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Everything posted by caferacermike

  1. TINSUT: I eat corn.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. caferacermike
    3. Ashley


      My grandparents grew Silver Queen corn, too...fantastic!!

    4. caferacermike


      Now I want some of this Silver Queen corn. Rrrrr, gotta get me some.

  2. You can call me the Monti King.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. caferacermike


      Well uh, hrm.. ok guess so.

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Or The Full Monti King?

    4. fishypets


      Whom did you seal them from?

  3. Hey at least Mark won't have one.
  4. Maybe Santa will bring you a bigger tank. No wonder you are bored. Can't tinker with that one anymore. Looks good.
  5. Looks like all the rest, Boring. But you'll over pay for it anyways. So just get it would ya? Quit wasting bandwidth.
  6. Um, why are you using an air pump? I've yet to meet anyone that was using one besides a few freshwater hold outs. The bubbles can create microbubbles in the saltwater that some find annoying while it can also irritate some corals.
  7. Once I set up mine I never once had a problem from them. I ran 2 over flow boxes for over 4 years. The house was downtown and would lose power all the time, very short outages. Never once lost siphon and never had any issues from them.
  8. No. They all look the same to me. Check this thread. reflector That is where it came from.
  9. Just got back. That tank is so nice. Very clean. The corals are massive, the frags are huge. Thanks.
  10. A recent acquisition gave me more than I needed. I have a standard bat wing style reflector in great condition along with socket and bulb. $20? Trades? No ballast.
  11. Super interested in the blue Turaki and the Rainbow. Is this evening good?
  12. But DaJ different canopy and fixture combinations can make or break the need for a chiller. I'm running at almost 10w per gallon of halide over my 75g and have never needed a chiller. However I run my tank with an open top system and my lights are in a custom built fixture. There is very little heat projected at my tank. In fact it's about the same as any good T5 fixture I've put my hand under. So it's really not a blanket, you need a chiller, sort of world out there.
  13. I've got a blue berry. It's been stellar and I might even be able to frag it for you. It started as a 1" piece that was found in a friends tank during his tear down. He said it was growing great until he neglected the tank. I took it home and it has grown into 5 fingers about 4" long each. With the success of that one I got this beautiful yellow and orange one with white polyps. That one did great for about 4 months and then quickly receded away. Bummed me out because it had been growing. I don't do anything special that I know about, so I can't really say "do this not that".
  14. More scooter blennies.
  15. Black Sheep

    1. mcallahan


      I know the feeling.

    2. fishypets


      You guys are sick!!!

  16. No I don't think that is to much light for a reef tank. I currently run 700w over my 75g, that makes our ratio the same.
  17. ghost typing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. caferacermike


      Nah why, you gonna quit?

    3. fishypets


      Yeah right Mike! How about some teeth whitener to go along with that fake tan Mark?

    4. mcallahan


      or fake abs?

  18. Let's ride out sometime and we can talk about bikes longer.
  19. Hmmm did you say out loud that "The 3 Days of Darkness" did not work?
  20. I'll swap Marks' pug for a frag if you want a pair.
  21. Bumpo. Would really like to see your tail lights at the end of my road knowing that this tank is safely packed away in your vehicle. Offers? Nobody wants a little grow out tank for lps, zoas, other frags, or a sweet quarantine tank? Nobody else wants to keep a blue ringed octo in the tank? Was I the only one?
  22. Nah I'm taking it. Just waiting for that address and phone number to appear in my in box. I live right around the corner from you.
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