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Everything posted by subsea

  1. Daniel, I spoke with Ross at Gulf Coast Eco-System. I have purchased Reef Cleaners more than a dozen times. I consider his macro orders skimpy at best. To each his own.
  2. Mike, hit the nail on the head with water the tree. The water in my well is full of calcium, magnisium, and sulfate (200 ppm). The discharge from your RO unit will increase whatever minerals are in your potable water. Much to do about nothing in my opinion. In agricultue we spread both lime, gypson and epsioum salt to suppliment depleted minerals. Why do you want to be an engineer about something that has already been engineered. Some people want to spend more resources just so that they can say "Look at how green I am". I leave green to the Jolly Green Giant. Ethanol is a classic example of much to do about nothing. It takes more energy to produce an equal volum of ethanol over gasoline. Ethanol producers less BTU's in its conversion to work energy. The effiecency of ethanol to gasoline is less than 80%. However, Washington burecrats want to buy votes and be green. To much voodo ******** for me. Pat
  3. Mike, hit the nail on the head with water the tree. The water in my well is full of calcium, magnisium, and sulfate (200 ppm). The discharge from your RO unit will increase whatever minerals are in your potable water. Much to do about nothing in my opinion. In agricultue we spread both lime, gypson and epsioum salt to suppliment depleted minerals. Why do you want to be an engineer about something that has already been engineered. Some people want to spend more resources just so that they can say "Look at how green I am". I leave green to the Jolly Green Giant. Ethanol is a classic example of much to do about nothing. It takes more energy to produce an equal volum of ethanol over gasoline. Ethanol producers less BTU's in its conversion to work energy. The effiecency of ethanol to gasoline is less than 80%. However, Washington burecrats want to buy votes and be green. To much voodo ******** for me. Pat
  4. Sorry, but the link for premium member did not work for me. What is the cost and what are the benefits. I am only interestyed in the facts. Just call me Friday or is it Dragnet. Pat
  5. You go man. Faith is the key. Thank you for the insight. A soilder od Christ, Pat
  6. While I always want to know more about any and all sources of wisdom and knowledge, I aknowledge that we can agree to disagree. For each of us it is a choice. The ultimate accountability is at death. If I am right than I have eternal joy with the Creator. If I am wrong, I have lost nothing. At present time, the essence of my belief system provides me with joy and purpose. My purpose is expressed in Ephesians 2:10. As an act of gratitude I choose to help fellow man by choices that I make each day. To assist with guidance and encouragement is the third person of the trinity, The Holy Spirit. The order in the creation of this universe is of such unique perfection I must marvel at its beauty. Each morning as I awake, I give thanks to the Creator. I understand repression. I attended private Roman Catholic schools for twelve years. During my senior year I was expelled for exploding a cherry bomb in the principals office. I was immediately sent to a Catholic reform school. During my initiation at this boarding school, I smarted off to a "Christian Brother" (order of clergy with vows of povety, chasity and obediance) in a class. He invited me to join him in the hall way, where he knocked me unconscience. First you got to get there attention. He had my attention and control of his class. Four years after serving in the military during the Vietnam War I returned home to Lafayette, La. After one year of dealing drugs and running guns, I found myself at Angola State Pen, The Farm. After two years in this institution, I think that I can claim to know what real oppression is. I have no complaints about my treatment by the church or by society. It is a process. It is a Journey. May each of us find worth and joy in our journey. Yes, I have read the Koran. Yes, I have read the Book of Morman and also studied Buddisiam. I choose to embrace Jesus Christ as expressed by Dispensational Theology. I am a fundamental Christian. From many secular points of view, I might be considered an extremist in my views. To be blunt, I am a soldier for Jesus Christ. While it is not imperative to embrace all views of Dispensational Theology, it works for me. As I have said in several post, I am not religious. It is all about relationships. For me, there are only two relationships. Vertical with the Supreme Creator and Lord of the Universe and horizontal or corporately with my brothers and sister on earth. In the context of my relationship with God, I would use no other name than Jesus Christ. However, if one would search Romans 1, it because evident that Jesus created the earth John 1 and through his creation you will know Him. Even if one were not to read books or to be evangelized, it is evident that one could have a relationship with the spiritual essence of God. The name of this essence is of little importance aside from academics and egoes. Enough talk. Ity is getting late and I have driven 700 miles in the last 24 hours. Stay blessed, because it is a choice. Pat Castille
  7. Mike, I have many questions with few answers. My simplistic Faith works for me. I can only assume that your attitude and floggings work for you. Pat
  8. What does blique mean to you?
