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SPS growth under LED's , post your results!


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A lot of people come to pick up frags from me and have the idea that LED's won't grow SPS coral. After looking at my old pics to now they definitely do! Whether its faster or slower than other lighting I think depends on the system. Here is a pic of one of my SPS that I was recently trying to ID.

This is when I got it:


And this is 5 months later:


I will post more when I get home but feel free to post any of your LED SPS success!





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My brother has success with his SPS in LEDs as well. He gets pretty good growth. Can't really compare to other lighting options because there are many other variables than just light but he's doing just fine with his SPS as well. One odd thing I did notice is that his SPS when put in my system look completely bleached out, but in his LED lighting look amazing. I'd imagine the zooxanthallae adjusting to the light source but its just interesting to see the difference.


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A lot of people come to pick up frags from me and have the idea that LED's won't grow SPS coral. After looking at my old pics to now they definitely do! Whether its faster or slower than other lighting I think depends on the system. Here is a pic of one of my SPS that I was recently trying to ID.

I will post more when I get home but feel free to post any of your LED SPS success!

Can you give us any specifics on your LED's? Dosing? No Dosing?

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Some more from me as Promised

Pink Pocillopore
6 Months Later


German Blue Digi
German Blue 6 Months Later



6 Months Later



Green Seratopora on the Right, Green Birdsnest on the Left
6 Months Later










6 Months Later






Chips Acro
Post Move accidental Fragging





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I wouldn't say this is a success yet but this I've finally got some color in this birdsnest (middle of picture). The tank has an Orphek PR 152 which puts out a lot of light but only is using CW and RB leds. I've had problems losing color with a plating monti's, green slimmer and birdsnest even though the PAR levels were similar to the tanks the colonies came from. After adding some red leds I'm getting some success. (Sorry the color is washed out some, photo was taken with my smartphone.)


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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I just got my first SPS and just installed my new Photon 48" fixture. I'll have to revisit this post in a few months to show what kind of growth I'm getting. If it's antything like Juiceman's I'll be extremely happy!

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Juiceman, did you ever end up getting an ID on that very first species you pictured in this thread. I believe I have the same one and its the only thing in the tank I don't actually have a name for

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Juiceman, did you ever end up getting an ID on that very first species you pictured in this thread. I believe I have the same one and its the only thing in the tank I don't actually have a name for

No, not yet. On the Zeovit site, they called it an Acropora Gomezi. I'm not sure though.

I added pics from Today 6/17

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I can't get growth at all in I'm running 6" 12k on my. 15 gallon tall but every SPS I add to my tank they get bleached, but under my t5ho they do grate, what lighting are you running? And does any one think I could do any thing different?

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Here are some of the before/After pics that I could find the before pic of. I tried to size the pictures about the same as far as size/pixels go, but it's not perfect cuz in one shot I may have either had the camera zoomed differently, or I may have just been closer to the tank. Either way, I think this is pretty good growth. I do not and have never done any type of dosing (I expect I will in the future), I do about a 10% water change every 5 to 7 weeks, the plan is to do it every 4 weeks, but that has not happened. smile.png

I think my most impressive turn around. When I got this frag it was not in good shape. It was added to my tank on 11/19/2012, the after pic was taken today. I have taken about 4 .5" frags from this coral, all unplanned. oops!


SourApple Birds-nest added to my tank 12/1/2012 before pic was 12/11/13. After pic taken today (6/19/2013), I've cut about 5 1" frags from this coral so far. Few in the frag rack now. If you look at the frag plug you can get a good scale of the two, it has not changed. smile.png


Electric Blue (I think) Digi added 1/3/2013, before pic taken 1/29/2013, After taken 6/19/2013. No frags yet, but cool how the epoxy has been completely covered by the coal.


Purple Stylo, added 1/3/2013, before pic taken 1/29/2013, after taken 6/19/2013. Accidental frag of about .5" twice.


I have two 36" BuildMyLED fixtures, one "standard" custom reef, the second a custom build based on super actinic with UV added along with some other slight changes. Awesome lights for the price, and after seeing these pics side by side, no questions they can grow SPS!!!!

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