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Everything posted by subsea

  1. Make sure they are not Camel Shrimp. However, all shrimp or opportunistic feeder. If you value your shrooms, feed your shrimp more. Pat
  2. Yes, I planned on giving him some marine Sailfin Mollies from the Carribbian. Pat
  3. I will be making a day trip to Fredrickburg today. Does anyone want to go? Planning on picking up a ton of gypson for lower pH of parts of my property to acommodaqte acid loving plants, camilieas, azaeleas, dogwood and blueberries, I figure it is four hours round trip. The 1991 GMN is smooth riding especially with that much weight, If we meet at my house, I'll send you off with decorative macro or tand cultured clowns or sail fin mollies. I would like to leave by 9 AM. If you are interested, call me. Pat Castille Bear creek Drive Austin, Tx 512-514=1446 home 337-401-0416 Pats cell 337-401-0686 Cheryl;s cell
  4. If you want to raise clowns you need to study up some. All clowns start out life as immature males. The dominant male will rise to the top on the coral head or in the tank. They know what to do. It is best to get at least three immature males. With respect to the super female there will only be one in a colony. When a loss of female occurs, the alpha male morphs into the super female and survival of the fittest selects the alpha male. Sorry to give the feminist so much ammunition. With respect to going somewhere to sell one fish, sorry Charlie, no can do. I live in Hays county at Bear Creek Drive. Austin zip 78737. Pat Castille
  5. Great comments. One other point is that the chemistr4y in the bulk water column is not the same as the chemistry under the slime mat. Another point for phosphate removal using a macro algae, is that Caulerpa has the highest ratio of phosphate to nitrogen removal from the watyer column by by a facto of 100. Happy reefing, Pat C
  6. Good comments. I finally bite the bullet and order a phyto generator and a zooplanton generator. The biggest issue in phytoplankton culture is contanination. If you have independant cultures working you have a back up system for a starter culture. Happy trails, Pat Castille
  7. I meant Shane yesterday at Fishey Business. Not only is he impressive but his reef keeping husbandry is well versed. He had some interesting comments about aquacultured fish as opposed to wild caught. Even though I don't put a generalized truism to all wild caught verses aquacultured there was merit to his points. Pat
  8. Being a new comer myself, I say, "La bon temp roulee". I LIKE THE SIGNATURE " M & M " that is cute. As the Cajuns would say, "Let us pass a good time". Pat
  9. Kyle, very good crafmanship on the work. Wish you good fortune selling the tank. Pat
  10. May the bird of paradise bring tranquility and beauty to your life. "Peace and prosperity". Pat
  11. No disrespect intended. I realize that as co-ordinator you must see all side of the spectrun. I am a "ShermanTank", please excuess me. Pat
  12. I chatted with Ross at Gulf Coast Eco-System. During the conversation, he acknoleged that he sold to Reef Cleaners. With respect to Gorgonians he only has Blue and Red, no yellow.
  13. Is it appropiate to bring cuttings, frags or fish. At Lareefclub we drew names to divide up what people brought. Only people that brought something were allowed to draw from the hat. I'll bring some of the Saltwater Sailfin Mollies. Looking forward, Pat C
  14. Nine still available at $15 each.
  15. I have two T5 fixtures that are 48". The bulbs are 1 year old and could stand upgrade to a better manufacture. The fixture is made by Current with a 99% effficiency on the reflector Pat.
  16. Friends, Romans, Countrymen and Addicted Reefers, I will be playing bachelor this afternooon until 9 PM. I planned on grilling pork ribs,venison burgers and browning some doves in a red eye gravy. Come out and enjoy the humid weather. If this food does not interest you, then come by on the way to the Salt Lick. I live three miles to the north, but still in Hays County. Pat Bear Creek Drive Ausrin, Tx. 78737 337-401-0416 cell
  17. I would like to endorse these gatheringsof MACNA. You will never see a more passonate gathering of reef freaks. I have been to two MACNA Conferences. I can only say WOW.
  18. $15 each for Ocellarius Clowns. About 6 months old, 1 1/2" - 2" (medium small). These fish will swim amongst your fingers when you feed them. They are accoustimed to people and are very friendly. Pat
  19. Knowledge is power. Power to the People. Pat
  20. Pardon my cynical outlook (pragmatic). I am sure that American Capitalism embraces "There is a sucker born every second". Have a bodacious day. Pat C
  21. "GIVE ME FREEDOM OR GIVE ME DEATH": Patrick Henry We can choose the disagree, dis-information, spin or embrace. It does not change the truth. There is a unique quote in a popular movie where an iron *** Marine brigade commander attempts to stare down a young JAG officier with "You can't handle the truth". I wonder if this is indeed a fact for the worldview culture I see in Austin, Tx. In any case I did not come to bury Caesar I came to speak the truth. A young pastor of a non-denominational church that "I was saved in" addressed the issue of Truth. Since I was a leader in the Church, Deacon, he used my name with my permission. When and if we hurt people, consciounsly or not, we are responsible and accountable to address the issue. The three categories of Truth: 1. Truth without Love is Brutal (all to often me) 2. Love without the Truth is hypocritical (all to often todays modern christian church) 3. The Truth in Love is Christian ( the goal and Journey of every "born again" Christian ). With respect to Freedom, I find it offensive at the least for people to carry there feelings on their sleeves and choose to be hurt or harrassed because they do not agree with my beliefs and opinions: Freedom of Speech. I consider the present policy of the political correct culture to be opressive, intolerant and un-American in the face of Patrick Henry, Tommas Jefferson etc, etc and the writers of the Constitution. We live in a litigation culture where situation ethics rule the day. Pardon me, but some things are unacceptable all the time. I do not care what the popular cult says about my values. A popular Country song said " If you don't know what you believe in, you will fall for anything". Diversity is a beautiful thing. Just because a group does not believe in your opinion, the defense comes out with an offensive spin, logic and emotion get twisted into an ugly mess. Pardon the soapbox, but reverse discrimination is just as ugly and unacceptable as discrimination. Pat
  22. subsea

    Free stand

    Hey polar, don't go postal. Let us share a picture with dimensions. If it will fit in my sorage shed I'll take it. Depends on where in south Austin. I am so south of Austin that I am in Hays County near the Salt Lick. Actually I am about equadistance to Nutty Brown Cafe and the Salt Lick on Farm Road 1826. I say go for the gustoe or as my redneck friends would say "Get ere done". Keep the peace, Spread the Faith. Pat
  23. Oddly enough, the process to be mated with a partner requires some equality of strength. On weak mate and one strong mate does not cut the mustard. Only in the human race does compassion enter into the equation. When people raise animals to the same level of consciousness, it is always a mishap. Enviromental stewardship in our tanks means getting rid of the weaker fish. If not your herd will go downhill. Selective breeding of desirable traits is a universal practice. Elimination of the weak is a natural process exercised by every creature on earth, except mankind. Pat
  24. Hemp, you hit the nail on the head. Happiness is an illussion. However, behavior is an indication of weel being and contentment. A friend "Aquascaper" from Lareefclub.com operates a mail order wholesale facility in Lake Charles, La. In one case, a customer returned an aggressive, ill tempered ell. While I do not like marine predator tanks, he hand feeds this 3' foot long ell and also brushes its teeth. It took 3 months to produce the contented behavior of this ell. Bring out the fish shrinks please. Have a bodacious day, because it is a choice. Pat
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