  9. Zara, I take exception to "It is a matterof what there is evidence to support". In my opinion, one must have a tremendous amount of "Faith" to believe the "flawed concept" of the "Big Bang Theory". My question to the make believe scientific community is "What supplied the catalyst to start the Big Bang". The next question would be "Within the concept of time, when did mass begin to exist" If you buy into thie voodo science of the Big Bang, then you subscribe to "Nothing plus no one equals everything". Pardon my foolishness, but I fail to see evidence here. With respect to a line drawn in the sand, I see no reason to be so dramatic. Mike, I appreciate your brotherly love to neighbor. It is no less than the second great commandment spoken off in the New Testament "Love your neighbor as yourself". In reading your offer of plumbing help the next three helps excaped me "floggings, mouthiness, attitude". Please enlighten me as to the merit of these comments. The comment on AIDS has no merit to respond to. I do not recall personnally attacking anybody. I do recall saying that I could discuss religion and politics. While the topic involves deep personnel belief and to some degree emotion, I see no reason to get upset about a person explaining a value system. I was told once: 1. Truth without love is brutal. 2. Love without the truth is hypocritical. 3. Truth in
  10. As I implied, the sensitivity of the nerve endings is much more accurate at detecting stray voltage than $1000 Fluke volt meters. Trust your GFCI and forget about the tingle. Unless you got off on it. Sory I don't know you that well. Pat
  11. Ground Fault Interrupter or Ground Fault Circuit Interupter. I liked the comment about the titanium probe. Stray voltage is a hard diognostic challenge. At one time, I had stray voltage frim the ground circuit through the titanium groud probe into the tank. In that particular case, a previous lightening bolt had created a path between neutral and ground and caused leakage into the tank. Use qualified electricians to do yearly stray voltage test on your home electrical system. Pardon the Senior moment on GRI. Have a blessed day, because it is a choice. Pat
  12. Good thread and many good thoughts. From experience, 400W MH are very hot. Why use light to push coral when food works much better. Read Calfo on lighting for reef tanks are read Ron Shimek (H:\Feeding a reef tank DSB.htm). In addition to being expensive up front, excessive lighting is expensive to operate and often requires chillers to remove excessive heat. Just my opinion. Pat
  13. The German philosophers of the day as lead by Nietzche embraced the diety of self, hence human secularism. Just as I distance myself from legalism in the Christian Church, I also distance myself from Human Secularism. I do agree that most Christians today have a ritualistic religion. I say relationship is the key which seperates a dead Christian from a "born again" Christian. "Seperation between church and state is considered a bedrock ideal of democracy rather than a new fangled idea." I strongly disagree with this simplification which is not historically correct. While it is true that the founding fathers of the Constitution wanted the State to stay out of religion they did not intend for religion to stay out of state. In fact juda/christian values were assumed to be a bedrock of belief in each citizen. The Constitution was very broad in its writing values of the citizens as a guide to conduct. With a corruption of social values the need to interpret the Constitution has prevaled with judicial activist and lawers adjusting the meaning and intent of the original document. The Constitution like the Bible was meant to be a guide. The real meat of the matter is personnel conscience. Some don't have conscience. In my case, I must copy a patriot and say "Give me Liberty, or Give me death". For me as a Dispensationist, I have victory over death as I go into spiritual eternity. What does the modern atheist have to offer? Pat
  14. H:\Applications of Sand in Reef Aquariums Theory and Practice by Eric Borneman - Reefkeeping_com.htm For those of you that think bare bottom is the way to go. Read the link above. As always Erick Boreman gets carried away with the technical, but he should science he is a sientist with a PHD. While he does not acknowledge it in this article, Erick is a big propanant of skimmerless with heavy feeding. H:\Beyond the Refugium Article.htm This is a good practical discourse on vegatable filters. If you want another opinion from an expert, Doctor Ron Schmick uses DSB to feed reef tanks and cycle nutriants and foods. Have a blessed day, because it is a choice. Pat
  15. You go girl. When are you going to start selling the dogs. Poor babies. Good luck. Come by and visit. I am proud of the large Saltwater Sailfin Mollies. They are really gorgeous. Pat
  16. Dave, all equipment in water should be grounded. I try to use GRI. Even with a sensative Fluke Meter, your cut finger detected voltage. If you had good insulated shoes and were not touching anything else, you would have never felt the tingle. Unless you are qualified to more indepth diagnostics, I would install a GRI circuit. If the circuit does not trip when you plug the offending object, then no problem. If the offending equipment were to get worse, the GFI would be in place to protect you and yours. Electricity and water are a formula for disastor. Do not play games with this combination. Stay cool, Pat
  17. Zara, I can do that. However, I must admit, I have a somewhat bad taste from group orders. Least of it is an undermining of our local fish stores which I do not think is in the best interest of the hobby. It will not be until the middle of October before I order. Pat
  18. The Persain Phrophet, Nietzsche, created a character called Zarathustra. The most used/famous quote of Zarathustra was that "God is Dead". The belief system which caused this movement was a response to or an alternative to repressive moral codes. While I am repulsed by "legalism" in Christian theology, I embrace the "Dispensation of Grace" as discussed by C. I. Scoffield.
  19. subsea

