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Everything posted by brian.srock

  1. Does anyone dose fresh saltwater? I'm currently using Instant Ocean which at a salinity of 1.026 the Mg is at 1320. I keep my tank at 1.025 to buffer it from going too high so this puts me at the 1280 range. Since I have been trying to accelerate my coral growth I have been shooting for 1400 in my tank. This also causes my Ca to drop to 400 and Alk to drop to 8 as well every time I do a water change which is usually weekly. The reason for the question is its usually recommended not to raise Mg/Ca/Alk by X amount per day but since their is no life in my salt water mixing bucket would it be ok to does Mg first, then Ca, then Alk say 5 minutes apart the full amount needed? Alk for example would raise from 8 to 12 which is more than the recommended 1.4 dKH a day. I always make 20 gallons of saltwater so I'm looking to streamline this and have 3 premarked containers for 20 gallons of dosing water made and just dump 5 minutes apart then test alk after 5 minutes. How's my plan?
  2. Dont forget you can still check out all the frags tanks at C4 for free.

  3. Tooking for tank raised snails that have been trained to turn themselves over. Willing to pay $10 a snail. LMK.

    1. sifuentes31
    2. brian.srock


      Trolling for Looks?

    3. Planeden


      Yall are funny.

  4. You can view this tank in person at this years C4 conference. See everyone there.
  5. We're setting up a paintball day on the 29th if anyone would like to join.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. brian.srock


      Texas Paintball. PM your email for the info.

    3. Dustin Blevins

      Dustin Blevins

      Wish I could. I used to rock 5 man psp

    4. ckyuv


      Man I'll be out of town. Last time y'all went I was out of town too! Y'all play 5man?

  6. Thanks for the Info Clark. I already have dual Jabeo pumps that do waves. The reason I want to monitor pH is from something I read about if Alkalinity and pH here http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/5/chemistry If there was an alkalinity probe then i'd do that. Just trying to make sure I keep my tank as stable as possible and without testing I have no clue how much swings I am having when I dose.
  7. Just msg him with your request and he'll have it to you the next day
  8. Tim joined me on my Birthday for paintball. I was actually going to message him for another game we're getting together in 2 weeks. I'm glad to have spent more time with him.
  9. Count me in too Mitch. I can either paypal or go pull out cash.
  10. Wow great prices but if you keep selling me stuff I'm going to be forced to upgrade.
  11. We will truely miss you Tim. May you rest in peace.
  12. Thanks Niko for special ordering a puffer for me. You have better deals than group buys. I'll definately be ordering from you again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Niko's Reef

      Niko's Reef

      Thanks guys. Let us know what else we can do for you.

    3. reeflover


      Ty, those are the fish that my wife wanted for the 220g. Will the coral be the same as yours ? Highly doubt it. ,

    4. FarmerTy


      Ha, you will have it all setup soon enough!

  13. Thanks for the info Mike. I almost asked the wife to go until I noticed in my calendar that C4 is the exact same day.
  14. Well it's not available til Mid November but how much would it cost me to be able to do that? Can I plug in ethernet or do I have to get some module for wireless? Also found out the Reef Angel does water level warnings as well.
  15. Actually nothing was running through it when the power goes out since we have an issue with the GFCI tripping randomly. It would bleach the Purple Montis since they were out of water but they always bounced back. This happened quite a bit especially on weekends since getting up in the attic crawlspace was a little difficult with my drill. I now have a seperate 20v breaker with a UPS for my pumps and have moved one of the pumps onto my lighting switch just in case one breaker trips and the other doesn't. I'll try to plug it all up to my kill-a-watt tonight and see what i'm running power wise but the only thing on my UPS that'll receive power at the moment is my Return pump and heater and whatever monitoring system I plan on going with if it doesn't have it's own temporary battery source..
  16. Knowing when water is empty is a plus. Thanks for the info.
  17. If power goes out does either system alert you or do they not have their own backup? I know my system can easily survive 24 hours with no power as I've had a GFCI trip on multiple occasions but if I'm away it'd be nice to know it happened so I can arrange for someone to reset it.
  18. I was looking at the Sardino http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/29749-sardino-a-diy-arduino-based-reef-controller/?hl=controller but I would probably start it and never finish I don't need it to dose for me since my kalk keeps things pretty stable. So here is where I'm at. Looks like no one is recommending the Reefkeeper or Lifeguard which would of been the perfect price point for me. So now it's Apex vs Reef Angel and price is the only difference when they both do the same thing. Actually the Reefkeeper does more on a basic model since it does ATO, pH, and has a 8 outlet power bar for the same price as just the Apex JR which only does Temp and a 4 outlet power bar. Apex JR $240 $70 Lab grade pH prove $85 PM1 Total price $395 Reef Angel $269 Total price $269 Do I need anything for either of these to access stuff from an app or can both of these be connected to an ethernet cable and set up that way? Is there an app price?
  19. I just dont want to pay a lot of money for 2% usage though. Maybe I need to research what features it has because I'm thinking their all just some little audrino board that's a glorified timer/thermometer.
  20. The entry level apex is already $400 with what I wanted it to do. Thanks for the info on the reef angel Bogdan. The nice part is then it does everything I want in the price range I want. Maybe I'm missing something but what would justify the cost of an extra $100? The only piece of equipment that I want controlled is my heater. I have everything else on a dedicated breaker plugged into a ups.
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