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JEREMY'S 200G eurobraced build


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Well now i know how you got your screen name...LOL. JK, its not something you can smoke. Its also called a rod end. I sanded and tained the canopy tonight so the polyurethane will go on tomorow night, then paint the inside white. Cant wai to get the actuators in tomorow hopefully. They were in Colorado at 3am this morning.

Well, cool. Let's see what you are calling a hyme. I think I got one of those in high school!.

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well the lift works like a champ. I will remove it tomorow and prime and paint it then re-install it. It will have to be adjusted onc the lights are mounted in it but i pre weighted the canopy with what i thought my fixture weighed and it works fine. I can slep a little better knowing my project actually worked.

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You all have to see this tank in person. The thing is awesome, I've been there helping him put glass together and with the lift system. It's a mixture of aqautics & engineering! I know he's itching to get water in it.

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well not alot of news, im waiting on a PVC fitting to come in then the tank plumbing will be done and i can move the tank back to the wall. Then i can water test it...YAAAA!!! Next month im gonna have to buy buckets of salt, sandbed, and liverock (100#s) Then just start the new tank.....Hopefully all goes well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so i got back from my trip to Iowa for a wedding, MAN as it a crazy 5 days. Between having a mud flap off of a semi hit the front of the Pathfinder and tear the front bumper and getting side swipped at 70mph all is good. Wedding went of w/o a hitch. When i returned my PVC fittings were here so i finished up the plumbing today, got the tank sat back on the ground and aganst the wall. The pic of the trailer is where we stayed for 5 days in Iowa, the other is of the arrangements of the sump area.



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im doing well, r u over there? The shelves will house the CO2 bottle and CA Reactor, the baskets will hold dry goods and dosing stuff. The pic of the trailer is just for laughs, it was in a field behind my cousins farm.

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i took the plunge today...WATER TEST...it all went well, it holds water and the aquarium doesnt leak. I have a drip from one of the ball valves on the drain that i will have to address but other than that All is Good. Now i need to save for sand,salt, and liverock. Im gonna let the tank set for a day or to with water in it just to make sure.


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the window? the one to the right? It doesnt get any direct sunlight and it has 90% solarscreen and blinds so i think its covered. Im more worried about the kitchen lighting. But thats just me. Live rock,salt, and sand will be here hopefully this week depending on how the holiday goes and shipping. Anyways sorry its at a boring point right now.

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mmmm cause there wont be 12hrs of true darkness, not that big a deal but with my current tank it only has light when the lights are on basically. Im not realy that worried though. I got the salt and sand and right know the ro/di water is being put in. It should be about full tomorow afternoon. gotta clean the sand and pour the salt in once its close to the level i want it at. The LR should be here friday. Getting realy happy to see it coming together.

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So i guess it been awhile since an update, i drained the tap water out and filed the tank with RO/DI water and put the sand in the bottom. Man even pre washing the sand didnt help the cloudiness. So i turned the tank on and let it run, OOOPPPPSSSS, i need a bigger return pump. The mag 18 isnt enough so i purchased a mag 24. All in all the tank runs great but the intank flow outta the returns isnt enough for what i wanted (hence the reason for a bigger pump).

Alright on to the next thing, my liverock arrived today from California via FIJI. All i can say is $275 for 100#s and free shipping. The rock looked great with a mixture of large to small. I put it in a Brute trash can with a powerhead at the bottom and a powerhead at the top for flow. Now the waiting game of doing water changes on it and watchn the levels till they go down. REALY gettn excited now. The 100#s i just purchased and the 125#s in my current tank should be plenty of LR for the job.

The new skimmer i bought works great also, i am letting it run to break it in. Guess for now its just the WAITING....

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  • 2 weeks later...

i just have it running right nw to break it in with RODI water that is in the new tank. Seems to work, easy to adjust. Im calling them on the air control cause to me it makes NO difference on foam no matter where the air adjustment is set. VERY HAPPY with the price and skimmer.

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