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Everything posted by mFrame

  1. We'll leave the thread here for discussion, but you should start a Buy thread in your forum to separate interest in buying the product from the discussion of the product.
  2. At one time Shane was a sponsor of the club. Like him there are other local stores that have chosen either not to sponsor the club or not to continue to sponsor. Out of respect for each, let's not trash-talk or second guess their reasons. This question is more appropriately directed to each of them individually rather than having us speculate or put words in their mouth. Regardless, it is up to each member to determine the value and legitimacy of advice they receive both here and in the real world. Personally I like to gather as many opinions about a subject as I feel necessary to draw my own conclusions. There are some opinions I come to respect and trust more than others. That said, I like to spend my money with those who support us and the hobby.
  3. No, it pretty much exclusively targets the Euphyllia family (torches, frogspawn, hammers) . Your anemones should be fine. After my first bout with it I waited a few months and got another torch. Lost it. Several months later lost another. Now it's been over a year and I have healthy heads of hammers and torches in the tank, so it will eventually clear up. I did notice in all my bouts with it that the initial infection seemed to come after the coral was damaged. My torch would fall off the live rock to the sand, or get bumped, or have some other trauma that weakened it.
  4. Yes, I do think it could work. Care to be the first to try it out?
  5. The crew over at ReefGently have been kind enough to donate an AccliMate to the Austin Reef Club. Along with their donation I received a ton of coupons for 10% off the purchase of an AccliMate (PM me if you would like one). So what exactly is an AccliMate? It's many things: Acclimate - Iron-grip suction cups allow quick and secure mounting of the AccliMate to the outside or inside of your Aquarium. The Patent Pending dual siphon system allows for a slow and steady replacement of store water with your aquarium water. Trap - Turn the inner box upside down and replace it into the outer box with some bait to create a bristleworm trap. Worms crawl in through the holes after the bait and don't come back out. Transport - Take your AccliMate to the fish store to save the bag and save the stress. The sliding lid prevents spills while allowing oxygen exchange during transportation Isolate - The inner tanks with flow-through holes can be secured to the inside walls of the aquarium using the included suction cups. Can be used for in tank isolation, quarantine, targeted feeding and so much more So enough with the sales pitch, who is ready to try it out? We have added the AccliMate to the ARC club equipment available to Premium Members who can check out the device and use it. We have also added an Equipment Review forum and created a thread for the AccliMate so that members who use it can provide feedback on the tool and their experience with it.
  6. This kind of ties into the idea of having Tank Mentors here. There are many ways to run reef tanks, so it would help greatly if you could find someone whose tank and corals you like and then model yourself after them and how they do it. We're still playing with the idea of how to implement this.
  7. Subsea is a great source of pods as well....
  8. Yes, very typical install is that the water line coming into the house goes directly into the water softener. This protects the plumbing and water appliances in the house from the normal sediment buildup it would accumulate from un-softened water.
  9. Correct. The oils on the bulb burn hotter than the clean areas and will cause the bulbs to crack when hot.
  10. We don't delete sales threads afterward. You can either change the title to include the word "Sold" or you can just let it go and activity will decline with no new posts on the topic.
  11. Yes, that's the Solana disco ball fixture I have. If yours is like mine, there is a glass piece in a frame on the bottom of the light. You take a flathead screwdriver and just slowly pry it out (friction fit with 3 clips). Once it's out you can remove the bulb using a towel or cloth (don't touch the bulb directly).
  12. Lugol's solution is iodine. You can't buy straight Iodine anymore but you should still be able to get Lugol's. I can tell you I tried it and it had no apparent effect on brown jelly. If you still have healthy heads on the Torch, I would not delay. Contact a vet or your doctor and get the antibiotic as soon as possible, jelly spreads incredibly quickly.
