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Everything posted by o0zarkawater

  1. If we did T-Shirts I'd take that as an insult towards me. But unless you wanted to see him in 4x6 postcards threaded together with paperclips, you must be talking about someone else.
  2. Let me email a buddy of mine who just started a tank and needs a skimmer. I love my Reef Octos! I just noticed that you even have the bubble trap (+$25)
  3. Accidently ordered extra 250w 20K DE Plusrite bulbs. 16$ for anyone interested.

    1. Timfish
    2. o0zarkawater


      Replied. I have 4 more! Not sure how I did such bad maths.

  4. Yep, sea hare eggs. Keep a close watch on your hare, mine died within 2 days of laying.
  5. Thanks guys. As I'm sitting in the finance office signing papers on the SUV, you guys are already texting me, and offering me to move tanks. Glad I could help you out Chris.
  6. Great HOB skimmer. I use the BH1000 on my Cube, and the larger BH2000 on my 55gal and love them both. Good luck with sale.
  7. Placed mine, hopefully not too late. $30
  8. And cheap! But the "good" LEDs are no way affordable to the everyday reefer, at least not enough to make a majority of people switch. I would bet that the people who are 100% LED are still less than 15% of the total number of reefers.
  9. Certainly not affordable to the everyday reefer. At least not the ones that seem to grow coral well. I love my DIY LED actinics, but I pieced mine together with parts straight from Hong Kong, not the CREE panels everyone else loves. But I also spent significantly less. I just paired my cheap but bright LED actinics with my MH (cheapo PlusRite bulbs there too), and I love the color I get. You cant beat LED actinic pop, even my VHO can't touch the colors I get now. I'm not however replacing my MH anytime soon, even though I could DIY on the cheap.
  10. We planning on updating these guys 3mo or something? See if we can get some good growth shots? Just added about 40lbs of rock to a tank that I let sit with very little rock for 6months+
  11. You in CS or RR this week? If RR, then you can drive me, and we will all have a great time.... if CS... yeah...
  12. i Vote biocubed handles it, since he is home and also close to me. kthx
  13. I normally drink like a fish at home by myself, with my fish. I guess I could let you buy me some beers and talk me into your store, or into my pants.
  14. I'm in if someone up North can grab my bag from the pick-up point and meet with me later in the day. I can always spend 20-30 at reefcleaners no problem.
  15. I've got a few of those mushrooms, along with the usual purple and green. I don't think I have any red, but I can look the tank over when the lights come on. I do also have a superman rhodactis I could get rid of. The rhodactis is about 3-4" across though, and I feel they are kind of aggressive towards other corals, so I don't know about putting it in a pico. LMK if you might be interested in any.
  16. Finally put 40lbs of DryRock in the tank I've had for 8 months. Thanks for the help Chris.

    1. boognish


      No prob - Looks good. Much more surface area and internal bio area.

  17. Hoping to get some more Zoanthid growth all over my new rocks. I purchased 50lbs of dry rock from reefcleaners in Nov of 11, and just now got around to putting it in. I got rid of most of my GSP and Xenia rocks and left the tank a little bare for a while. Yesterday Uploaded with ImageShack.us Tonight Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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