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Everything posted by AquaJohn

  1. Is it better to run a gfo reactor in your sump or in the display tank ? I have a 110 and about 40 ish gal sump.
  2. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Inland-DFS-100-ReefKeeper-Saw-/120802711704?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c20671898
  3. duct tape the leg on for a temp fix. Alot of people do 3 days of darkness to kill off bad algae so I would assume no harm will come for a short while with no lights. If it was me I would just do a temp thing to fix the light even it it was placing a brick or a book <depending how hot it gets> or hit home depot for a aluminum angle and hack saw it to size and screw it on as a leg. Just make sure you screw it to a spot that dont show when its fixed right.
  4. Sounds good to me. It always seems better to add a slightly bigger heater than needed or it may not be able to keep up depending on how cold the area is. I have my sump in the garage and and had to run 2 300 watt and another 100 watt just to keep my 150ish gal of water at 77 when it got really cold last year. I then found if I placed towels around and over the top of the sump on racks so they could not fall in it really cut down on how many watts I had to run. I would also add that the glass marine land heaters suck as far as as I am concerned they seem to always come on even when the tank is over what they are set on. If I had kept them I would have added an external controll to turn them off and on. but I went to an 800 watt titanium with external controll.
  5. I am looking for the center media basket for a 29 nano hqi I purchased a used one and it did not have it
  6. Looks like nanotuners / nanocustoms are no longer selling to the public
  7. what are the lenth width and hight of the tank ? how thick is the glass and is it drilled ? probly not if it has over flow boxes ?
  8. A local pet shop here in Burnet is closing out all there pond stuff and have or had 2 more mag 18 pumps at 85 ish bucks brand new in the boxes but they look like they have been around a while. Its on 29 right before you get into town. if you get to the police station you passed it.
  9. I am looking into getting the rapidled.com retro kit for a 29g biocube I am resetting up. I am wondering what color led's I should go with in there kit for the 29 ? just the stock wite and blue they send or should I go with one of the warmer color whites ? What other items will I need to install the kit right I know most kits dont have all the bells and whistles what should be purchased to make a very clean install. and what dimmer should i get the 48 d or p I have no clue what the differance is . I have never done a light before but I do know how to solder well and have full access to a cnc machine shop and fab shop. If it goes well I will probly make my own heat sink for my 110 gal and go from there. thanks for any input
  10. oh never mind I see the price in the title
  11. so whats the price and how about an over all length and width ? what size tank was it made to fit ?
  12. Thanks guys for the names after looking at tons of pics I also think its a Ritteri also.
  13. it was pruchased at aquatec and they said they did not know what kind it was but was listed as a bubble tip on the invoice but he said it was not a bubble tip. It was actualy one of the guys at the shop that is good about answers too. Probly not smart on my part to get it but it was the size and coloring I was looking for.
  14. its best to let it mix for 24 hours to let the salt totaly desolve that is probly the clouds you see. If you are in dire need of mixed you can always get a few gallons at a local fish shop to tide you over. Its way cheeper than letting your coral die. If you are setting up a new tank and have already bought coral for it your are not going to be happy. For best results you need to let the tank run for weeks at a min and months is better before you add anything other than rocks and a clean up crew. Even adding the cleanup crew before a few weeks of run time is probly suicide for them.
  15. grumble at least the alge spots on the glass came out Its about 5-6" across
  16. Im gona try and post a pic but its my first try so duno if it will come out.
  17. Ya the file fish is very mellow it was the tang that smacked him a good one. The file fish has never bothered anyone other than the aptasia and thats a good thing. Well whatever bothered the tang hes it out and about more so must be feeling better.
  18. I noticed the file fish looks like it has small spines all over its body are they sharp ? I know its got the big honking horn up top . and are they toxic to other fish if they get attacked. I ask because I saw my purple tang smack him a good one with his tail on Sunday and Monday the tang was in the rocks with his head pointed to the sand I figured he was a gonner but today he actualy came out for a bit but still very timid and not eating and he is a PIG!!! It may just be it hurt and the tang was put in his place he does pout if I move rocks or add stuff to the tank but it usualy only lasts a day at most..
  19. Thanks crendon2003for putting this together saved about 40 bucks
  20. has anyone got the email from brs ?
  21. I would like to get in on the GB. I will be ordering a ro/di system
  22. no one ? ah well I guess river city will end up with them.
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