  13. It's an SVT system with Samsung monitor and HD as a complete system. I contacted SVT and they said it's obsolete and they won't be making a Win7 version of their S/W. I can still use it as a security system as the DVR and monitor work well, I just can't view it remotely. Will it work on Win 7 running in XP mode?
  14. Can you drill a hole through the mount and partway into the tubing? Then you can put a set screw in it to keep it from twisting as you mentioned.
  15. Mine retreat when they have a full belly and want to digest it undisturbed.
  16. Or spray paint a crab ... think of it, you could have a crab with purple flames on it's shell! I'd get these if I didn't think that my fish would hound them ceaselessly!
  17. Take a look here: http://reefdreams.de/lang_eng/info_13_eng.html And talk to the guy sat the Aqua-Dome or RCA and see if they can help you find the antiobiotic mentioned in the article (the antibiotic chloramphenicol). Either way, best of luck, and please let us know how it works out - especially if you're able to save the remaining heads.
  18. In the last three years I have lost three very large, previously very healthy torch colonies to brown jelly. Here's what I have learned: If you have other corals of the Euphyllia family or similar corals (frogspawn, hammers) - REMOVE THE INFECTED TORCH IMMEDIATELY. Brown jelly is highly contagious and will wipe them all out. When you remove the infected coral in order to either frag off the sick heads or to remove it as a whole, place a ziploc bag into the tank and cover the coral with it before trying to move it. Otherwise the jelly will drift off like mucous and land throughout your tank. You want to contain as much of it and remove it as possible. Frag off any sick heads at the branch of the skeleton. Any heads that are "iffy" should go as well, it's not worth the risk. You can break the skeleton easy with a pair of wire cutters. Do not put the healthy frags back into the same location in the tank. The original coral was made vulnerable either by too much or lack of flow, and the jelly is most likely still in the water column. A small QT tank should be used just for the healthy heads and new salt water should be used in the tank versus using existing tank water. I wish you the best. I have tried dipping with a variety of different projects, and the most success I had was with Lugol's solution. Ultimately I lost all of the colony each time (one was a 50+ head colony the size of a volleyball. I have a 12g Eclipse system I use periodically for QT, it has a built in filter and light. You are welcome to borrow it to use as a QT tank.
  19. I buy the minced garlic in the jar of the produce section. The only thing you want to be careful of is to check the ingredients and make sure there are no preservatives in it.
  20. Yes, you can purchase the premium membership today (use the Paypal option). Don't add the sticker to your cart, we'll give it to you automatically tomorrow. You can pick the delivery method "Pick up at next meeting" and get your card and sticker tomorrow. Raffle tickets will be available tomorrow at the swap, or you can purchase them TODAY and TOMORROW only in the ARC store here on the site (http://www.austinree...raffle-tickets/). You will only see them in the store if you are a Premium, Professional, Benefactor,or Sponsor member. Please remember that while you don't have to be present to win, you do have to be there tomorrow to pick up your tickets and place them in the Raffle jar for the prizes you're interested in! I hope to have a method tomorrow by which you can pay for memberships and raffle tickets by CC or PayPal at the meeting, but just in case we have made the option above available. Thanks for reminding me to set this up Andrew!
  21. Glad to hear it's going well. Don't be surprised if you get a recurrence within the next week. Ich has a life cycle that repeats until it gets broken (i.e. no hosts to perpetuate it). Each time your fish fight it off they should build up a bit more resistance.
  22. Depending on where you're coming from, I think there will still be a decent size crowd around. Crawfish are being cooked at 5 and live music goes on around 7, with raffle drawings at 6:45
  23. As James said, the four raffle items tomorrow are restricted to Premium Members. These are some fantastic prizes, so don't miss your chance to win one! Additionally, anyone who signs on as a Premium Member tomorrow will receive a free ARC applique (car sticker). The club will have several donated corals for sale in the community tank as well as some freebies open to everyone (while supply lasts).
  24. I know Jakedoza has a small GBTA he's bringing to the frag swap. The price looks great....
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