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Everything posted by jolt

  1. Right side of the tank is NOT keeping up with the left side for growth. Just sayin ....
  2. jolt

    Isaac's 180+

    Seems like it would be easy to practice with it and not waste any ...
  3. The rocks and sand are in the tank now ... aquascape2 from James Holt on Vimeo.
  4. I could do it later in the day but 11am is too early. If 5pm is a possibility let me know ...
  5. I think I finally have the CaRx dialed in on the frag tank
  6. Thanks Jimbo. I am open to hints/suggestions on the rockwork if you see anything ...
  7. Ok, here's a go at vimeo: https://vimeo.com/204802335
  8. Yeah, I know. How do you embed videos? You using a URL?
  9. Working on the aquascaping, trying to figure out how to embed a video .. It comes across as a download instead of embedded. Are folks just using URLs?
  10. Yeah, they make them in various sizes for bud boxes. I like it because I can move things around without having a jillion holes drilled I used this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005UPE9B6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  11. My todo list: - mount, wire in, and plumb the ATO - setup the skimmer, neck cleaner, and skimmate locker - build the manifold and setup the CaRx and media reactors - aquascape That's all I can think of at the moment. Here's a teaser (still work in progress):
  12. I've had it long enough that I now understand how to work with it. Getting the tank aligned on the stand was super hard. I got suction cups and we did it with three people. Moving the stand around I can do by myself. Put my back up against the cabinet (not the tank!), and use my legs to push it.
  13. Tank is in final position and lights are all set! (pay no attention to the fancy plumb lines on the light bar ..., they were used to square up the tank to the lights)
  14. I'll bet you will be fine with the plexi since it's such a small sump. The pressure on the joints will be so small ...
  15. I found that making the tubing look neat goes a long way towards acceptance. I used the little nylon cable clamps to attach the tubing to the wall
  16. Well, Jimbo, usually when I make an update it's kind of a 'tip of the iceburg' report, but I guess some folks wanted more details This was actually a pretty typical weekend over the last couple of months. When I started the 180, I did not account for how much work it would be to maintain a tank, bring one up, and build one all at the same time
  17. Subject: TPS Report for 2/4/2017 Accomplishments for this day: Received a square tail bristletooth tang, an ORA Joe the Coral, and an ORA plum Crazy from Divers Den. Tang is in QT, frags were dipped in Bayer and Flatworm Exit and are now in the frag tank. Received 3 bumblebee snails, 6 banded trochus snails, and 6 mexican cerith snails from Live Aquaria. They were acclimated and put in the frag tank. Moved 3 Bartlett's Anthias from QT into frag tank. Began draining the display tank for the move into final position tomorrow Finished the extended wiring for the radions, and did the spackling touchup for the minor repairs needed after hanging the lights Tested the supply line from the saltwater mixing station to the DT. All is well. Secured all behind cabinet wiring and tubing in prep for final positioning Plans for upcoming 24 hour period: Take pink streak wrasse pair off prazipro and begin raising their QT to final salinity Get the bristletooth to eat, he's super stressed right now Finish draining DT in prep for final positioning Make more SW WC and regular maintenance on 32 gallon tank and frag tank Cook 4 racks of ribs Watch super bowl Respectfully filed for management approval, Jolt Attachment:
  18. Thanks for sticking up for me! I'll make sure to credit your assistance in my TPS report ....
  19. Geez, there's water in it. I posted pix
  20. Ok, Jeff, I promise to file my TPM reports on time in the future. But, I could work a lot faster if I only knew where my stapler was ....
  21. It's looking very good so far. If you can support the side door while open then it could make a nice little work shelf too ...
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