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499 Gallon in wall


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OK! So an update

The following were purchased over thanksgiving/black friday sales and arrived today.

Sicce voyager 4 powerhead (which I will hide behind the wall trim on the left).

500w Finnex Heater

The sand (tropic marin sugar size and miniflakes - I recommend miniflakes from the look so far, unfortunately I got more of the sugar size).

Dosing pumps from BRS with another energy bar 8

6 Salifert test kits

So I think apart from consumables and the sump tanks I am done for buying things. I have a deal worked out for the sumps, just need to pay and set it in motion. Waiting for the stand to finish to purchase.

And some pictures.

Here is the stand from outside before the partial drywall.


And after Drywall


And inside the tank room/toolbench...


Probably the best picture that I took of the stand


The electrical. There are 2x 20A dedicated non GFCI circuits there, plus under the window is on another 20A circuit that is shared with the great room. There is also low voltage wiring for ethernet for the controller. Up on the wall is the switch box that I will take down after inspection to pull out the wire for the exuast fan to control with the controller.


And here is the plumbing as it sits now, the drain will get a P-Tube and point out the right I think, then the whole thing will get drywalled in eventually. They left this area for now the rest of the house is already taped even.


One more change we made lately since we are on plumbing is that there will be a line to carry RODI from the aquarium room to the utility room where the QT is to handle top off, I dont want to deal with dosing pumps and a water reservoir. Paying for the line is less then a dosing pump for the top off as well.

Heres another view of the aquarium from the back door, I am looking upstairs for some reason.


And here is where the house sits tonight.


BTW since we are on pics that I have to upload, everyone should go to the F-1 Race next year, it was awesome!


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Well the tank has made it to DFW so far, it is supposed to get down here tomorrow, and my builder is actually going to meet me at the yard to pick it up, with his trailer so that is a big help! Maybe we will get to see it tomorrow!

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Just thought of something to consider about your stand. How are you planning to get your sump in/out of there? If that puppy ever springs a leak or you want to change your chamber setup or something, you're going to have limited options.

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Just thought of something to consider about your stand. How are you planning to get your sump in/out of there? If that puppy ever springs a leak or you want to change your chamber setup or something, you're going to have limited options.

I've been wondering this same thing, but figured there was a solution we didnt see.

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The legs at the rear are removable, in fact they were even out tonight when I went by, but I didn't take a picture, basically they are only held in by the weight and a few screws normally, if I take the screws out and partially empty the tank I could take 2 out and the tank should still be OK and then I could get the tank out, the bar across the top is a 2x8 so I think I only NEED 3 legs even when full.

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The CS wasnt the best at first, but if you ask to talk to Beth things get much better. so what made you change your mind on GC. didn't you say at one point there tank where just ok?

I went with GC because of two things. One the price and 2 they were familiar with shipping tanks. I was worried because they have a bad reputation online (which may just be a case of them selling the most tanks therefore having the most complaints). and I have seen some of their tanks before that seemed to have too much bracing.

In the end they made the tank exactly how I wanted, all the seams look clean so far and the bracing is not as clean as on a $10k tank, but since it is in the wall I am not worried.

The only downside I can say so far is that like I have heard, once they have your money communication drops off, and the shipping "crate" was a cardboard box, but it seemed to work so I don't know if I can complain.

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Tank room got painted last night (well some anyways they will have to come back and hand paint another coat) and the holes were drilled for the bulkheads (drilling 4.5" holes broke my ****** drill!). Today the tank gets unwrapped and put on the stand for the first time! Might not be able to get pictures today but by tomorrow for sure.

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Here are all the pics from yesterday, plumbing is already going to be over budget, definitely dropped the ball there!

Notice in the movers pictures how 4 guys show up... then there were 6, then a pic of 8, and finally 10! people to move the tank. Luckily I negotiated a flat rate!!!











And then the battery died.

So hopefully we get a picture of it on the stand today! Camera is charging beside me...

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