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Everything posted by subsea

  1. http://www.fishchannel.com/saltwater-aquariums/aquarium-frontiers/natural-coral-reef.aspx Richard Harker is "old school" and he believes in natural nitrate reduction. I have combined his methods with John Tullock who wrote "The Natural Reef Aquarium". John models his systems around a pivital species are are biotheme. Combine the creatures that exist within similiar conditions. I usually start at the bottom of the food chain with bacteria and detrivores. http://www.chucksaddiction.com/cleanupcrew.html Debbie, If you are interested in natural reef keeping, the above links will introduce this world to you. Patrick
  2. Julian Sprung & Charles Delbeek wrote Reef Aquarium Volumn 1 & 2 over 20 years ago. IMO the best book to explain how and why is Volumn 3, "Science , Art and Technology".. It has been published for 5 years. It is somewhat pricey. However, it is the only book that you will ever need in your library. I guarantee. Be careful, this hobby is addicting. Patrick
  3. Plants will absorb heavy metals. Macroalgae is a very effective way to remove trace doses of cooper. As with most things, cooper in minute concentrations is required in some metabolic processes. Polyfilter is always good to use because of the color change reading to indicate substances removed. Sorry for your woes. I never did like the smell of electricity in the air. My next least favorite smell is hydrogen sulfide followed by bleach and ozone. Patrick
  4. Activated carbon does chemical filtration in my reef keeping methods. I lean toward less technology and more biology. I do not test my water, unless there is a problem. I have found that when set up properly, the system operates best when left alone. I use water straight from the aquifier with no RO/DI. In addittion to macro in the refugium, I use decorative macro in the display tank. Within this hobby, there are many successful methods to maintain captive reef systems. Find a method that suits your personality. There are plenty of mentors on this site. Unfortunately, some methods contradict each other. Pick a method, and embrace it by learning everything about it Do not switch methods until you have mastered it. When I started in this hobby, we did not have the hi-tech equipment that is available today. By understanding the basics, you can get more sophisticated and build on that foundation, if you so choose. Enjoy the hobby/addiction, Patrick
  5. Calcium hydroxide (kalkwassers) is a caustic solution used to increase alkalinity and calcium. Alkalinity is the ability of the water to buffer itself and resist changes in pH, I personnelly don't use it as I get buffering from arrogonite in my deep sand bed.
  6. 2001 A Space Odessy
  7. My outside growout system has started heating up fast. Yesterday, after I went inside at 4PM, the temperature heated up to 90 degrees in one part of the system. Without a doubt, I have to put at least 50% shade cloth with a greenhouse frame. Because the inhabitants are a hardy stock: mollies, two blue/yellow tail damels, and many different macros I have not seen any apparant damage. With respect to the Sinularia bleached due to elevated temperatures in Pala, these corals are on the comeback from that event 15 years ago. Patrick
  8. I am ready to catch some speckled trout. Looking forward to seeing you at Goose Island. Glad you finished with your auto repairs. I am still evaluating the expense of an engine on my 1999 Camray. Patrick
  9. I have always liked planted tanks. Very nice. To a certain degree, the 10G lagoon tank giveaways in April were set up somewhat similiar to your planted tank. On my 135G lagoon, I had originaally planned on digging up some marsh mud at the coast. I instead opted for a freswater substrate put out by Seachem, which is high in iron. Patrick
  10. I could not timely remove the fourth sparkplug. The access is a 6" recessed hole with a ceramic tube to protect plug wire inside engine block. The #4 plug had much wet oil in cylinder port and #3 plug remains in cylinder block. Compression shows 60 psi on 1,2 and 4 cylinders. I am confused. Good readings would be 175 psi. I still suspect broke timing belt. The cover for timing belt is against an engine mount and requires two people to obseve operation of timing belt. I will wait on a second person. I located a used engine for $1200. It is hard to justify spending much money on an old car as this.
