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Ugliest reef pics


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On recent discussion of how doctored and perfect some professional tank photos are, I thought it would be fun for us reefers to seek out the ugliest pictures we can muster from our tanks. I'm talking scummy floating bacteria infested skimmate... cyano covered sandbeds, aiptasia covered rocks, sponges taken over coral, detritus covered sumps, hair algae strands waving in the water column... you get my drift!

I think it also helps to see that tanks aren't always so perfect and pristine all the time as the pictures we sometimes post can allude to. I know when I was first starting out, it was intimidating to see all these gorgeous tanks and then look back at my GHA farm and wonder what I was doing wrong. Really, most of the time... it was just a function of the tank maturing.

Anyways, I hope people jump on board with the idea and post up your reef tank uglies! I know I can't wait until my lights turn on this evening... because of the non-existent DI resin the last two months, my cyano and turf algae took off! It truly is a sight when the lights first come on but then burns off under the 400-watt halides within an hr or two.

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Behold! The glory of a purple velveety cyano sandbed! [emoji30]


As much as I hate it, cyano I can deal with. Green hair algae on the other hand...
In my old tank when I was fighting dinos at one point, I almost tried to introduce cyano to the tank to out compete it. It was the lesser of two evils.
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Ooo, I can play this game.

This was my initial 24g years and years ago. I hit upon the dreaded hair algae and the tank turned into this:


Then after an attempt to clean it out, the tank crashed and turned into this :( :


There was a happy ending in that I eventually recovered and repopulated the tank and it was beautiful again.

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