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Everything posted by o0zarkawater

  1. Now lets see if I can keep this Black Sea Squirt alive. Figure with hardly ever doing water changes and feeding as heavily as I do he should be okay. Thanks Jake.

    1. (Bio)³


      I dont know why I let you talk me into one of these.

  3. Not sure about exactly how you are looking to modify it, but I LOVE the Reef Octopus HOB skimmers. I have never run a sump, so I have only experience with HOB. I have the BH2000 on my 55, and BH1000 on my 29gal. I had previously used Aqua-C remora skimmers (nano and pro) which worked decent, and a couple other HOB skimmers that were horrible. At one point I had a Tunze 9002 on the 29, but the Reef Octo pulls way more gunk. Sorry I don't currently have one for sale, but I would look for one of those if you can get a good deal.
  4. I will knock off $25 on the tank price, if it is bought in conjunction with the stand in this post; http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/22302-stand-and-canopy-no-tank/ I think he is offering $25 off the stand as well (if bought with my tank), so you could get a RR 75gal w/ stand and canopy for only $250.
  5. This would be great for the 75gal RR I'm selling.... I know someone needs them both.
  6. Something I love that I see lacking from your list are collonista snails. I have a large population of them and love them. They hide during the day but as soon as lights out they are all over the rock and glass cleaning up. They are nicknamed 'mini turbo snails' because they love algae. I personally don't see any algae on my rocks or much on the glass, but it has to be enough to sustain their population.
  7. EVERYTHING SOLD. NOTHING TO SEE HERE. You missed out on awesome deals, and free trips to Disneyland with every other purchase. Thanks.
  8. o0zarkawater

    T5 On

    From the album: Tank Sale

  9. o0zarkawater

    T5 Both

    From the album: Tank Sale

  10. o0zarkawater

    Reef Octopus

    From the album: Tank Sale

  11. From the album: Tank Sale

  12. o0zarkawater

    Aqualight Box

    From the album: Tank Sale

  13. From the album: Tank Sale

  14. From the album: Tank Sale

  15. o0zarkawater

    75gal front

    From the album: Tank Sale

  16. o0zarkawater

    75gal Back

    From the album: Tank Sale

  17. Yeah. I thought the teks I had read with the Furan used it as a dip, not dosing a whole tank. ScubaSteve; what method did you follow?
  18. Can you post a good pic of the tank? I'm wondering if there might be something else that one of us might notice that hasn't been brought up. I would suspect the Furan more than the lighting though, if the bad started since you dosed the tank.
  19. I don't ever check any of my tank parameters (other than salinity before/after a WC) as it looks like a happy tank. After Callahans thread about stable pH by pulling air from outside, I set a small air pump on my balcony and ran the tube to an airstone in my refugium. Been running like that for over a year. Can't really say if there have been any benefits or drawbacks, but from what I've read it was a cheap thing to try.
  20. Are you talking about buying 'live' sand thats bagged from a fish store, or just that live sand does or does not exist? I think that spending crazy money on 'Live' sand that's bagged months before you buy it, transported in non temperature controlled trucks, set out in the sun on pallets, etc is not something I would ever put in an established tank. I might use it on a new tank, but only because it is going to be full of gunk that would probably kickstart a cycle pretty well. I've only ever bought dry sand, and used seed sand from established tanks to set up my sytems. Since I've only used this method, or purchased established tanks, I've never actually experienced the waiting for a tank to cycle myself.
  21. Anyone want a beautiful Majano on a frag plug? :D

    1. (Bio)³


      Oh oh I dont have one of THOSE in my tank yet ;) lol

    2. dapettit


      any body what to borrow a majano wand to kill the majano on the plug? =)

    3. o0zarkawater


      Why would I want to kill it. That seems like a waste of a perfectly good anemone.

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