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Everything posted by dapettit

  1. coming very soon. . . Define "very soon"... Now that the frags are gone I'll post an FTS after the water change. Dave-

    1. JamesL
    2. C Lo Slice

      C Lo Slice

      It's a beautiful day for it!

  3. WOW! You read the whole thing, thanks. Dave-
  4. Frag Swap tomorrow!

    1. dapettit


      I strongly suggest bringing a cooler to keep your trades/purchases happy.

  5. I have 2 rbta's in my tank . The clowns perfer to host in the frogspawn.
  6. save some money use a knee high stockings.
  7. Dave, I have some ROX too. I'm just down the street.
  8. You may need a pH controller too.
  9. Frag Swap in 2 days!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. brian.srock


      What will you be bring me to buy?

    3. Grim


      Don't think ill be selling anything this time around so al just be looking table2table for that "SPECIAL FRAG"

    4. dapettit


      Me? I'll be working the frag swap. . .

  10. I run GFO in one reactor and carbon in the other. Good luck and keep us posted!
  11. All the advice here is good. Try them all and keep notes. This way you how to knock it out should it happen again. Yep bulbs are usually culprit. What are your phosphates at? I know it's a pita but can you post results from water tests. I also have a coulpe of power heads you can use until you get some more. If you go with a reactor, I use 2 little fishes, I have some GFO too. JLMK. I had the same issue in my DT - I cut back to feeding every other day seemd to make it go away.
  12. Usually this is an indication of the bulb degradation/old bulbs. How old is the lighting? Also what are you using to top off the tank? How often do you feed? How long is you lighting/photo period? Water flow could be and issue as well. We need to find the cause to come up with the cure. They are a lot of factors that can cause a cyano break out. Dave-
  13. Robb, Though it wasn't a bug bomb we did re-paint the house. I just covered the tank with blankets, turned off all filtration and power heads, lights, just kept the return. With no ill effects. I would turn everything off except your return and wrap your tank/stand in plastic. After the bomb is done, open all your windows if you have fans I would have them draw the fumes away from the tank. Leave plastic wrap on until you feel comfortable unwrapping. The key is to keep the fumes from entering the tank. By sealing in plastic it should be ok, at least this is what I would do if needed. Dave-
  14. Mike would this replace the June Meeting?
  15. From the album: Contests

    Greenbay Packers
  16. 58 almost ready!

  17. Thanks for the GARF Bonsai!
  18. check with mcallahan. . .
  19. For those of who wondering how to use epsom salt & baked baking soda as reef supplements check out the Resources forum (tabs across the top of the home page). Here is a link to the dosing section: DOSING Dave-
  20. Brian, being diabetic I'd have to pass on the cupcakes. But if you want to spend a Saturday at the house I can help build one. I have most of the plumbing parts and HD or Lowes is just down the road. Dave-
  21. Not sure what you are running now, but wouldn't a 2 little fishies reactor with a maxijet 1200 work. The pellets just need to tumble right? Dave-
  22. I bought a case of grade A sushi nori from a restaurant supplier in Calif. I still have 2 pkgs of 100 sheets left and that was 3 years ago. Best 38 bucks I ever spent. I also bulit my own calcium reactor using a whole house filter from Lowes.
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