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Everything posted by Isaac

  1. Isaac

    Isaac's 180+

    PETG. washed and rinsed before i put them "in service"
  2. Isaac

    Isaac's 180+

    new light installed. printed the supports, used some 2020 extrusion for the bars... wall bracket: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2475500
  3. Isaac

    Isaac's 180+

    version 2 installed... even leak tested it first! also printed a cover for it. JBJ RL overflow: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2474112
  4. i might have it on my build thread, i dont remember.
  5. Isaac

    Isaac's 180+

    Darn thing leaked in between layers. super slow leak, but still. Reprinting after researching more w/ PETG and watertight in mind. Aquarium was my primary excuse for getting it.... I just had to learn everything before i even tried! Gotta wait like 18hrs this time.
  6. magnetic float, strip of abs sheetrock corner molding (mount the float to), 24v power brick, sprinkler valve.... $15 for peace of mind.
  7. Isaac

    Isaac's 180+

    And we're plumbed in!!! set to around 20-22gal/hr.. and the overflow isnt even breaking a sweat!
  8. Isaac

    Isaac's 180+

    cleaned, plumbed up... waiting overnight for glue. using tiny pump temp... The 3d printed overflow w/ minimal clearance for it....... and drains plumbed bypassing fuge to sump in garage... now tomorrow the trick is gonna be starting that siphon.....twice.. ugh. ok, looking for a decent light in the 50-100 range... anyone?
  9. dino's in my office biocube went away as soon as i got fish in it and fed them. h2o2 alone worked initially, but they didnt stay away... i hate to say it... if your tank is too clean... dinos *lol*
  10. Isaac

    Isaac's 180+

    waiting sucks.....
  11. Isaac

    Isaac's 180+

    thats was my exact frame of thought. I designed an overflow lastnight (or wee early this morning)
  12. hopefully its not too late..... when making manifolds, don't end w/ an elbow... use a tee and extra pvc and a cap. this allows you to add onto it later if you ever need to. looks awesome
  13. Isaac

    Isaac's 180+

    finally took the plunge... a frag tank! its running vinegar at the moment. still debating if i want to figure out some water exchange w/ the main tank, or isolate it.anyone know of a dual peristaltic pump w/ a single motor?
  14. he's got all kinds.. small, big, medium, oblong.... you should see his tank... its like a clone army.
  15. nope. doesnt let me login. call to undefined method IPS\Member::checkLoginKey()
  16. still broke.. cant login, cant see posts.
  17. 1" on mine as well. dont tee them together, run 2 lines.
  18. per forum rules, please list prices (even if its just ballpark since its a garage sale)
  19. make sure you clear your cache... looks like the css files for updated.
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