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Everything posted by caferacermike

  1. I'd like a whack at it. Tomorrow? Please? Pm me a where and some contact info.
  2. I think I like those zoa in the bottom pic. You going to be around tomorrow evening?
  3. Tell me something interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. caferacermike
    3. fishypets


      I like big butts and I can not lie.

    4. Laura


      so THAT's why Clint is so nice to me...

  4. Working ballast? I'm interested.
  5. What's really funny is how some of those idiot replies seem to think it's been bleached like a coral. "Keep it out of the light", "don't feed it color enhancing foods", "definitely feed it color enhancing foods" etc.. It is a birth defect. Chances are high that if it is not sterile, that it could produce more offspring. The question is mapping the mutation. We used to do this when we bred corn snakes but that was like 15 years ago. You could predict with almost certainty how many eggs would show the mutation and how many would be "regular". Then the question is do the regular ones breed out mutants later? And on and on.
  6. Blah blah truth Tuesdays? The truth? I rarely tell the truth. How's that for Truth on Tuesday?

    1. JamesL
    2. Laura
    3. mcallahan


      I'm remember that when I take advice from you..

  7. New life spectrum makes a great powder for corals. Is cheap.
  8. I've got like 50 of them if you still need one. How about a 48" Rigid aluminum pipe wrench? That oughta budge it.
  9. Oh and I shoulda mentioned Drylok is sold at all the home stores.
  10. Might need to be more specific. If you asked me for a marine grade paint I'd send you to West Marine over at 183 and Burnet. But then I'd think that a marine grade paint would contain lead, copper, zinc or other metals that they put into the paint for longevity and to poison marine creatures that attach themselves to the hulls of ships. You certainly wouldn't want that in your tank. If you want to paint the inside of your stand or something like that then maybe UGL Drylok http://www0.epinions.com/content_84095241860
  11. Red Sea has been around since before saltwater. Should be able to find it in town no problem. Most stores may be stocking more of the Red Sea Pro as they have added a little more CA and such.
  12. All of my chalice are directly under a 250w mh. I've heard some people say that they prefer lower lighting, but I can say different. Hope it steadies. Any chance you are stripping the water to clean for chalice? Mine look great but aren't growing super fast. My understanding is they do a little better with a little more oomph in their water.
  13. I was going to say Red Sea but someone beat me to it. My understanding is that they pull water from the sea and desalinate it through RO/DI processes. The dried salt is left to bake in the sun and then packaged.
  14. Dang Kev hey gave you a frag with a polyp? You lucky guy... JK,
  15. Why rent them when I loan them for free?
  16. Thanks Clint. I gotta stay outta that neighborhood though. To many old drivers. You need a bike.
  17. North as in South of the river North or true North?
  18. There is only 1 person that has them. They cost that person over $500. Any idea who that person is? Problem is ya gotta give more notice. They are out on loan already. Please PM me with a phone number so I can try to help. No guarantees.
  19. I guess, but I also feel it's a lot more personal to get a note from Beerguy than from "Info". But hey that's me. I prefer to call a spade a spade ya know? I like frankness. Cut out all the BS and get straight to the point. I like the idea of getting "emails" from ACampbell@ARC more than I would from Info@ARC if he truly wanted to endorse something.
  20. Chris you've got a good point there, my point was what if way back when Beerguy had a sense of humor. What if he would have laughed at the joke but due to the current atmosphere now every little thing is "guarded". So now he has to pull everything off to appease the few. Callahan, I feel that if "Beerguy" earned the right to be the voice of RC that took some doing, so in respect I respect his screen name. What if his real name was Beerguy? Would you then blame him for what his parents named him? Should I change my screen name just because other people don't ride motorcycles? I once had a woman from Africa scold me like crazy on another forum and made a huge post about me being a racist. Begged and pleaded with the Admin to have me "banned for life". When they said they wouldn't she was all about trying to start a boycott there. Seems she took extra offense to my screen name. As she saw it, Cafer Acer Mike. Cafer is serious racist slang in the part of S. Africa where she lived, so she explained later. She then took the Acer to mean that I wanted to kill a certain group of people on that Continent. So yeah a guy calls himself Beerguy and then earns some serious cred over at RC and all of a sudden he needs to change his name? Lighten up.
  21. Now keep in mind I am in support of "Beerguy". I think it's far reaching that one person would take so much offense over a screen name. It's people on the fringe that write back complaining over such petty things that can shape/ruin a forum for everybody else.
  22. Is it Saturday yet?

  23. You are correct Hamp, I do like a tight set of poopers and these were tight. It's just that they were to much for me and my tank. I don't think I coulda handled all that at once. Maybe someone else is more reefer than me and thinks they could tackle all those cherry poopers?
  24. From an email I received the other day about MACNA.................... On Aug 18, 2010, at 9:21 PM, A Caro wrote: > The fact that the person e-mailing me about this is coming up as 'Beerguy' in my e-mail is not really leaving me with warm-fuzzies for MACNA or ReefCentral, nor is it making me want to spend time or money on either place. Someone choosing that as a personal account would be one thing, but using that as a screen-name when they are the 'face' ]presented in the e-mail] of RC and MACNA is very uninspiring and quite frankly, disgusting. It says "I'd rather be drinking booze than doing this." > I expected better. ....................................................................... Really? I mean really come on. It's this type of attitude that keeps me away from RC. The fact that the Mods over there now feel that any sort of joking must instantly be rectified by them, including the dismissal of Melev over an April Fools joke. How does this guy know that Beerguy is an alcoholic and not a distributor for a spirits company? In fact how does Caro know that Beerguy does not own the distribution company and in turn employees lots of people? How does he know that Berrguy is not short for "Rootbeerguy"? So many unknowns. Its attitudes such as this over the top policing that ruins forums. So did anyone else get a copy of this? Any thoughts?
  25. I went by Dan's place last night. The tank is nice and some very nice corals for sale. The candy cane is a lot of poopers. If'n you've been wanting some, you should look at the one for sale.
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