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Poll - Salt Preferences


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At the risk of inciting riots and fisticuffs, I am asking for opinions on a very delicate subject:

I've had some problems with inconsistency with the salt mix I've been using and have been thinking of switching brands. I'm getting irregular Ca, and Alk reading each time I mix a batch, and my LPS are not really happy with the results. So I'd like to take a poll to try to get a consensus on what brands you guys and gals have had the most success with.

I'm currently using Brand X, and I mix 5 - 10 gallons at a time using RO/DI water. I have Softies and LPS in my tank, which is pretty much a lagoon biotope. The LPS are not happy. Zoas, Palys, and 'Shrooms are doing fine.

Seriously, I really do want your opinions!

Thanks - Steve

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Instant Ocean here, long time user. I mix it several days in advance.........honestly, I always have saltwater mixed up, about 100g or so. I use RODI (filters change religiously). I have everything from softies to sps, and everything looks great.

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I personally like to use Seachem Reef Salt or RedSea Coral Pro. They both have given me steady and good result. Lately I have being using Seachem Reef Salt steady for my monthly water change due to the cost vs. RedSea Coral Pro. Seachem Reef Salt comes in at $52.99 for 200gallon box vs. RedSea Coral Pro $64.99 for 175gallon bucket.

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Just seems like a good choice. I always get it on special so it isn't the most expensive thing out there, and I do so few water changes.

If I tested my water parameters I could tell you if it was as advertised, but I don't.

I mix in 5gal jugs the night before I do my WC. Usually around 15-20gal for my 55gal tank.


LPS, Zoas, Montis, Fish are all very happy.

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I never have understood the battle of the reef salts. Find the one that does what you want it to do, and stay with it. The cost is irrelevant if the salt isn't performing as someone wants it too. I use the IO, I've always had good luck. The fact that I can order it online for $45 for a 200g box and have it delivered for free if I buy two or more boxes (and I ALWAYS order at least two) is just an added bonus. I've tried other salts (mainly because I didn't follow my own advice), and always come back to IO.

If you aren't happy with the salt you are using, try something different for several weeks. If that one doesn't work, move on down the list until you find one that makes your tank happy, then stick with it. I've never felt the need to run tests on my freshly mixed saltwater, but that's only because my reefs are quite happy with it so I've never felt the need.

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IMO all salt is the same. The only difference that I have seen is that some mix faster.

I used the old Coralife buckets for seven years because they were cheaper and came with a T-shirt. When it stopped being readily available I tried a few different brands and then settled on one. I've been using Instant Ocean for the last five years. I buy the 200g boxes from Dr. Foster and Smith and they ship it to my house for free. About four times a year they go on sale for $5-10 off.

The fact that I can order it online for $45 for a 200g box and have it delivered for free if I buy two or more boxes (and I ALWAYS order at least two) is just an added bonus

If you wanted to buy one box, Drs. Foster and Smith do free shipping at $49. I normally just buy one box at a time so this is beneficial for me.

Edited by Sascha D.
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RSCP here, but the advice above is good.

If you are having unhappy LPS, I'd look at other things before the salt. Lights, flow, maintenance, parameters, etc.

I lost all my LPS a few years ago due to lack of maintenance, old lights, and old RODI filters (at least that's what I beleive did it).

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Sascha D........one box wouldn't do me a whole lot of good, I've got 6 tanks running right now, and use about 400g of salt mix a month on water changes. I usually order three or four boxes at a time so I have some extra on hand.

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I think it's worth comparing Ca levels at the least. If you're going to be dosing to keep Ca at a certain level, it would make sense to buy a salt with a higher initial level. Here's a good comparison of most of the popular brands.


I find I very odd that they mixed to a gram per ml for salt rather than to a consistent salinity. We all mix salts to a specific consistency so we have what we want. Now the measurements of minerals in the salt mixes don't help us so much because when we mix to 35 ppt, or whatever, we have to calculate the resulting minerals for a comparison.

