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Everything posted by Headless_donkey

  1. We will be having our February meeting at River City Aquatics on February 24rd at 4:30 pm. THANK YOU CARLOS! Jake Wand of RCA will be speaking on: "The affects of climate change on the marine ornamental trade." It should be very informative and lots of fun. Carlos said he would keep the registers open if anyone "needs"anything. February 24,2008 4:30pm River City Aquatics 12108 Roxie Dr Ste D Austin, TX 73301 512.219.7200 http://www.rivercityaquatics.com/ map Jake Wade "The affects of climate change on the marine ornamental trade." Thanks again Carlos and see everyone there!
  2. Yes. Just try not to melt the board or get it crazy hot. I am pretty sure the circuit doesn't need the buzz to work. If it does you could just jumper the where the leads were with some wire.
  3. You are trying to disconnect it right? Just unsolder it from the board. I can do it for in about 10 minutes. If you wanted to make it quieter I am sure we could figure out how to do that as well.
  4. Sweet! the 2nd half of the year is really coming together
  5. As for the scooter, Many people including myself have had luck with trigger pods. You can buy them at River City. You can also try fish roe from the Asian market. I did this for a while. Once the fish starts eating frozen food just feed it mysis. Shrimp tend to be more active at night. They are used to being hunted during the day. after a while they should come out more.
  6. !THREAD HIJACK! What kind of heater do you use Gabriel? BTW Getting fans is a great idea. I use clip on fans from Walmart(even though I hate what this corporation is doing to the nation and local economies). They move tons of air and are less expensive and/or time consuming to set-up then others. We actually got rid of a tank because of the humidity.
  7. So, We are having a frag swap with MAAST in San Marcos on March 8th. That means we do not need a host for the meeting in March. However, February is still not covered. Now would be the time to come forward and volunteer to host a meeting. Thank you
  8. It will fit in my car and I can drive it up to you. Since I work in your neck of the woods. When do you need it? I can also help you move to tank
  9. What he said Fewer pumps mean less heat and things to go wrong. That being said get a quality return pump to avoid problems. Skimmers a needed unless you want to take stocking REALLY slooooow and mangroves don't export that many nutrients. I would add some kind of macro algae.
  10. We need people to host the February and March meetings. Who wants to do it?
  11. Sounds like a good deal. You will be happoer with the quality bulbs then the freebies.
  12. T5 also gives you the opportunity to custom design a color based on looks or par or both. Heat was my main reason for going with T5 BTW what is the name if the fixture you bought?
  13. Welcome to the revolution! T5 Kicks butt! BTW I get growth and color. Plus you else on the block has a 3500K bulb?
  14. Is that whole where the return pump goes? If so I would go with a much bigger return area. Evaporation, is going to empty that pretty fast. I see you have an ATO, but if something goes wrong with it, it doesn't leave much room for error. Also, a three baffle bubble trap instead of the section with what I think is a sponge shelf in between the skimmer and return would be more effective. <---not the best sentence ever written! You could also try to incorporate a bubble tower for the drain from the tank. My gut feeling is you have some great ideas and nice implantation, but just need a larger space in which to work. If you took your basic design increase the size by 2 or 3 times and put in some bubble traps I think you would be happy. I have to say nice skimmer! Can this sump take the water needed when you turn of your return?
  15. That is a TON of water through a 29 gallon. I think I bigger sump would suit you best. It would allow for more error when the power goes out. 5x turnover is a good number to shoot for. You are looking right now at almost 30x. Your skimmer barely has time to grab any water. The bubbles don't even have time to float to the top. I know this sounds crazy, but I am SURE someone would trade you for a smaller pump if that is something your interested in. I personally think you should just go bigger with the sump.
  16. Nice trade. Love those encrusting corals. eh?
  17. Your siphon break holes might be sucking air. Assuming you have siphon break holes. The way to remedy that would be bring the water level up to cover them. If that is possible of course. If not you can fill them and make news ones. If your sump can take the extra water when the power goes off. You know the drill.
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