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Everything posted by jolt

  1. Wish my corals were as poorly colored and unhappy as yours!
  2. All the kings horses and all the kings men, maybe?
  3. I recommend to at least get a quote on a Planet for comparison. It's not a lot of work and Gary at Aquadome is very good at making sure you get what you want.
  4. Is everything on the right in the picture on the other side of a wall?
  5. PSA for today: When you decide to pressure test your new manifold for your new build, triple check that all the valves are closed. Even when you KNOW they are closed. And have plenty of towels nearby.
  6. Thanks Kim! I remember telling you I would have it up "real soon" at the club meeting in December 2015! LOL
  7. I've got some Dt Tims bacteria and ammonium chloride coming later this week!
  8. Haha, I guess it does from that angle. Just gonna have to cover it with coral so that "feature" goes away!
  9. Thanks Jeff, I was hoping you would do your thing!
  10. Hah! It was a long wait Jimbo, but I am happy with the final product
  11. Two 300 watt heaters seems to do the trick
  12. Ok, it's fired up. Few odds and ends left to do, but let the cycle begin ...
  13. That's a bunch of healthy looking tangs! Too bad about the alk swing, but looks like things are coming thgether
  14. Hah - I was looking at those gorgeous anemones when I said that
  15. Right side of the tank is NOT keeping up with the left side for growth. Just sayin ....
  16. jolt

    Isaac's 180+

    Seems like it would be easy to practice with it and not waste any ...
  17. The rocks and sand are in the tank now ... aquascape2 from James Holt on Vimeo.
  18. I think I finally have the CaRx dialed in on the frag tank
  19. Thanks Jimbo. I am open to hints/suggestions on the rockwork if you see anything ...
  20. Ok, here's a go at vimeo: https://vimeo.com/204802335
  21. Yeah, I know. How do you embed videos? You using a URL?
  22. Working on the aquascaping, trying to figure out how to embed a video .. It comes across as a download instead of embedded. Are folks just using URLs?
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