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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Two things popped to mind while watching: 1) Must be a pain to clean (for whoever the poor soul's job it is) 2) And money to burn. The stocking levels in there are insane, and I bet fish/octopi are replaced very frequently. And I agree with the above comments. This was done as a show of money, not by someone interested in the welfare of the animals.
  2. You might also peruse through the FTS thread that is pinned in this section.
  3. Decided to keep this, as I need the pump.
  4. Most LPS will benefit from extra feedings, mostly by growing faster. That said, be aware that the extra feedings will add nutrients to your systems, so don't go overboard or you will see a bloom of algae/cyno/etc. But it is really cool to see them feed. When I feed my fish frozen food (like mysis and cyclopeeze, oyster eggs, etc), I tend to target some food (with a turkey baster) towards my LPS, gorgonians, etc.
  5. No movement in the anemone position over night, might have gotten lucky as he picked right up front in the tank!
  6. Correct on the name ... though I think it can apply to a wide range of palys (I am not really that big into the whole name game). I think what makes a PPE a PPE is the highlighting around the mouth. Yes, a little too good But everyone in the house likes that there is more movement in the tank now. The anemone moved slightly last night, still hoping it stays in the general left side of the tank. Again, I thank you, sir. I can feel you on the names, too. There are too many slightly different color morphs for my feeble brain. Neat. Now if he an just chase down that roving nem. Him and the clowns ... they are having a lot of fun playing in the current at the moment.
  7. The anemone shrimp was out and playing this morning in the tank.
  8. Correct on the name ... though I think it can apply to a wide range of palys (I am not really that big into the whole name game). I think what makes a PPE a PPE is the highlighting around the mouth. Yes, a little too good But everyone in the house likes that there is more movement in the tank now. The anemone moved slightly last night, still hoping it stays in the general left side of the tank.
  9. My daughter really enjoyed the visit to your story today. Between getting to peek through the domes, do crafts, and get her face painted, she had a blast. Is this a normal Saturday thing? Or was today something special?
  10. Goodie day! Finally had a free Saturday to go LFS shopping. So headed out and hit Fish Gallery, RCA, and the Dome ... and of course walked out with something from each Everything went into this tank, minus one large chuck of zoa's (but a frag of it went in this tank). From the Gallery, some PPE's: Here is the main colony in my 75g: RCA was the big haul today.... 2 yellow clown gobies: A Rose BTA: Two ocy clowns (kinda mis-barred, which makes then neat): And some green zoas: Not pictured from RCA is a small frag of orangish zoas, which weren't open yet. And the Dome I scored an clear/blue anemone shrimp which went into hiding, so no pictures either. Nice to have some movement mid-water now (the clowns) ... as the watchman hides a lot.
  11. 3 LFS (Sponsors even :) in one day... my wallet is a hurting.

    1. Mlaw


      Managed to hit 4 of them with my sister in law and 2 year old. Good times but couldn't find much to buy. You must have been beating me there and getting the good stuff.

  12. Coraline will change colors if it is exposed to air ... mine would change to an orangish when I would re-arrange the rockwork in the tank.
  13. I swear, after all these years keeping saltwater critters, molting still catches me off guard. Walked by the tank this morning and saw my porcelain crab upside down on the rock work. Then off to the side I see him clinging to the rock. Looks like the few drops of iodine I put in yesterday triggered the molt.
  14. Ha .. I figured that tank was still around. Never really thought at the time I sold it that I would have multiple tanks again. But for some reason, anemones just never took to my large tank, well except for my maxi mini carpet, which is doing fantastic. I think you should set it back up, *nudge* *nudge*
  15. I have had not problems keeping goldfish alive over the winter in my ponds, and they were pretty small ponds. The main issue I have had was raccoons fishing them out.
  16. No one faint, I did a water change on my little tank this morning.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Planeden


      w/c leads to clean water, clean water leads to pretty tank, pretty tanks leads to obsession - that is the path to the dark side.

    3. JamesL


      You don't know me very well do you? :)

    4. Planeden


      nope. you could already be Darth L for all i know. but i would assume that water changes is not what led you down that path :).

  17. Got smart this time and I had my phone camera ready when I fed.. and looky who I got a picture of. His tiger pistol buddy has been hard at work making entrances all over the tank to his underground palace. In other news, I am note sure if my possum wrasse is alive It is hard to tell, because there are so many holes and crevasses for hime to hide in. But I was able to find him mid-day yesterday wedged ina hole not moving (mid-day nap?). But today I could not find him anywhere.
  18. Oh yes, now I remember new tanks. I hate having to scrape algae off the glass multiple times in one day.
  19. Note to self ... have camera ready *before* feeding the fish. He came out of his cave snapping up the mysis. BTW, I was wrong .. the Dome had told me this was a blue spotted watchman ... not a yellow one.
  20. Aquadome trip complete ... and there are swimmy things in the tank. I came home with a porcelain crab, a yellow striped possum wrasse, a small tiger pistol shrimp, and a really big and dark blue spotted watchman. I guess for the watchman since he is so large, he is in his second color phase of "olive drab with blue spots" (Live Aquaria's description). The pistol shrimp right to work digging in the sand... in the back corner of the tank! Um, hello, big rock with caves? The possum wrasse already has been checking out the holes in the rockwork. Pictures later when things are happier and not hiding
  21. I think that would work to distract them
  22. And here I thought we were going to have a show down on who gets the fish I of course was going to let me kids do the show down part
  23. Said corals in tank. My normal white balancing didn't do much with my iPhone picture.
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