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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Thanks for all of the symbiotic suggestions! The tank is wet, and uber cloudy right now due to the sand And we are off to the cycle races.
  2. Wow, you tank is even more minimalistic than what I am doing. And on the same day, there was light:
  3. Good idea! And I like how the worms can be bright red. Though I wonder if that shrimp and a pistol would fight.
  4. It is funny how things circle around. I sold a 24g tank to upgrade to a 75g years back. Now I just purchased another 24g (but still keeping the 75g). This goal for this tank is to make it a (mostly) symbiosis themed tank. Yes, corals + algae are symbiotic, but I am thinking on a bit larger scale. The planned main attraction of the tank will be a Rose BTA with a pair of clownfish (not sure on type yet, but none of those crazy expensive designer ones). On a smaller scale, thinking also of a shrimp/goby pair and Pom Pom crabs. Might throw some clown gobies in there cause the wife likes them For this tank, I am trying starting it differently. Going with base rock instead of my normal live rock route. And to be even more daring, I am only going with a single 28 pounder piece. Don't have to worry about rock slides in this tank. So that is the basics. Here is part of it still in the car. More pics later once I get it wet.
  5. I see bright things in your future.
  6. I think this thread is just an excuse to say you now have an office
  7. I have been starting to look at controllers, but was leaning towards an Apex because I could directly control the dimming of my BuildMyLED fixtures with it. Any idea if there is a way to also do that with the ReefKeepers?
  8. I find the power heads that we use in saltwater tanks tend to do more of the shaping of the substrate. Plus there are a lot more fish/snails/stuff that bury and move the substrate around in saltwater tanks... I wouldn't get hooked on what it looks like, because over time it will change.
  9. Like the layout! You going to put an eel in there to enjoy all those caves? I bet the kids would love it
  10. Price reduction to $40.
  11. Think the fish are in a state of shock... they got a water change today.

  12. Have you changed your lighting or lighting schedule recently? I have seen that happen when zoas get blasted with an amount of light they aren't used to.
  13. Leak alert devices installed under the fish tank and under the RODI unit.

  14. Just wanted to say "thanks!", as I got my 75g quick crew with hermits today. There were a tons more animals than I expected... the whole front of my 75 sand bed was covered in shells. And when you said you would included extra shells for the hermits, I thought it would be a few... not the bagful sent. All the animals are looking great, with most everything already venturing about. Looking forward to a much cleaner tank in the near future Here a few piles of the critters right after being put in.
  15. RODI filter sprang a leak overnight... was nice to wake up to a majority of the upper portion of the house flooded. Just now getting a bit of a break.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JamesL


      Yeah... it was under the mud room sink ... I am going to plumb it over/in the sink today.

    3. FarmerTy


      Oh no! Sorry James! I run mine in my garage because I am disaster prone.

    4. Grog
  16. If you intent to go the jawfish route, you will need to be sure to design the tank layout for them. They need fine-ish deep sand bed to burrow. And since they burrow, you need to may sure all of your rockwork is touching the bottom of your tank (best way is to put the rocks in first, then add sand around them), else you will have avalanches. Jawfish also will use small shells and rubble to help build their tunnels. The jawfish I have had in the past woudl take a shell and cover their whole at night They do shift sand around a lot, so any sand dwelling corals (like plates) could get buried. There was a great video on the web showing a sand fight between a clown and the jawfish ... needless to say, the jawfish had the upper hand. The above is not to dissuade you on jawfish... they are great fish, and very personable, always hovering around their hole and working on it. When my two damsels finally go to the big tank in the sky, I might get another one... but as it is, they would bully it too much.
  17. Pst. Reefcleaners is doing a one-day (Sunday) sale... check out their forums.

  18. My yellow wrasse is MIA :( He was normally the first fish up in the morning, and nothing today.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. brian.srock


      Find him yet?

    3. JamesL


      No show yet.

    4. acfilmz


      Mine does that sometimes and I don't see it for a week or so and then it magically appears. They burrow in the sand

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