    Recordia Rock

    I fwwl like the the A T&T man "Can you hear me now". John, thank you for the call, good luck to you on your move to Florida. I know that you will enjoy skuba and free diving, many wrecks and some reefs. I will transfer the $50 to your paypal account. Did I also see a post somewhere, that you were selling an elegant coral. Let me know and I will make one transaction. "Help a brother out". I am presently in a shipyard near Mobile. Alabama. I will not be returning to Austin until 16 Sept. Will someone help keep this coral healty until I get in. Jon is moving and needs to break down his tank before I can get back. Regards, Pat Castille 337-401-0416
  20. subsea

    Recordia Rock

    Jon, I left a message on your tele at 0700 hrs. I asked you if you took Paypal. No response. While I realize there is "no law of the net" I do expect some courtesy and respect. However, it is obviously yours to do with as you wish. Pat Castille 337-401-0406
  21. I had a friend that eat it all. His handle is Aquascaper at La Reef Club. I tasted Chaeto and several different Caulerpa. It is like salty cabbage. Consider the high protein content and micro-nutriant, I think it is all good. However, my favorite is Red Ogo. Pat
  22. Dave, kudoes to you. Excellant crafmanship. I made my own CO2 generator and calcium reactor, but it was not compact to fit under a tank. I actually ran two. One was in my garage with a full size CO2 bottle. The effluent line driped into a remote deep sand bed that was part of an extended sump for my show tank. The second system was in my greenhouse and was used to grow ediable seaweed. Any plant will benefit from CO2, it is all a matter of balance. Keep the peace, spread the faith. Pat
  23. Excellant post with many relavant points. Stay away from check valves. The more stuff one accumulates the more stuff that can break down when you least expect it; KISS. Pat
  24. http://www.live-plants.com/ http://www.chucksaddiction.com/cleanupcrew.html http://www.chucksaddiction.com/hitchhikers.html http://www.chucksaddiction.com/cleanupcrew.html http://www.chucksaddiction.com/hitchworms.html http://www.chucksaddiction.com/worms.html http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-04/rs/ I'll post more at a later time. "I'll be back".
  25. May I suggest you look at Gulf Coast EcoSystem http://www.live-plants.com/. Even though the service and site information are great at Reef Cleaners and John Malone is knowleable, I think you will be impressed with EcoSystems product line. Pat
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