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Everything posted by o0zarkawater

  1. Check your powerheads. He'll be in one of them, or at least whats left of him will be. If you can get him out and put him in a breeder net, he might survive. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/20019-rbta-vs-korallia
  2. Let me know if you want to borrow a stud. I've got a nice fat healthy fire I've had for a couple months now, who I know could woo all your females. Unless it turns out he's a she, then, well, sorry.
  3. Mine was like 22, got it in this morning, but John said he added me to the order.
  4. My first saltwater tank was a 10gal mixed reef I got from my brother because he went off to school. I did no research and just half-assed took care of it. I had it for over 2 years and topped off with distilled water whenever the water level got 1" below the top, and only did 2 water changes in those 2 years. The water changes were with distilled water and oceanic salt mixed in a jug, then dumped right into the tank while still cloudy. I never had a single fish or coral die. I had a remora nano skimmer on the tank, but it really didn't pull much out. I might have emptied the cup every couple months. I was a bad tank daddy. These days on my 55gal I do a 5-10gal water change once a month, or whenever I can be bothered to mess with it. Not sure why though, it seems all my LPS 'puff' up more after a couple weeks without water changes. I guess I do it because I don't dose or test anything, and just want to hopefully replace any trace elements lost in the months time with whatever is in fresh saltwater.
  5. **** Stephen, that's horrible. Those were some beautiful fish, and from your threads it seemed like you were doing your absolute best to get them healthy and in your DT. Good cautionary tale for everyone else. Some people don't realize the fish we put in our tanks from the LFS are usually less than a month out of the ocean, and more likely just 1-2 weeks fresh caught if that. I wish I could have come out and seen them in person. Good luck on your next awesome/rare fish!
  6. When I kept a heater I had a Titanium one with a digital temp probe, connected to my reefkeeper with its temp probe for dual redundancy. I had the heater on one side of the tank, and the temp probe from the heater about midway down the tank. I then had the temp probe from the ReefKeeper on the opposite side of the tank. The RK was set to turn off that outlet if the tank reached over 78 degrees, the same temp the heater was set at. I've since got rid of the heater and never had any issues that I can contribute to temperature. My tank will get up to 82-84 sometimes in the summer, and when I forget to close my porch door in the winter down to 65-68.
  7. o0zarkawater

    RBTA - 11-2011

    FYI; The clown from the first picture is not the female at the top of this picture. Its the male hiding under the bottom left of the nem. He's barely 2" long.
  8. I'll be in for 20$ or so, I know its not much, but most of my crew from his black friday sale is still kickin it. I"m in Cedar Park.
  9. What are you trying to mine in the reef? Gold? Iron Ore? Diamonds? Land Mines? I would think that a biocube would be your best bet, but if history has taught us anything, you'll be home soon and back into your original tank, so why bother.
  10. I like the arrangement of the CPR HOB fuge, because it overflows INTO the tank, instead of being pump driven. This should allow more pods to make it into your DT alive, rather than being forced through a pump.
  11. Speak for yourself grandpa. Welcome to the addiction Dragonman.
  12. The Aquafuge2 Large and the BH2000 are on my 55gal. I bought the fuge because I got a spotted mandarin and wanted to make sure he had enough pod population. (un)Fortunately now he will eat frozen and pellet food, so my tank is overrun by amphi/copepods. The BH2000 is rated up to a 125gal I think, and the BH1000 up to 100 gals.
  13. I have the aquafuge 2 large and like it, I hate CPR's customer service, but I like the fuge. I was looking at reef octo's HOB fuge, and it looks like its an overflow type, so you would need to make sure you keep your tank topped off for it to work. The CPR has the pump in your tank, so it doesn't need the level to be as consistant. Aquamaxx looks interesting, but I really love my ReefOctos.
  14. If you do end up with a HOB skimmer, I highly recommend the Reef Octopus BH1000 or BH2000. I ran Aqua-C Remoras on my tanks for years before I decided to try another skimmer, and the amount of stuff the Reef Octos pull compared to the Remoras is crazy. I now have a BH2000 on my 55gal and a BH1000 on my 28gal. I know RCA can order the Octo's, but they also stock a Bubble Magus HOB cone skimmer that looks pretty interesting.
  15. I have a 55gallon with no sump on it, just HOB Skimmer and a HOB refugium. You can usually find a HOB fuge used either on eBay or on the boards for a decent price if you keep looking. I have the CPR Aquafuge Large, but they make a smaller one.
  16. My false percs have hosted in big green hairy mushrooms for years. They have never had a nem up until recently. I acquired a small bubbletip a while back, and they completely ignore it.
  17. Thankfully my gold stripe maroons are nice, since mommaclown is about 4" long and 2" tall. Her male though is only 2" long on a good day. I have a pair of false percs that the female is mean as can be, bites me everytime I stick my hand in the tank.
  18. From the album: Happy Tank

    These guys are seriously fullgrown, the pistol is nearly 3" and the goby 4".
  19. Thanks Jake! We're considering the swing, but not sure its a necessity right now to spend money on. Also enjoyed getting to see your tank.
  20. I want that giant disc whatever it is. But get rid of the majanos as soon as you can.
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