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Everything posted by cmanning

  1. Looks like a rock anemone/aptasia. If it's aptasia...I would get rid of it ASAP....you don't want those things multiplying in your tank.
  2. James....you sure got a "City of Zoas" on your tank....what massive colonies you got there....Very Nice aquascape! -Cindy-
  3. Love how you created caves and cliffs....Looks awesome, Derek.
  4. You mean like we do it. Ours drips into the main tank.....and our set up is external.
  5. Well, if you say you suck at it LOL....you just gonna have to practice more. Take sometime from your spring break and practice...that's all it takes. That's the beauty w/digital cameras....you can keep shooting all you want. But I think is a very decent pic. and just have fun and try different settings till you get the right one.
  6. Sure....love the favia you got there....if you ever decide to frag it....give me holler. -Cindy-
  7. Nice Tank...I like the rock you picked out......it has a natural structure. Was it pricey?
  8. Thanks Brooks....but where's your FTS.....come on, come on....share those pics.
  9. Nice shots. FTS please....I'm not too far from you....Leander? right!
  10. Thanks Dave. I really didn't put too much effort on the FTS....that's probably why is not well in focus and sharp as it should be. I'm going to switch lenses and use Roberts' just to see how it comes out.
  11. Yeah...I know...me..lazy....Thanks Mike LOL!
  12. Here's an updated of our 215g not the best pic but you get the idea....and other pics.
  13. Gabe, I definitely agree w/you...and I think that's where I remember reading about the same problem. What's really surprising is, the more I look at this fish....there is a certain physical similarities that go hand in hand with the trigger fish. I hardly ever saw it grazing at algae and yes....every time the corals would get fed cyclopeeze, they would slime and there goes the fish taking it away from the coral. So I finally caught it and it's sitting in a bucket w/an air stone and heater.....if by 3 no one claims it.....it will make the trip to LFS. It's a shame since we raised it from the size of a silver dollar....at it is one of the few fish that has that blue coloration.....but, we can do without.
  14. Water parameters are as follow: Salinity: 1.025 CA: 450 Mg: 1375 Ammonia: 0 Nitrate: 0 Phosphate: .04 PH: 7.9 Temp: 80.3 Both corals were in perfect health....other fellow reefers were inquiring about getting a frag off of it....but since it got damage, that's not happen any time soon. I've seen the fish try to nip at the tips of other sps corals. I can understand the fish trying to eat the food away from other corals....but the nipping has happened during the morning hours when nothing has been fed in the tank, yet. This fish has definitely increased in size and it's bullying my sailfin tang to the point that it looks like something took a bit off her fin, twice. We had a friend come over this afternoon and he even notice the bullying and the damage that was done the smaller tang. They're not even from the same genus....so I really don't know whats going on......competition, I'm guessing. A sheet (8"x7") of Nori is fed once a day----I split the sheet in two (feed 1/2 morning & 1/2 in the evening), plus once a day frozen mysis and cyclopeeze.
  15. The coral is healthy and what I saw picking at was the new coral growth (new tips) on the encrusting side. Maybe there's some sort of deficiency in its diet that I'm not aware of.
  16. From what I've read, is very hard to tell the difference.....I've also read that one way to tell females from males....is when they're spawning. Males release a white cloudy substance (sperm) and females release a more visible egg-like substance. It does look different from what the pictures depict.
  17. Anyone here have seen their Regal Tang eating SPS or other corals. Very dishearten by the fact that I just caught our Regal tang munching on a particular SPS (I actually had 2----small colonies purple coloring all over w/neon green polyps). This 2 corals were placed on each end of the tank and at first I thought something was wrong w/water parameters. Phosphates were high but got those under control. The coral looked like something munched on all the tips and I thought it might of been a cause of high phosphates or the lighting. Well today I caught the tang munching on the sps and this would definitely explain the issue w/those 2 corals. Now is a matter of catching this big guy and put up for sale. I've read on other forums about people having issues w/their Regal tang munching on colorful zoas and that in itself was a sign that the tang was hungry. According to this, the tang look healthy, fat and was feed 2 maybe even 3 times a day....so what gives?! Is there something they're lacking of that they need from the corals, I don't know for sure but this fish is fixing to find a new home. It's a shame but I prefer the corals over the fish. Best thing to do is place it in Fish Only tank.....Now, setting the trap. -Cindy-
  18. What we've done in the past is: When the system needed top off we add mixed saltwater (salinity: 1.025). In our case, our 215 reef tank usually needs top off twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, around 3-5 gallons ea. Or when it was time to do a water change we would just increase the salinity enough to make a difference but not too drastic of change....slower increments is better for your inhabitants. -Cindy-
  19. How about an emerald crab and a couple of hermit crabs? Maybe this guys will do the work.
  20. What happened to your anemones?
  21. We'll be here all day tomorrow.....so its good. About the trochus snails, sure why not.....I just can't believe all of them died. I have about 4 or 5 of them that are about 3 to 4 yrs old and still mowing down any algae that pops up in the main tank. Question: What is the salinity in your tank---the one the trochus are in? Just got me curious.
  22. Sure...I'll post "pending pickup". PM me with day and time.
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