bad. But the front of it lots of washed down fences... and downtown Buda was showing some amazing flooding at one point.

    1. victoly


      i was doing some work in ruby ranch yesterday, right on onion creek. Dodged a bullet!

    2. JamesL


      Definitely! Lots of fences along there are down today.

  15. Floor water sensor saved my caboose last night when the RODI sprung a leak at midnight.

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      How about some details: where are they located, where is your RODI, what kind of sensor, etc? Maybe a thread is in order. Along with a water change.

    2. Niko's Reef

      Niko's Reef

      That's awesome it caught it for you.

    3. JamesL


      I have my RODI mounted inside of a sink in our mud room. For some reason the water input line seal failed, it it was spraying water on the wall and dripping to the floor. I haven't had the time to investigate more. The sensor was on the floor under the sink. I got them from amazon, some beige looking doo-hickeys.

  16. I personally love the 130/45 toll roads, but mainly due to the lack of traffic on them (ok, and the fast speeds ). I did notice the other day coming back from Elgin to Buda there were a lot more cars on 130/45 than I normally see. But as stated above, I am sure that is way below what was projected.
  17. I suspect the new acquisition from the shore needs to be fed
  18. Thanks Richard for hosting the October meeting!

    1. Richard L

      Richard L

      My pleasure. But everyone else did all the work! It was fun seeing everyone. Thx!

    2. KKAAY


      My new babies are happy....thx everyone

    3. ckyuv


      Yes thanks! Beautiful home as well!

  19. That's good to hear! Mine likes to eat dried seaweed with my tangs. Individual angels vary on nipping corals. Mine likes Kenya trees, and picked on a few smaller polyped gorgonians. I don't have any SPS, so not sure on that. But he leaves my LPS and zoas alone.
  20. That sucks At least the six line is still there to swim around.
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