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Status Updates posted by Elizzy

  1. Found an empty snail shell. This scares me into thinking I still have a polyclad flatworm. Here's wishing I had started my tank with dead rock....Anymore dead snails and I may have to.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Timfish


      I have reef systems that are decades old and I've never had any longterm success with snails. Got urchins bought in the '90s and had Sally Lightfoots 4-5 but snails rarely make it to a year.

    3. Elizzy


      Ok, then that's good news, for some reason I thought they'd live for a long time. :)

    4. Timfish


      They can, I had a Astraea that lived for 8-10 years and and a shell over 2" tall and the diameter of a $.50 piece. But one out of thousands of shells I've seen isn't a good ratio.

  2. I'm thinking discus for 2015. On this eve of what looks like another crash, wishing everyone a very Happy New Year :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jestep


      I wouldn't in any way switch to discus thinking it will be easier or cheaper than a reef tank. When I was doing discus, it was easily 5 times more work than a somewhat automated reef.

      If you start with juveniles, you need to do 50 - 100% daily water changes to prevent stunting. Otherwise, adults cost $100+ per fish and still require very good quality water, 50 - 100% per week water changes minimum.

    3. Jimbo662


      I'd considered doing discuss but after much thought / research decided to stick with angels.

    4. Niko's Reef

      Niko's Reef

      I know someone Liz who has some really nice Discus at great prices. High end.

  3. Watch out, I kill Xenia! (and not on purpose!)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elizzy


      Actually I might - thanks oO, I'm just trying to figure out what did it! I did move it to what I thought was a better place for it, and now it's just dying :( (I moved it back to its old spot)

    3. Melissa


      don't feel bad. I kill xenia and kenyas like no tomorrow. :)

    4. Ulade


      If it helps I recently learned that high levels of magnesium kills Xenia pretty quickly... :(

  4. If only there was a bubble algae pooper scooper...yep, I'm gonna make one.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Planeden


      Hmm, somehow this got put not my status...but I probably did it. Planeden

      I don't know when spores are bad, exactly. I saw a YouTube video of a guy clearing thn out while they were green. His method was to use a piece of airline tubing to have a little vacuum for the pieces and spores while attacking it with a scalpel and tweezers. I sadly didn't bookmark the video, but you can probably find it.

    3. Elizzy


      Yep, I've seen that vid, Mr. Saltwater Tank... If the emerald crab eats it, they pop the bubbles, don't they?

    4. Planeden


      yes. but i think that the idea is that they continue to eat the algae as it crops back up. but i have no experience with any of it.

  5. Trap set for the polyclad flatworm!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kmmthree


      You should be able to take the rock out and let it sit in RO water for 20 minutes.

    3. Elizzy


      Trap baited with fresh (previously frozen) shrimp and scallop did not work :( I wanted to avoid taking rock out because it has a few zoas and tube worms..may just do it though. Thanks.

    4. kmmthree


      I think the zoas will probably be fine if you dip the rock in fresh water.

  6. While driving home on I35 today ('bout 615pm), I saw a white SUV with an ARC sticker in their rear window... :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fishypets


      You talking about that naked guy? It was me and Robb.

    3. Elizzy
    4. Robb in Austin
  7. Does anyone have a fish trap I could borrow? My Coral Beauty just went rogue. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elizzy


      Yes, I was at happy hour and didn't feed my fish. The fungia was perfectly happy and the Coral Beauty started at its mouth and worked its way down. :(

      I think the fungia will pull through.

    3. Elizzy


      Note, I've had the fungia for four years and the CB for 10 months.

    4. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      I had an Elbi angel that took a liking to some of my coral. He was dismissed too.

  8. Broke my pinky toe this morning... YAY!

    1. JamesL
    2. Elizzy


      Yeah, was trying to make it sound positive...it didn't work, did it? ;)

    3. NonSequitur


      Ouch! At least you weren't diagnosed with gout. I don't even have a good story to explain why I'm limping.

  9. RO DI system in place - pumping out first gallon! (Hey, do I have to worry about dechlorinating?)

    1. Robb in Austin
    2. Elizzy


      Thanks, I didn't think so, but thought I'd check ;)

    3. Laura


      See you tomorrow !!

  10. Just got an order from Aqua SD - very, very happy. They pack very well. :)

    1. KimP


      Aqua SD packages are pretty awesome to get!

    2. FarmerTy


      It always amazes me how little the bags are and the amount of water but everything comes in perfect and happy.

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      How about the colors? Are their goodies really that awesome?

  11. So upset I couldn't make it to the frag swap/meeting...I have the flu! Didn't think anyone would appreciate the germs...down for the count...3 days so far. Sucks.

    1. Grog


      Get well soon!

    2. mFrame


      Sorry you missed it but appreciate you thinking of others. Hope you feel better soon!

    3. Mlaw


      yeah that sucks. I spent the day replacing the sewage pump in my septic tank so I missed it for a crappy reason also. :)

  12. My dog has allergies...yep. $170 worth of allergies. :P

    1. diabeetus


      my brothers dogs (3 of them) found a porcupine to play with on christmas eve!! yup 350 dollars worth of porcupine :/

    2. Elizzy
  13. When I have a good deal with someone (i.e. they show up) I add them as my friend. If you're unsure about someone, if they're a friend of mine - it's like me vouching for them. :)

    1. jolt


      I like that!

    2. ckyuv


      You can rate them also and give them 5 stars!

  14. It only takes one bad dental hygienist to ruin your whole day.

    1. Melissa


      I've met only one dentist that doesn't make me cry or shake when going. It only takes one dentist to create a phobia.

    2. mcallahan


      My dentist is an ARC member! He rocks! (Mike_M)

  15. Today the power went out at my house. Expected down time was enough to kill everything in my saltwater tank. At discovering this, I told my bf "well, I'll just pray for my fish then." At that exact moment, the power came back on. I seem to have a direct line to the Almighty today, so if you need anything, please let me know.

    1. mcallahan


      my list is too long for the status update field.

    2. August


      lol Im with Mark on that one.... but glad your tank was ok :)

  16. My cleaner shrimp hunted down and killed my new peppermint shrimp... RIP pepper.

    1. Robb in Austin
    2. stoneroller


      Good to know. How big is your tank?

  17. AC just came on...

    1. mcallahan


      its 64 outside...open a window!

  18. For nearly 8 months I haven't had any aiptasia, I just now spotted one... AGGGGHHHH!

    1. JamesL


      Ditto. They just appear to annoy. I got rid of a big one with some epoxy, and then spotted a little one in the middle of my sympodium. Hoping the coral takes care of that one.

  19. My emerald crab has eaten all of my asterinas. Or that flatworm has...

    1. Woods


      The flatworm is more of a Snail eater from my experience with the one I had. I would put the bet on the Emerald.

  20. Midnight snack...Omg it's Charlie Sheen!

  21. My man just refinished my canopy and installed two sets of LEDs in it. Keeper. :)

  22. Just found some zoas I thought were eaten, yay for bulldozer snails! ;)

  23. Clownfish can't attack my hand when their mouths are full. Ha ha clownfish, HA HA!

  24. Hermit crab drama! I just witnessed one hermit crab pick up another and slam him down multiple times. I was worried it was going to end badly. Instead, the attacked hermit vacated its shell, the battle hermit claimed that shell and the loser got the old shell. Things are crazy in hermit crab world!

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