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Everything posted by AquaJohn

  1. Well the only reason to keep it coverd would be to stop dust bunnies and to slow down evaporation. Unless you are using lime water. In that case you want as little contact with air as you can get. The air will reduce the potency
  2. I work at a place that makes cusom plastic water tanks so I can cheat. You can go as simple as a water bottle. there are tons of how to's on youtube.
  3. if its sealed then the water would not be able to come out. I think they just mean you want ir covered. Unless you are doing the method where you have one tube that transfers the water and the other is in the sump at water level so that when the water level drops it alows air into the tube that then travels to the ato res. that then lets water out till it fills the sump up and blocks air from going into the tube.
  4. if its only 2" above the water I hope there is glass between the water and bulbs or one splash and its gona go POOF
  5. LED's have been shown to produce as much growth as MH time and time again over the last 2-3 years. If you don't want to drink the cool ade thats up to you . Im sure with the cost of plasma they will be like the betamax was to vhs.
  6. WOW!!! If Mr Cob did not take all my lunch money I would be all over this lol. Those utter chaos are flippin amazing
  7. its a nice system at a killer price. All of Medi's stuff lookes top notch and the items I got from him have all been well cared for.
  8. get a hanna phospate checker you will thank me in the morning from what I have read about carbon dosing it takes months for the bacteria to actualy get a big enough presence to make a difference. I know with vinager you want to keep uping the dose till you hit 0 then cut the amount of that dose in 1/2 to use as your base normal dose. and then check weekly to see if they numbers go up if so incease 1 ml check in a week and if they go up ad 1 more mil so on till you get them stable at close to 0. for my size tank I started with 9ml then the next week went to 12 16 and am currently at 22ml and my phospates are still at .2 ish. and its been over a month so far no drop from the cabon and I also run gfo
  9. if you want details on fragging stuff youtube is your friend you can find any type of coral and get a vid of how to do it. I would recomend watching a few and get the basics and then come ask and make sure the ones you watched are a good way to go about it.
  10. AquaJohn

    New logo

    The new logo looks nice good work
  11. Just send a pm to me before you list the item to see if I want it then post away. I would say as a buyer your best bet to get picked for the item is to include in your reply that you will send paypal payment as soon as you get the sellers PP address. Do not expect to be first in line just because you happen to be the first to post in the thread alot of people send a PM first then post to the open forum if they post at all.
  12. I have a bud thats setting up a tank and might be interested im not sure if he has a skimmer yet. How old it it ? and do you have the manual for it unless its avalable online.
  13. any creature you add to the tank could eat corals emerald crabs are on the list of safe things for the tank and usualy dont.
  14. +1 on emerald crabs my yellow eye khol tang loves them too.
  15. And Austin Aqua farms has an open house Sat from 1-4 and they usualy have a ton of acans zoa's and also some hard corals.
  16. well LSO is almost by 10:30 LoL. I would also recomend Mr.Cobs Corals you can find him in the sponsor section or click the link in the above post.
  17. AquaJohn

    Live Rock

    its all good sized chunks of encrusted rock Wish I had some of this when I started my tank.
  18. My suggestion would be to send the seller payment via PayPal it costs you nothing or the seller anything if its sent as a gift. And I am sure a seller would agree to refund the funds if you were not happy when you went to pick it up or at least you could make that clear before hand. I feel safe doing this with anyone that has been around the boards a while.
  19. It will be interesting to see how you feel about them in 6 months to a year good luck and I hope you got them all. No way in the world would I put that rock back in my tank its way cheeper to replace the corals that were on it.
  20. If you end up with a color you dont like all you have to do is replace one of the bulbs not all 4 again . I only ran 2 t5's with my MH and they were both the gus <humm forgot how its spelled but the german bulbs> super antic+ and really like the color. I left them on when I went to my LED build and still use them.
  21. autotopoff.com and a bucket = priceless
  22. I would not click that link below its from a new user

    1. JamesL


      Dealt with it. :)

  23. awsome. I had my big fixture go down or at least one string of whites seems one of my awsome solder joints only looked awsome lol. At least it only raised up a bit to brake the connection and did not move over and touch the heatsink and fry everything. Im not sure its worth the headaches. If I had it to do over I think I would just buy the radions.
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