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Everything posted by muddybluewater

  1. As stated above the rock could very well be the problem. Something else to think about is what you are feeding. Flake food is also a source of phos. Pellet is better or frozen. If you are using frozen, thaw it and then strain the water out. Add only the solid to your tank and see if that helps.
  2. Reef cleaners will set you up a custom cuc. There is a group buy going on now. They are also a sponsor.
  3. I am still waiting for the 55g
  4. Go horns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. come on you don't need info just send him $155. He does have 2 posts here and has them listed for sale on several other sites. You can always hope that there are no pests in his tank. Sorry for the sarcasm but it seems strange.
  6. I have not thought of that place in years. Great b-fast tacos.
  7. That is why you use a GFI. It could have killed everything in the tank, and possibly you.
  8. When I said I had to change them out I meant that I had to have my electrician change them. They were on a 20 amp breaker and 12-2 wire. All of this per the 2008 NEC. My house is wired to the 2000 NEC and has 20amp breakers in it. Definitely look at you panel and see what size breaker you have. A 14-2 might be an issue with 20amps but I would have to look it up. I am not an electrician but do own a copy of the 2008 NEC.
  9. Another question would be why 400w, and what kind of fixture/ pendant would cover a 55g tank (4'x?)? Wouldn't it be better to go with 2 lights? 2x 175 or 250w
  10. The problem with tinting the inside piece of glass is that it keeps the heat between the panes and will damage the seal. You can buy windows that are tinted but they are tinted on the inside of the out side piece of glass forcing the heat out. That is a much better idea and the method that I use.
  11. Tinting your windows at your home will void any warranty that may apply. If the windows are more than 10 years old you probably don't have a warranty to worry about
  12. GFCI plugs will get weaker over time. I had a whole batch that were bad that spread over 2-3 houses that I was building. I had to change all of them out. Also there are 15amp and 20 amp plugs if you have a 15 change it out.
  13. Something else to think about is that chaeto likes 16-18hrs of light from a 5000k-5500k bulb. It might help to get some more growth and nutrient export. Just a thought
  14. Welcome to the addiction. +1 on go slow, nothing in this hobby happens fast. Their is a reefcleaners group buy going on that would be a way to add the clean up crew (cuc) cheap. Add some snails and hermits but I would wait on the shrimp. As for the salinity issue add Ro/Di water daily to account for the evaporation. What you can keep in the way of corals will be determined by the lighting on your tank. Ask as many questions as you can we will be happy to try to help.
  15. Are you going to have actinic supplementation? If all you are changing is 324w to 400w it should not be more than a few dollars.
  16. I have 80# sand 80# small crushed coral mixed in mine.
  17. The number I shoot for is 30-35x turn over per hour. So a 75g would need 2200-2600gph. The mag 5 seems small for the return. I would think you would want 5-700gph.
  18. That's funny, you have to love the mind of a child.
  19. I have an orange digi that lost its color b/c of light change it took a week to start to gain color again and is more red than orange now.
  20. Fish on the reef feed all day long. I try to feed small amouts 2-3 times per day. If you figure the amount that you would feed daily and cut it into 3 parts you will not over feed. If you need to cut back then calculate that amount and divide it by the times you would feed. If you miss a feeding everything will still be OK
  21. Sounds like if you want a passive wrasse you should add it before either one. I like my 6 line.
  22. I hate to miss these but could not make it
  23. Here is mine, still maturing but getting better.
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