  11. Very nice thread. I must admit, that I am happy that you won one of the 10G lagoon. Between you and Kim is an appreciation for the "little guys". Patrick
  12. While I have never had anything bigger than 150G tank, I do not long for bigger. I like 75G as a good size to maintain. With the 4' length, many light options to fit that tank. At some point, getting bigger generates its own problems. Talk with Timfish as he has set up more tanks in his maintenance business than most people in ten lifetimes. Patrick
  13. The engine overheated because of .5 gallon low on water in radiator. Cap is new. Engine has 220K miles and I am not to concerned about how the water got low in the radiator. I bought the car new. The engine does not start. It is parked at my home after $300 worth of towing fees. Yes, I can see blow-by near one cylinder between head gasket and block. However, it does not look like a new event. Even if it was, it should not stop the other three cylinders from firing. A friend is bringing a compression gauge, so that I can verify condition of engine. However, I have never changed spark plugs on this vehicle and am befudled as to how to gain access to the plugs. I will be loooking at links on line. Patrick PS There is no water in engine oil. Oil quantity and quality is OK.
  14. My 1999 Camray overheated and stranded me on MoPac. No worries, Mike Frame to the rescue. Thank you for getting me off the highway Friday afternoon. I need a little troubleshooting direction. Engine overheated because of low water in radiator. When trying to start engine, at this time, it seems to be tuning over much faster then normal. No attempt at ignition. Would a broken timing belt prevent valves from opening and consequently no compression in piston chambers? I was looking for a way to remove valve covers to observe operation of cam shaft. My day laborer has put on his mechanic cap and we are working on it. Patrick
  15. In reading the article, I realized that this was focused on SPS tanks and required heavy protein skimming. Twenty years ago, I used sugar as a carbon source. In that application, I used a Jaubert Plenumn with a deep sand bed. Skimmerless and heavy feeding were used in a mixed reef with superb results. Patrick
  16. Yes to the reduction of nitrate and phosphate by increasing bacteria populations that consume nitrate and phosphate. I do not know what uins is. After reading the article, it is a cause and effect to be monitored. Best I can tell, uins is not measured. Only the after effects are measured, nitrate and phosphate levels. When the target nutriant levels begin to come down, reduce the carbon source (food to bacteria) so that bacteria levels are consuming nitrate and phosphate in the tank water column. At this point, heavy feeding is desirable to keep bacteria levels high. These bacteria are another source of food for the corals. Patrick
  17. I have a 1600GPH powerhead in the tank for circulation if that is what you are referring to. The powerhad for in tank circulation should address low oxygen during night times. I am skimmerless, no protein skimmer, but I do recommend surface skimming to remove surface scum. Usually this is accomplished as the water source to the sump. Patrick
  18. I would remove the bio-wheel. If you had a good nitrate export mechanism, the bio-wheel would not be an issue. Does the tank have a surface skimmer to feed the sump water from tank? If so, any cascade splasing would oxygenate the tank water. This is particularly important during lights out when pH and oxygen both decrease. Patrick
  19. Boudain and scrambled eggs would go well with breakfast tocos. I would also recommend watermelon and canteloupe. Patrick
  20. Boudain and scrambled eggs would go well with breakfast tocos. Patrick
  21. I thought NPS were corals, not inverts? NPS are corals and they require high nutriant systems and target feeding. Filter feding inverts are equally at home in these systems. I incorrectly did not tie the two thoughts together. Patrick
  22. This is shaping up to be some kind of fun. I just did spend three days camped out at Kerrville Folk Music Fest. The thin rubber mat that I used did not cut the comfrot test. I will be getting a queen size air mattress at Wal-Mart for this trip. Not sure about a tent from WalMart. I really just wanted mosquitoe netting to maximaze air circulation. I will also look at Academy. Patrick
  23. I am available to help in any way required. I say it will be big fun. Patrick
  24. Michael, your display is awesome looking. Please turn me on to your source of inverts. Patrick
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