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Everything posted by Reefpuck

  1. Does it look like a black ball inside the gill?
  2. Wow talk about a detailed presentation! If someone ever needs to setup the Archon...hopefully they find this thread. You should do a youtube video on this.
  3. Post names with your photos...so I know which ones to bug you about next time!
  4. Best bet is to try a lfs. Aquadome has a great fish selection. Was down there yesterday and they just got a large shipment in.
  5. Welcome! Lots of helpful people on this forum if you need any assistance.
  6. Bleach and hot water in washer machine...extra rinse. Let completley dry for 24hrs in garage. Done deal. I also flip the socks inside-out...since most of the junk is inside and it just seems to clean them better when I do that.
  7. Purple tang didn't look too thrilled with the new additions. Did it figure out it was outnumbered yet?
  8. Does the vinegar help break everything up before you scrub it with a toothbrush? Yeah I'm not sure about bearings in water...seems like a bad combination!
  9. Doesn't look like he has anything I'm looking for at the moment...but appreciate you offering up to members. One thing that always turns me down is the shipping.
  10. Reefpuck

    Green BTA

    Lol well they look blue! False advertisement
  11. Reefpuck

    Green BTA

    Do you have pic of mother?
  12. Such a cool build. Don't see many hex tanks...and maybe all those pieces and angled cuts are why lol. Are you using this Kreg jig or something similar? https://www.lowes.com/pd/Kreg-K4L-Pocket-Hole-Jig/3013529?cm_mmc=SCE_PLA-_-ToolsAndHardware-_-BenchtopTools-_-3013529:Kreg&CAWELAID=&kpid=3013529&CAGPSPN=pla&store_code=2774&k_clickID=go_625706834_34613748550_111132557230_aud-299487635210:pla-260432074753_c_9028239&gclid=CjwKCAiAiuTfBRAaEiwA4itUqH-tNyUse0ds9LgNRezKhgnKxS9ji4RuxSs4YBdag4ZzpsTb3KunQBoCI7AQAvD_BwE I have a small one that I have to manually clamp everytime...and it's a pain in the butt.
  13. Hey dude. I'll take the following if still available.

    Ice Fire Echinata - $10

    ORA Laura's Purple Poylp - $15

    ORA Ponape Birdsnest $10 piece


  14. Did you put all your angelfish in QT for a week to get that video??
  15. Wow tank looks great. Can't wait til my frags grow out to actually colonies like that.
  16. Dang wish I would've seen that. Just paid $40ish for the 200g box on amazon.
  17. Melanurus wrasse took care of mine. I dosed flat worm exit initially to reduce the numbers... and now only see one or two flat worms on occasion.
  18. Reefpuck

    Hi All

    Welcome! Are you feeding the shrimp starfish? What kind of fish do you have? Maybe we can help you in this thread.
  19. Ricordeas, zoos, mushrooms, frogspawns, toadstool, gsp, trumpet coral... come to mind. Acans have some cool colorations but I never have luck with them.
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