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Are you serious!!!???

Chad and Belinda

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Am I nuts to think this is ridiculous? Someone on ARC (not Versace and not a very active member) was looking for rotifers. I told them I had some but we lived in Georgetown. Belinda and I were going south to visit her sister. I told them I could bring them with us and meet them along IH 35. Here is out exact text conversation:

Them "I'm 2 minutes from I-35"

Me "Ok good. I will text u when we get down south and let you know where you can meet me.

Me (two hours later) "I'm going to b leaving here in a couple of hours. R u gonna b able to meet me along ih-35"

Them "No this is not a drug deal it's a service. I don't need them that bad. Thank you."

Me "Are you serious? I was offering them since you wanted some. However I'm not a delivery service. A lot of people meet up along the highway to exchange. Your welcome."

In all my years on ARC and MAAST I have never had anyone have this kind of attitude. I am not providing a service. You wanted some, I have some. I offered them at a 1/3 of what you would find on ARC and three times better than that of what you would find on your best day online (not to mention shipping) so getting off your *** and driving two minutes to make it more convenient for me won't hurt you.

There are a lot of you that I know and enjoy talking to that will meet up with me somewhere to make things easier on both of us. This goes both ways (whether I'm buying or selling) and I don't mind going to someone's house if I'm buying something from them but I have NEVER expected someone who is selling something to drive to my house.

Your thoughts?


Edited by Chad and Belinda
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I don't know what you problem is with this guy (them), duh I mean is it THAT much to ask you to do the driving etc. As a matter a fact, I want some rotifers, I'm not close to you at all, and I'd like YOU to bring it to my house, then I think it best if YOU pay me! When can I expect you?

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I was thinking a basic etiquette sticky somewhere might be a good thing...Recently, I had someone not communicate their intention not to pick up free stuff...it's a waste of my time to be waiting around for someone who doesn't show up.

Anyhow, please don't let this rude individual spoil your helpfulness. "A service..." lol.

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ct67stang, you are right he is a noobie. And yes this IS ridiculous... I mean come on I can prove BOTH these points with one excerpt from his text: "this is not a drug deal"... WHAT?!? That alone show both, noobie and ridiculous. Not a drug deal... We spend money on coral, fish, fish food, equipment OVER paying our bills, we lie to out friends and family about how much we spend, and how often we "fix". First thing a reef junkie does in the AM is want to see how the tank is doing, wake in the middle of the night cuz nature calls, flashlight in hand... come on, admit it, you've all done it, checking out who's sleeping were, and can we catch a gimps of the worm tonight! When you have not been with your tank for a long while YOU WANT JUST A GLIMPSE, then once you've had one, even if you just spent 3 hours gazing into the tank you step away, you're wondering. what's changed, I need another FIX!!!

Holy crap, I'm not alone... Unfortunately my Apex doesn't have the turn lights on when I think about it setting so I have to manually do it on mornings when I get up before the tank wakes up.
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ct67stang, you are right he is a noobie. And yes this IS ridiculous... I mean come on I can prove BOTH these points with one excerpt from his text: "this is not a drug deal"... WHAT?!? That alone show both, noobie and ridiculous. Not a drug deal... We spend money on coral, fish, fish food, equipment OVER paying our bills, we lie to out friends and family about how much we spend, and how often we "fix". First thing a reef junkie does in the AM is want to see how the tank is doing, wake in the middle of the night cuz nature calls, flashlight in hand... come on, admit it, you've all done it, checking out who's sleeping were, and can we catch a gimps of the worm tonight! When you have not been with your tank for a long while YOU WANT JUST A GLIMPSE, then once you've had one, even if you just spent 3 hours gazing into the tank you step away, you're wondering. what's changed, I need another FIX!!!

Holy crap, I'm not alone... Unfortunately my Apex doesn't have the turn lights on when I think about it setting so I have to manually do it on mornings when I get up before the tank wakes up.

The brain interface is coming soon jamie. it's coming soon.....

