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Status Updates posted by Teresa

  1. How is it that I want everything, can't afford it, but still manage to purchase some items for my tank anyway? Oy!!

  2. You know what would be cool? If we could tag people in our posts. This way, if someone references me in an older post, I'll know and can respond in a timely manner. Can we do that??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Teresa


      yup - that's exactly what I was thinking ^^^^ thanks C Lo

    3. JamesL
    4. August


      +1 to this idea!!

  3. My fish tanks are the for sure reason I live pay check to pay check. I just can't help myself :/

    1. wizardx322


      I totally agree with you I contemplate some days of selling it all and get some money back. It's like gambling addict cant stop until I am broke

  4. Where's the motivation for a water change when you really need one???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. brian.srock


      How are you currently doing water changes? Maybe you need to find an easier solution first.

    3. dapettit



    4. Chad and Belinda

      Chad and Belinda

      The thought of a GHA outbreak.

  5. random question - I connected the LEDs in my Biocube hood to the wrong adapter. They were on for a bit then turned off. If I find the right adapter will they start working again?r

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. victoly


      Is it just a BC29? I can go look at my adapter to see what the volts/current are.

    3. Teresa


      yes - its the BC29 - that would be cool - then I can make sure to attach one with the right outputs

    4. ckyuv


      led bulbs are very easy to pop, if they lit up and then turned off most likely they are burnt up.

  6. Hey - how do I purchase a premium membership on a renewal basis? I didn't have the cash on hand when mine was up for renewal but I do now. Do I have to pay $30 in the store or is there a way to pay the $25 annual fee???

    1. JamesL


      Send Mike (mframe) a PM.

    2. Teresa


      Thanks - I'm officially back

  7. Still looking for roommate . . .

    1. Aqua-Dome


      One day you'll find that special someone, Teresa. I just know it.

    2. Teresa


      lol. right now, I'll settle for someone that can help pay the bills!

  8. Still looking for a roommate - let me know if you know anyone that might need a place!

  9. So not going to RCA sale cause I need to save money - but I am going to help rebuild a home in Bastrop via extreme makeover home edition! Visit http://www.joinextreme.com/texasvolunteer to sign up!

    1. (Bio)³


      RCA sale was crazy as always! Glad i was second in line so I could get in and out fast.

    2. jestep


      We were about 10th in line and very glad for it. In and out in about 15 minutes. That line was crazy when we left.

    3. Teresa


      I'm really sad I missed it, but I know if I went, I would have spent money I don't have :(.

  10. You know it's bad when your dreams/nightmares involve saving a pistol shrimp from death in a freshwater tank. I'm pretty sure I went to bed with the RCA doorbusters on my mind!

  11. Just posted a craigslist add for new roommate in my 3bd, 2.5ba house. I live in Pville and am clearly tank friendly :). LMK if you or someone else you know may be interested.

  12. I knew the break would be done before it started, but really, come on!

  13. Setting up the chiller on my seahorse tank - I'm trying to hold off on purchasing the seahorses until I return from xmas vacation but . . .its . . so. .. tempting .. .

    1. KimP


      Awesome! What kind are you thinking of getting?

    2. Teresa


      kuda from seahorse source

  14. Just got a small bonus from work and I really really want to spend it . . . pay down credit cards or push checkout on aquacon.com?????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. (Bio)³


      pay down the cards then use them to buy the stuff on aquacon.com! get more points/cash back to use on more fish stuff!

    3. pbnj


      If I were you, I would research the feedback on Aquacon before buying anything from that vendor.

    4. Chad and Belinda

      Chad and Belinda

      I think BiocubeD has a good point!!! I wonder if I can get Belinda to buy it?

  15. evacuating house - too many animals to wait to last minute. Fish are in water so they will be fine - right?:???????

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Teresa


      lol - that was my second thought - crap after I get my dogs in the car, what do I do with the horses? They are eating and look beautiful resting on my orange tree gorg.

    3. Aqua-Dome


      glad everybody is safe

    4. Teresa


      thanks - me too :)

      I'm just praying for the families in Steiner and Bastrop - how horrible and scary

  16. Just got my order of gorgonians from aquatic connection. Red sea whip, Indo Lace, Purple corky finger, Golden rod, white lightning, orange tree. What an exciting day!

    1. JamesL


      Hmmm... might have to raid your tank at the meeting ;)

    2. KimP


      That is an exciting day! I enjoyed the pictures.

  17. Just back from sea world. My favorite part - going through the coral reef exhibit and being able to say - Oh I have that in my tank, and I used to have that, and I want that . . . :)

    1. MasonHoff


      it was fun for me as well!

    2. DerrickH


      Im going to take my lil ones this month. Now I will know what Im looking at when I cruise through that exhibit lol

    3. Teresa


      Exactly! I think I started to sound annoying to my friend, when every other second I could say, ". . . and this is called . . ." :)

  18. Yes! The 29 biocube is empty. Time to set up the Cardiff :)

    1. Craig at Aquatek

      Craig at Aquatek

      Nice! Any progress on the cave?

  19. time to go to the lake with the babies (my two pups!)

    1. KimP


      How fun! Have a great time!

  20. hummm what should be my b-day present to myself ... Anyone have good coral/equipment ideas?

    1. KimP


      Did you get anything cool? Hope you had a great bday!

    2. Teresa


      Yup - just got two dragon face pipefish from RCA that eat frozen Cyclopees!! Pictures to come . . .

    3. KimP


      No way?! Awesome! Pipefish are so cool, esp when they eat frozen. Can't wait for the pics!

  21. has not set their status

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