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Everything posted by jolt

  1. But if you read the fine print it said "Won't be wet until march". It was wet in JANUARY guys .... Plus, the appropriate way to look at it is a % of my total existence to date, so 110 days / (57 years) * (365 days / year)) = .005 (less than 1/2 of 1%) Wheras, if I were a youngster like you guys that would SEEEEEEM like a much longer period of time to you than it does to me ... Just sayin
  2. Thanks! But be warned: if you go slow there will be harassment from club members (cough, Jeff, cough ...)
  3. Anyone aware of current codes for LA/DD? Thinking about placing an order ...
  4. I see, so you got the giftcard as part of the St Jude's raffle then?
  5. So does living reef ship fish & coral, or ??
  6. Haha Jimbo! For the colors, my philosophy is "if I build it, they will come" -- or at least one can hope ... I call it my "tank of dreams"
  7. Thanks Isaac. I really enjoy focusing on details, I think we have that in common
  8. Nice video. Your blenny is hilarious
  9. Here's the frag tank, with a few starter frags going ... It has a feeder too Jeff
  10. Haha, I had to put that in place in order to measure for the screen cover, which I did when Artfully acrylic had their 15% off black friday sale.
  11. Your darn right. Gonna turn on the lights in a week or two so hold on ....
  12. Ok, for everyone except Jeff (hard to believe he's a fellow Bobcat), here is the tank wet and running the return pump, and if you look carefully you can see the hole I punched through the wall for the Radion power cords. Did that today ...
  13. I'm sorry that I am slow as molasses, but that's who I am folks!
  14. I am running my frag tank barebottom. It's too new for me to have regrets yet ... I put a piece of starboard in there and it looks pretty nice so far.
  15. Update: Fired up the return pump on the 180 today and there were no leaks in the plumbing Still have some fine tuning to do on the bean animal stuff CaRx on the frag tank is *almost* keeping up with demand at this point. Alk drifted from 8.59 down to 8.26 over three days. Lowered the Ph range to 7.45-7.4, dripping 30ml/min effluent.
  16. Definitely a good fit for that location!
  17. Personally, I like the new look a lot
  18. jolt

    Isaac's 180+

    Sorry to hear that Isaac, I hate losing fish
  19. I just realized how much I like your aquascape. Nice work!
  20. That's pretty decent for phone pictures
  21. That's one HUGE starfish hiding in the cave!
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