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ct67stang, you are right he is a noobie. And yes this IS ridiculous... I mean come on I can prove BOTH these points with one excerpt from his text: "this is not a drug deal"... WHAT?!? That alone show both, noobie and ridiculous. Not a drug deal... We spend money on coral, fish, fish food, equipment OVER paying our bills, we lie to out friends and family about how much we spend, and how often we "fix". First thing a reef junkie does in the AM is want to see how the tank is doing, wake in the middle of the night cuz nature calls, flashlight in hand... come on, admit it, you've all done it, checking out who's sleeping were, and can we catch a gimps of the worm tonight! When you have not been with your tank for a long while YOU WANT JUST A GLIMPSE, then once you've had one, even if you just spent 3 hours gazing into the tank you step away, you're wondering. what's changed, I need another FIX!!!

Holy crap, I'm not alone... Unfortunately my Apex doesn't have the turn lights on when I think about it setting so I have to manually do it on mornings when I get up before the tank wakes up.

The brain interface is coming soon jamie. it's coming soon.....

Otherwise known as: how to turn your fish tank into a blender in 10 seconds.

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if any of us have sold frags wave.gif . we ARE drug dealers. i.e. we (as drug dealers) take advantage of the fein selling him a 20 dollar polyp in a baggy out of your house or a public meeting place. and you know he'll want more. so we try to get the most desireable polyp colonies and cutting them up to multiply the (supply).... come to think of it we have a couple king pins among us. coughTheresa and pham ahemmm LOL

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I've always thought frag selling resembles drug deals. I've many people at the truck stop in belton to sell corral. Also loads of other convenience stores and other places. I'm sure it's exactly the kinda thing police officers look for. Someone pulls up(sometimes me in an 18 wheeler), gets out with a little Baggie. Someone else pulls up and exchange the Baggie for money. Chad would have a field day if he was watching the place or happened upon this transaction and didn't know me. Lol.

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I've always thought frag selling resembles drug deals. I've many people at the truck stop in belton to sell corral. Also loads of other convenience stores and other places. I'm sure it's exactly the kinda thing police officers look for. Someone pulls up(sometimes me in an 18 wheeler), gets out with a little Baggie. Someone else pulls up and exchange the Baggie for money. Chad would have a field day if he was watching the place or happened upon this transaction and didn't know me. Lol.

Lol, it is just like a drug deal, esp the nights when person after person comes to the door just to exchange money for little baggies. I've wondered what the neighbors think. Or when the transaction includes some kalk or other white powder in a bag!

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Well, for anyone that did not realize... I was joking.

ct67stang, you are right he is a noobie. And yes this IS ridiculous... I mean come on I can prove BOTH these points with one excerpt from his text: "this is not a drug deal"... WHAT?!? That alone show both, noobie and ridiculous. Not a drug deal... We spend money on coral, fish, fish food, equipment OVER paying our bills, we lie to out friends and family about how much we spend, and how often we "fix". First thing a reef junkie does in the AM is want to see how the tank is doing, wake in the middle of the night cuz nature calls, flashlight in hand... come on, admit it, you've all done it, checking out who's sleeping were, and can we catch a gimps of the worm tonight! When you have not been with your tank for a long while YOU WANT JUST A GLIMPSE, then once you've had one, even if you just spent 3 hours gazing into the tank you step away, you're wondering. what's changed, I need another FIX!!!

I could go on... this is not a drug? Both a noob and a ridiculous statement!! Can I get an amen!

Man that describes me to a "T". That whole paragraph is 100% me. Lol I've always thought about the drug deal angle. I've even not felt totally safe that I'm not dealing with drugs, because I could always get popped by some doofus cop who isn't up on obscure livestock laws and think he's gonna bust me for trafficking illegal or endangered sea life.

One time recently I actually bought a bunch of dry fertilizers for my planted freshwater tank, and the guy delivered it to me. Gave him my address, but he somehow went to a neighbors house a couple doors down. When they opened it he pulled out three big ziplock bags of white powder. Whoever lives there was like "uh, can I help you". Lol dude was super embarrassed. Lucky they didn't call the cops

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I was thinking a basic etiquette sticky somewhere might be a good thing...Recently, I had someone not communicate their intention not to pick up free stuff...it's a waste of my time to be waiting around for someone who doesn't show up.

Anyhow, please don't let this rude individual spoil your helpfulness. "A service..." lol.

We've got one here

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