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Everything posted by jolt

  1. I agree if you see one you've got them everywhere. Like Ty said, make sure you have plenty of carbon online if you do the flatworm exit. Some of those flatworms can be toxic when they die. Use strong aeration too ...
  2. jolt


    +1 Tropic Eden. I mixed 1/2 and 1/2 reef flakes and mini flakes, and threw a few bags of the live versions in with mostly not live. I think you could go with just the reef flakes if you wanted to and be fine. These are the specs for the various grades Aragasnow - 0.5mm Tonga Special Pink - 0.8mm Miniflakes - 2.0mm Mesoflakes - 2.7mm Reefflakes - 3.0mm Reefflakes Grand Select - 4.5mm
  3. Your fish definitely look fat and happy
  4. Indeed 2 part dosing causes salinity to creep up, I've seen it myself And I agree with Sascha, take it a bit slow. I would do that change over a couple of weeks. I accidentally ran mine high for at least a month or two due to miscalibrated refractometer (bad calibration fluid). Changed it slowly down and nothing bad happened.
  5. There are settings I believe. I've never messed with them: https://forum.neptunesystems.com/showthread.php?4911-Display-Module-backlight
  6. @victoly may still be looking for a frag tank
  7. jolt

    Hi All

    Not sure how to help. I've had good luck with specific search terms, for example "radion" brings up a number of hits. What specifically were you searching?
  8. Hey Ryan! Are you looking for equipment, livestock, ?? Also, for tips, etc. you'd probably get more responses if you had specific questions? There are lots of folks here who are glad to discuss various issues, questions, etc!
  9. Watch for a phosphate spike following the flucon. Mine jumped from 0.05 up to 0.12 within 36 hours
  10. Kind of looks like a bristleworm. Lots of people have them and like them. I'm not that big a fan myself.
  11. I thought so, but actually it has a nice ring to it
  12. Ooooh Tyree Longhorn and Purple Monster. Yeah!
  13. jolt

    280 gallon Build

    Alright SAM! Now the fun begins
  14. I'm by no means an expert on lighting, which is why I just stuck to their already tested program. I did not modify it. I don't find it too blue, but that is personal choice. I'd be afraid to give you any opinion on any mods you might want to do. Coral Labs set the relative intensity of the channels in the program with respect to each other based on experiments at their facility. I scale the program to 85% of the max values they set. I don't think that comes out to anywhere near 85% of the total power of the unit. Last I measured par it was around 300 mid tank unadjusted Apogee reading (not the new LED tuned sensor) I think I went from 50 to 85 over about a month. I also kept their standard ramp, and run from noon to 9pm. This is PC rainbow, 8" off bottom of tank, stock SPS AB+ ramped up to 85%, iphone photo
  15. It's getting serious now! I don't think I mentioned it earlier, but I am running the SPS AB+ program unmodified at about 85% on my tank.
  16. It's not so much the meter as the sensor you use. Apogee made an led corrected version of theirs a couple of years back. I don't know how well it actually works though. They explain the differences here: https://www.apogeeinstruments.com/quantum/
  17. jolt

    equipment sale

    Per forum rules please do your price negotiations using private messages. Thanks!
  18. Well, all things considered that was a good save!
  19. Sorry James, I had plans for that day otherwise I'd be happy to help. I could probably do the 18th though
  20. Tank looks very nice. Love the little filefish! I see room for another frag rack in there, honestly ....
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