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Emerald Crabs


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So i picked up an emerald crab at RCA during their first friday (BEER AND CAKE, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!). The more I read, the more I am concerned he is going to nip on my mushrooms and zoas. He has been hanging out on some rhodactis that I have, and it is making me uneasy. What are y'all experiences?

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I just did get some Ruby Emerald Crabs along with the Green. Both are very neat looking. When deprived of micro algae they will become opportunistic and eat most anything.


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I have 2 crabs in my bc 29 one red one green.

They never hurt anything and when I feed they are often found scooping up the rocks under the fish to get the crumbs. Never hurt anything but like someone else said, they go into defensive stances when others come near, often swiping at my clowns until the female decides to show him how to really box....

They are fun to watch, and at night they are up at the glass cleaning the open areas they feel unsafe going into with lights on.

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I bought about 8 of them to take care of a big bubble algae problem I had. They tore the algae up... then eventually worked on eachother. I think I have 2 or 3 left now. The only 'corals' they ever bothered were my feather dusters. I didn't have any fancy ones, just some pretty large ones that came on my live rock.

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I feel better now. Still trying to get my friggin sig to work correctly...

If you get to the point where you just cant fix your sig, shoot me a PM. I'll look at your coding and make sure you have it all set right.

It can be annoying in the start but once its up, its a lot of fun!

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love my emeralds. no problems. I bought one without his "hands" (the pincers) cause I felt bad for him and it's amazing how he still gets around and eats. He scoops the sand with his front foreleg.

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Only complaint I have is I rarely have one live more than a year. Never had a problem with them munching on stuff they're not supposed to.

Same here. I don't think I have ever seen an emerald molt in my tank... all my other crabs molt regularly.

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Emeralds are some of my favorites. Take a small piece of nori and wave it at them. Every one I have ever had will take it from your fingers. I love critters that will eat from your hand.

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