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I think they just did it that way to normalize the amount of elements per a standardized sample.

yeah, apparently. i suppose you can also look at the other chart and compare consistency between two batches.

assuming it is linear, a simple spreadsheet compares the results at a consistent salinity. it makes sense that it would be linear. i have hidden some of the columns so it is easier to read. i tried to leave in all the ones i figured someone would be interested in. if anyone wants the spreadsheet to play with pm me.

i used the average results. hey, i typed a lot of numbers for free. if you want to type twice as many numbers for what i would consider less important results, feel free :).


sorry, all i seem to be able to do is increase the file size, not the dimensions of the picture.

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I think they just did it that way to normalize the amount of elements per a standardized sample.

yeah, apparently. i suppose you can also look at the other chart and compare consistency between two batches.

assuming it is linear, a simple spreadsheet compares the results at a consistent salinity. it makes sense that it would be linear. i have hidden some of the columns so it is easier to read. i tried to leave in all the ones i figured someone would be interested in. if anyone wants the spreadsheet to play with pm me.

attachicon.gifsalt mix comp.jpg

enbiggening pic...standby

Some of that calcium is off the chart. 660 ppm is pretty high.

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I think they just did it that way to normalize the amount of elements per a standardized sample.

yeah, apparently. i suppose you can also look at the other chart and compare consistency between two batches.

assuming it is linear, a simple spreadsheet compares the results at a consistent salinity. it makes sense that it would be linear. i have hidden some of the columns so it is easier to read. i tried to leave in all the ones i figured someone would be interested in. if anyone wants the spreadsheet to play with pm me.

attachicon.gifsalt mix comp.jpg

enbiggening pic...standby

Some of that calcium is off the chart. 660 ppm is pretty high.

i double checked. reported average was 566 mg/l before factoring up.

i should have pointed out that it was based on the average results. editing post.

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Y'all are giving me a brain cramp. Stop it.

Salt is salt is salt. Find one that works, use it. Personally, some of those numbers are scary. I realize why they didn't, but had they mixed to salinity, it would have avoided a good bit of confusion.

I don't dose other than kalk in my topoff water, and I don't chase numbers. My corals are sexy, and happy, and growing like weeds. I'm a huge fan of the KISS principle. If you are having trouble, then check numbers. If everything looks nice and sexy, then LITHA.

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Y'all are giving me a brain cramp. Stop it.

Salt is salt is salt. Find one that works, use it. Personally, some of those numbers are scary. I realize why they didn't, but had they mixed to salinity, it would have avoided a good bit of confusion.

I don't dose other than kalk in my topoff water, and I don't chase numbers. My corals are sexy, and happy, and growing like weeds. I'm a huge fan of the KISS principle. If you are having trouble, then check numbers. If everything looks nice and sexy, then LITHA.

i agree. i guess i'm just a nerd and thought it was interesting. i never imagined that the salts would have amonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate. for me, i have not bought the same salt twice yet. i have used instant ocean, fluval something, and red sea coral pro. i have noticed no difference. but with my semi-monthly water changes, i probably shouldn't.

as for testing. i also agree. happy livestock is the most important. for me, i'm new and inexperienced. i think everything looks happy, but perhaps they could be happier. so i'm chasing some numbers to find out how hard i have to work.

LITHA? leave it the heck alone?

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I've used Reef Crystals for 10 years and have recently considered changing to TM Bio-active for $#!ts and giggles. Looking at the numbers Planeden posted and considering the posts here, there seems to be no real reason to switch. What could possibly be in one mix that's not in another to make it better if they all include the same additives like Ca, Mg, etc.? Maybe I'll stick with the cheaper salt and buy more beer:) Good golly, I like beer!

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I was somewhat surprised by the Instant Ocean responses.. However, the Georgia Aquarium uses it too:


Anyhow, I use Coralife. Had a brief (55 gallon) stint with Oceanic -- nothing was happy. I mix my own salt with RODI water.

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I use Instant Ocean Reef Crystals. Very dependable. I don't even check the SG any more when I mix a new batch. 15 cups in the trash can, fill with RODI, mix overnight, and all good.

Other salts are probably fine, I've just used this from day one and it has worked so I've never considered other options.

FWIW: I like the free shipping online for this item, being a ways from Austin. Also, I order in buckets, buckets make it nice for shipping and well... I get a free bucket out of the deal. We need more buckets right? smile.png

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